2024 Constitutional Amendment (Provincial Renaming) Referendum

Started by Sir Lüc, June 12, 2024, 08:46:12 AM

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Sir Lüc

Azul to all! The Third Time's The Charm Act, having passed both the Assembly and the Senate, directs me as Maestro to conduct a provincial referendum on amending our Provincial Constitution, renaming our province from Benito to Belacostă.
Following precedent, this thread shall serve as polling station. I shall additionally get in touch with all citizens of Benito for which the Chancery has given me contact informations to direct them to this thread.

Do you support the proposed change of the province's name from Benito to Belacostă?

Please cast your votes underneath - "yes/üc" in favour of the amendment (adopting the new name), "no/non" against the amendment (retaining the current name).

The referendum vote is now open. The deadline for voting is the same as the General Election for the 60th Cosă, that is, July 1st at 7:30 PM TDT (Central). All citizens of Benito as of the deadline for voting are eligible to cast their vote.
Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB
Secretary of State / Secretar d'Estat

Iason Taiwos

Sir Lüc

Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB
Secretary of State / Secretar d'Estat

Flip Molinar


Istefan Perþonest

Istefan Éovart Perþonest
Puisne Judge of the Uppermost Cort
Cunstavál of Fiôvâ


Mic’haglh Autófil, O.Be

Don Mic'haglh Autófil SMC O.Be EiP
Minister of Technology
Long Fellow, College of Arms and Provost, Royal Academy of Vexillology
Specialist, Zouaves of the Royal Bodyguard
Zirecteir Naziunal, Parti da Reformaziun

Sir Lüc

And with that I declare the voting close. With a vote of 5-1, with one Present vote, the amendment has successfully cleared the necessary 3/5 threshold and is therefore duly adopted.
Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB
Secretary of State / Secretar d'Estat