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Messages - Flip Molinar

As to RZ14, The Making SoS Succession Easier Act, I vote per
As to RZ15, BHAID: Palestinian Children's Relief Act, I vote per
As to RZ16, The Immigration Reform (Quality over Quantity), I vote contra

As to the Vote of Confidence, I vote non
Për for RZ1
Për for RZ2
Yes on the Vote of Confidence
I would also love to cosponsor this bill.
And my 5 votes as well.
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 12, 2024, 01:33:21 PMI nominate myself for the position of Túischac'h.
I second this nomination.
Make that la Provinçù Liveradă es Soveran da Belacostă.
as per El Lex H.4.2, I publicly declare that I shall represent the constituency of la Provinçù Soveran da Belacostâ
I know that I have been harping on this a lot since I have returned in the last few weeks, but why do we not just switch to a system of registered voters and non-registered voters or active voters and the inactive voters? That way we don't have to worry about people that we can't get a hold of when trying to send out the election ballots or the census papers. If someone wants to register to vote they can do that and they have to make sure that they're contact information is up to date.

After this change is made, if citizens don't respond to three consecutive censuses or if they fail to vote in three consecutive elections, they become inactive voters and would have to be registered to vote in the next closest election. They would also of course have to update their contact information so that a ballot or a census questionnaire could be sent to them.

For purposes of the census there could just be a category for these citizens where they would be labeled as inactive citizens. I think that all former citizens that have lost their citizenship but are not deceased as far as we know, should be reinstated with a blacklist for people that we know shouldn't be allowed to participate in the Civic or political life of the Kingdom. I think of King Robert the first and Iusti Canün as examples.

The practice of Blacklisting would have to be only as a result of a punishment following a conviction for a high crime by the uppermost Court for something like crimes against the dignity of a person or for crimes against the state itself.

I suggest all this because I feel that those citizens that have lost their citizenship and are currently ex-citizens should be reinstated immediately and whoever we need to add to the blacklist after they are reinstated as full citizens, we can but this should be done as an absolute last resort. In short, I just don't believe that anyone should lose their citizenship simply because they didn't participate in a certain aspects of the life of the country. Even when I have been away from the country for several years this time, I still feel the nation in my heart and I still live and promote the kingdom as a proud citizen.

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Wittenberg / Re: Honouring Deceased Talossans
June 28, 2024, 05:02:21 PM
I hope that this is something that can be carried forward by all parties and Members of the Ziu in the upcoming term.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on June 26, 2024, 03:51:39 PMFlip, did you get any responses in private to your outreach? I am guessing election season explains the muted response to this thread.
I have only received one response so far but I think you are right about the election. I'm more than happy to wait until August when the Ziu is in session.

I will try to sum up where the discussion is at. It was pointed out to me that participation in the census counts as participation for the purposes of not losing your citizenship. It was also suggested that we need a way to be able to remove citizens that have died from the list of citizens.

As such, I sympathize with these two points but I would still argue that keeping people on as citizens is more important than dealing with the minor inconvenience of sending out election ballots and census forms to people that may or may not be deceased. I could see one work around solution to this problem being a system where we look for obituaries if a citizen has not voted or responded to a census within the past three or five or seven or ten years, whatever we decide.

An alternative solution could be to make it so that if a citizen hasn't voted in three consecutive elections, they are no longer eligible to vote and would have to re-register to vote in order to be able to vote again. This would allow the Secretary of State to not have to mail or email every single citizen a ballot when there is a good chance that some citizens are either not interested in voting, just inactive, forgot about the nation entirely, or have passed away. This would also eliminate the need to verify that someone is still living.

I think the second solution is much more workable than the first one both logistically and in terms of our compassion for our fellow citizens. I would like to see this implemented in conjunction with the designation of Honor for deceased citizens that Ian has suggested elsewhere. The exact terms and mechanisms for that new practice could be developed separately but I think it's a great idea to go along with the automatic and immediate reinstatement of all former citizens of the kingdom of Talossa (with a blacklist of citizens who are permanently disqualified from holding a political,state, or royal office as a result of judgements for a criminal offense) as well as the elimination of all activity related removals of citizenship such as not voting for a certain amount of time or not responding to a census for another amount of time.
Wittenberg / Re: Honouring Deceased Talossans
June 23, 2024, 03:09:52 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on January 11, 2024, 08:38:41 AMThis is really a beautiful idea. Tric'hard brings up an important but perhaps not fatal problem. I hope we will be able to put this into practice. It would be great to give people like Xhorxh Asmour the LDT or HIT title.
Yes and may he rest in peace.
Wittenberg / Re: Honouring Deceased Talossans
June 23, 2024, 03:07:56 PM
I also like this idea!