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Messages - mximo

El Senäts/The Senate / 60th Cosa 6th Clark voting thread
February 02, 2025, 07:33:31 PM

This is not my job.
But Database not working.
No thread , so I start one.


Mximo Carbonèl
Senator from Florencia
"The time has come to drop the gloves. It's time to dot the i's and cross the t's on all the lies. It's time for a clash of ideas. I propose a debate to the leader of the FreeDem. Challenge accepted?"

Mximo Carbonèl

"The Freedem, after spending a term sabotaging the former government, will now govern with their new friends. The thirst for power has led the anti-monarchist Freedem to now speak of royal succession. As for me, I have long respected the referendum's verdict on the monarchy. The Freedem also talk about working in harmony, but will they block our bills again before they can even be introduced to the Ziu? After mocking my position against the king, here is the new government asking for a new king. The Freedem are republicans only to maintain their vote election after election."

We hope the FreeDem will be more then ghost this time and vote.

Wittenberg / Florencia Senator office statement
July 02, 2024, 04:07:41 PM

Congratulations to the newly elected officials. We now await the announcement of our new Prime Minister.
Hopefully, the negotiations will proceed quickly.

As for me, I will serve as a senator under the Open Society banner, and all of my votes will be discussed with the party leadership. This is a statement of transparency.

I am also available to continue the revival of the  League of Secessionist States if the new government is willing to share humans resources with me.

Now that the succession law has been adopted, I hope there will be changes regarding the crown.

Finally, we also count on the participation of the newly elected members in the Nimlet of Florencia. The last legislation was passed without the presence of other elected officials. I hope the party leaders can quickly appoint who will take the seats in the important institution that is the Nimlet for the nacho-shaped province ;)

Mximo Carbonèl
Senator from Florencia

Did I let you down ?
Did you help me yes?
Do I help you yes.

And for Miestra do you need a title to help?

The questioning for purely electoral purposes is a tactic that deserves the kind of response I am giving. When I published my request for help and consultation, I received no response from the opposition. Now, for purely political reasons, the leader of the opposition relentlessly attacks me on an issue that does not interest her. She also still does not suggest what her future Minister of Foreign Affairs or Defense would do or would have done. The Freedems spent a whole term scheming and blocking all initiatives. Now that they have a negative track record, their leader is interested in issues.

Mximo Carbonèl
Miestră Schivă seems not to understand that we are all volunteers here. She often denounces the apathy of citizens in political participation. Her way of destroying initiatives by not participating in the process and then criticizing the lack of results in a matter that did not interest her initially. I tried to start a new project. I accepted two ministerial roles because no one else was available to take on the responsibilities. I tried to initiate a project and now she questions me as if I were being paid to do the work. Her attitude is exactly what destroys the pleasure of participating in the construction of the national state that is Talossa. What do you propose regarding foreign affairs and defense in the context of this 60th election?

Mximo Carbonèl
The chamber being now dissolved, I request the president of the Cosa to call my colleague to order

Sign me in ;)

Wittenberg / Re: New party: COFFEE up!
May 31, 2024, 11:23:00 AM

I volunteered as no one else wanted to take up the role. The position of Minister of Foreign Affairs was vacant. I tried to take some actions, but I find it strange to see criticisms from people who didn't even bother to respond to my posts when I launched the project. They wait until the end of the term to attack me... Strange behavior from people who claim to want to improve relations between parties in the country.

I should act like the Freedem senators. Vote once a month as the boss tells me to vote and not attempt anything else. I'm being attacked because I try to do things... lol...what a joke.

Mximo Carbonèl
The project is progressing; some contacts have been made with micronations. The preconceived notion my colleague is trying to convey is not worthy of this chamber. My colleague has not been involved in any steps in this matter, nor has her party. I find it strange that on the eve of an election where the opposition ignored the initiative, I am suddenly faced with a barrage of questions. Where was she in March when I was trying to revive the initiative? This purely electoral criticism will not last long. Voters will not be fooled by the maneuvers of the opposition leader.


The house will be udpdated in Time.

Mximo Carbonèl
Wittenberg / You couldn't just leave or resign
May 03, 2024, 11:25:52 PM
Azul John,

You couldn't just leave or resign. I've been back in the kingdom for over 10 years now. In those 10 years, I have no good memories of you. Just endless vetoes, even more absences, and no real participation other than showcasing your dominance as king. Not even giving a speech for our independence day, a tradition of ours.

Now what do I see behind closed doors? You're exerting pressure to appoint your successor. Of course, you tell us your advisors approve of this. We understand, some advisors dream of becoming the caliph instead of the caliph, just like good old Iznogood. It's disheartening to see even my republican friends in the Cosa scheming in the shadows to push through a succession law after blocking parliament and shutting us out  of participating in this important debate. Here comes our dear former prime minister, tinkering with a fine succession law for us, and of course, giving the king the power to choose his successor. Why not hold an election to find a new king or queen? Why not consulted? Do we really need a king? Isn't it time for a debate? And you, Mr. Absent King, couldn't you just abdicate and finally give us some fresh air?

I demand a democratic debate on the future of the monarchy. Besides, don't we have an election starting? We've been living without a king for years, and we're doing just fine. Couldn't we have waited to have the debate during the election? Was there really an urgency?

Therefore, I will vote against this law, even if the king, of course, might not abdicate if things don't go his way again.

Mximo Carbonèl
Senator from Florencia
Wittenberg / Re: King/Queen by seniority?
April 14, 2024, 09:55:35 PM
Lol second in the line of succession to the throne... Hum Machiavellian laugh

Thanks but no thanks ahhahaha I don't want to become king, don't worry Miestra. Seems like I'm still identifying here as controversial. It's getting really hurtful... I became a citizen I was 18 I'm now 44. Sometimes it seems like your comments about me aren't changing. But I'm no longer a teenager...

Don't worry, I have no desire to become King. But I would definitely become a Duke if it comes with a retirement pension and a mansion ;)

Mximo Carbonèl
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: [TERPELAZIUN] Defense
April 02, 2024, 10:02:26 AM

The Zouave operations are classified.

Mximo Carbonèl