[FOR DISCUSSION] Let's make some Townships

Started by Bråneu Excelsio, July 21, 2022, 06:39:40 PM

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Bråneu Excelsio

Hello my fellow Fiováns,
I noticed that our cantons are yet to be divided (if we want to).

WHEREAS out Cantons are some of the biggest in the Kingdom and
WHEREAS dividing them into Townships can be fun and
WHEREAS having Townships may promote a more diverse and active political life in our Province and
WHEREAS dividing them and naming them and deciding what to do with them will surely make our community stronger,
THEREFORE I propose to make Townships out of our Cantons in the presented way:

Edited to be corrected in a new thread.

So, for discussion:

After spending a few hours going through literally every street via Google Maps (got to know some interesting cafés),
I got to know a lot of our Cantons. There are a lot of buildings and sculptures worth watching, to be honest.

I even think there's a good chance to propose a Capitol Building for every Town or Parish. (if this proposal is approved, of course)

Also, I put up there 2 options just in case. I think Option A is the best one for both cases.

What I'm proposing here (My first proposal btw) is that we can do something! I don't know exactly where this road will take us but I'm willing to go on this journey.
Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Audrada Roibeardet

I brought this idea up on the Old Witt. I suggested that we use place names from the works of H.P. Lovecraft because he writes "weird fiction" and we're a weird province.

You have clearly fleshed out this idea way better than I did. I'm onboard as long as we're allowed to pick which township we "live" in.

Bråneu Excelsio

Quote from: Audrada Roibeardet on July 22, 2022, 10:46:55 AM
I brought this idea up on the Old Witt. I suggested that we use place names from the works of H.P. Lovecraft because he writes "weird fiction" and we're a weird province.

You have clearly fleshed out this idea way better than I did. I'm onboard as long as we're allowed to pick which township we "live" in.

H. P. Lovecraft can be used for a whole Canton or a Township and it'd be great.
Imagine Lovecraft for one and Poe for another. Nice.

Yeah  picking where to be in it would be great but I think itd be cool to arrange a system for that too. As residing in different parts of the world indicates which Province you are from, I think a system like that (but different) could work for Fiôvâ and it's 4 townships.
Idk maybe all people borned in Jan-Mar, April-Jun, Jul-Sept and Oct-Dec? Or which is your animal in the Chinese zodiac? Or that's just plain preposterous?
Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Bråneu Excelsio

There's something I wish I didn't do.
The southern east parish is just a huge parking lot... Like, it's just that.
It's the parking lot to Summerfest, a magical place that is located enterily in Maritiimi-Maxhestic.

But yeah, maybe just doing this would be better.:


Any comments would be appreciated.

Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Audrada Roibeardet

Summerfest is a yearly event, not a continuous thing. That parking lot might be used for the Brewers stadium. Not entirely sure since I haven't been in that area very much. Pretty sure it's for the Brewers fans.

The Summerfest grounds are also used for Pride and the State Fair...I think. Jeez, I should know this stuff.

Bråneu Excelsio

Ooh, ok so the huge parking lot is a multipurpose area, that sounds better than just being a parking lot haha. And well its good to know but still Idk if its a valid township on it own since it has no residencial / comercial areas, I think its better if it's in a township that has a few blocks and the big space, but not a township on its own like on the original map I put up.
Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Audrada Roibeardet

Completely bonkers idea: Maybe we could do a deal with M-M whereby they get the parking lot and we get some more territory in the north? *shrugs*

Bråneu Excelsio

How can we, as a Province, discuss this privately?

I just thought of something but am not comfortable sharing it publicly.
Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP

Quote from: Audrada Roibeardet on July 22, 2022, 04:43:48 PM
Summerfest is a yearly event, not a continuous thing. That parking lot might be used for the Brewers stadium. Not entirely sure since I haven't been in that area very much. Pretty sure it's for the Brewers fans.

The Summerfest grounds are also used for Pride and the State Fair...I think. Jeez, I should know this stuff.
Miller — er, American Family Field is way to the west of Talossa Proper, so I dunno what the lot is for, but not that. That's my only input as a non-Fiovan, you guys have fun :P

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Minister of Technology
The Long Fellow, Royal Talossan College of Arms
Specialist, Els Zuávs da l'Altahál Rexhitál
Zirecteir Naziunal, Parti da Reformaziun

Audrada Roibeardet

I'm not even sure if we could negotiate with M-M to redraw the provincial boundaries. I'm not a politician nor a lawyer so we'd need some input from someone who actually knows what they're doing.

Bråneu Excelsio

Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Okay, I direct your attention to El Lexhatx K.1:

QuoteThe Canton is the smallest possible territorial subdivision which can be transferred from one Provincial jurisdiction to another.

However, since provincial borders can only be changed by the Ziu anyway (OrgLaw IX.1), then we can change that at the same time. So I don't see any real or legal reason why we can't do this for the sake of "prettier maps", should we get M-M and the Ziu to agree.

If this is the sense of the General Assembly, I'm happy to ask the Praisidieu to send a formal delegation to M-M to ask what they think. Or, we can just ask anyone from M-M who happens to be watching to comment.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Audrada Roibeardet

Thanks, Miestra. I knew you would have an answer.

Bråneu Excelsio


Also what about the Townships? I'd like to do a proper proposal but I'm afraid I don't have the expertise to write it in the required way.

Thank you, Miestrâ Schivâ.
Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Bråneu Excelsio

I want to apologize, when I made our map, I copied what I found on the Wiki and pasted it on a screenshot from Google Maps.
Like this:

I found that these maps didn't match exactly.
No matter how I resized the Wiki mapa onto the Google maps map.

So to the best of my habilities, I made a mistake. I thought that the white area was actually M-M.

But trying to resize it again today I noticed that nope, it actually is ours.
I went to M-M to investigate and found this:
Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial on May 07, 2021, 06:05:48 PM
I prepared a map of the Vilatx Freiric canton and attached it to this message.

I counted 14 townships (16 if you count the ones that are all green as real townships which I don't). Parishes are kinda wishy-washy so there's no objective way of counting them, but intuitively I would split Vilatx Freiric into two parishes, a northern and a southern one. This would need to be defined by province law though.

As you can see, the Vilatx Freiric Canton is exactly the blue area (last image), while the white area is not considered to be M-M.

So voilá. My mistake.
With this new information, I will propose a map of the Townships and Parishes tomorrow.
Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.