A question about Talossa "based" businesses, taxes, and promotion

Started by Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D., April 10, 2022, 11:31:35 AM

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Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D.

If there were a process for an online business being promoted and persistently accessible through a main Talossan website, and if that were reciprocated by the business to donate a fixed percentage of net sales to the Talossan government, is that something that would be welcomed? or has it be tried and has not flourished?
Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D., MC
Deputy Minister of Culture Select, Member of the 57th Cosa
Member, Talossan Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Whisky Society

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

The government has never promoted a paid enterprise like that in a fixed way, because there's only ever been one paid enterprise and we didn't seek any arrangements with the government. I guess you should ask the Seneschal if he's open to it?
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

Bitter struggles deform their participants in subtle, complicated ways. ― Zadie Smith
Revolution is an art that I pursue rather than a goal I expect to achieve. ― Robert Heinlein

Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D.

For example:

I have a graphic design/t-shirt/home goods site that offers both Talossan, AND non-kingdom centric pop culture products. If we had a "one-click"/above the fold method to promote my store I would HAPPILY remit 10% of net sales to the Talossan government as a for of voluntary tax.

Perhaps one way to do so would be to have an "above the fold" graphic link for Talossa businesses and NGOs that have an ACTIVE online presence. A "mainstreet Talossa" type of page. Something like this, which is offered exclusively as a draft one mock up: https://talossamainstreet.weebly.com/
Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D., MC
Deputy Minister of Culture Select, Member of the 57th Cosa
Member, Talossan Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Whisky Society

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Dropping into this convo as Minister of STUFF, i.e. responsible for the content of talossa.com:

I have no problems with this suggestion in theory. In practice, it would have to be part of a complete refurbishment of talossa.com, which - as I keep explaining to anyone who'll listen - is in a complete mess on the back-end and outside of my (personal) abilities to maintain, let along repair. The Deputy Minister of Technology says that he wants to transition the whole thing off WordPress, but heavens knows when that's going to be completed.

But since there is enthusiasm for a "pilot project" for such a website, maybe get it started with a Wiki page? And if it works, we can formalise it on the national website later?

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