[TERPELAZIUN] "Talossa Talks" Initiative

Started by Açafat del Val, April 04, 2023, 05:11:55 PM

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Açafat del Val

A joyous April to my fellow Talossans!

As a member of the Cosă in good standing, I have the statutory right to ask questions and receive answers from the incumbent Government. To wit, I would like to ask the Seneschal about the below-pasted "Talossa Talks" intiative:

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on April 04, 2023, 12:29:27 PM

4 April 2023

As Talossans we persevere to ensure a sense of trust and decorum here on Wittenberg. But the question I keep coming back to is whether we really know one another. For those who answer in the negative I want to help change that. As a part of a Seneschal's Initiative (funded only by the Seneschal himself) I am personally making available $120USD for Talossans who want to have a chat over a cup of coffee, tea, beer, or other beverage.

To participate all you need to do is report back on your chat via Wittenberg (which Talossan did you chat with? In person or online? Anything interesting in your chat worthy of sharing?). Within two weeks of notification, I will then send, electronically, each of you $6 USD for a cup of a beverage of your choice. And if you tape your chat and share then I will double it...$12 USD for you both!

Let's have fun getting to know one another!


Would the Seneschal agree or disagree with the following statement? "The deletion of citizens' posts on Wittenberg, without due process, is not an act of trust or decorum."

Would the Seneschal agree or disagree with the following statement? "An open government uses funds from publicly raised revenue – i.e., the Treasury – and condemns any citizen who attempts to induce behavior in others by bribery."

Also, I am planning to meet a few citizens over a few beers, in order to discuss the time that a Breneir Tzaracomprada – who I believe is indeed the Seneschal at this time – deleted my posts from Wittenberg, refused to apologize for it, and scapegoated anyone but himself for his abuse of power. Will the Seneschal reimburse me and the other participants the promised $6, if we provide proof of this conversation?

Final question: Is the Seneschal prepared to defend his initiative in court when he fails to reimburse the $6, despite his contractual offer and my acceptance of the terms?

ex-Senator for Florencia
Jolly Good Fellow of the Royal Talossan College of Arms

Açafat del Val

I would like to clarify: this future conversation about Breneir Tzaracomprada's abuses of power is certainly not limited to that subject matter! We intend also to bond, establish camaraderie, and build a common Talossanity together over our mutual distaste of corrupt politicians. Our goal is to nourish a sense of decorum and trust among each other.

ex-Senator for Florencia
Jolly Good Fellow of the Royal Talossan College of Arms

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Would the Seneschal agree or disagree with the following statement? "The deletion of citizens' posts on Wittenberg, without due process, is not an act of trust or decorum."

I attempted to move yours and former Distain Autofil's posts and accidentally deleted them. Had someone deleted a citizen's posts purposefully with malice then yes I would agree it would not be an act of trust or decorum.

Would the Seneschal agree or disagree with the following statement? "An open government uses funds from publicly raised revenue – i.e., the Treasury – and condemns any citizen who attempts to induce behavior in others by bribery."

I don't think volunteering personal funds, especially in service to a goal beneficial to the Kingdom, qualifies as a lack of transparency OR of bribery. I think this is exemplary and sacrificial public service.

Also, I am planning to meet a few citizens over a few beers, in order to discuss the time that a Breneir Tzaracomprada – who I believe is indeed the Seneschal at this time – deleted my posts from Wittenberg, refused to apologize for it, and scapegoated anyone but himself for his abuse of power. Will the Seneschal reimburse me and the other participants the promised $6, if we provide proof of this conversation?

Yes absolutely. If you want to promote your inaccurate version of past events with like-minded Talossans then I will honor your participation. The goal is to build connections between Talossans regardless of standing personal affiliations, political party, or other attributes. Should you participate then you would be doing your part in achieving that goal. I would send your reimbursement with thanks.

Final question: Is the Seneschal prepared to defend his initiative in court when he fails to reimburse the $6, despite his contractual offer and my acceptance of the terms?

Based on my reply to your previous question lets assume that hypothetical is highly unlikely. :)

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on April 10, 2023, 07:54:54 PMI don't think volunteering personal funds, especially in service to a goal beneficial to the Kingdom, qualifies as a lack of transparency OR of bribery. I think this is exemplary and sacrificial public service.

Supplemental question, estimat Túischac'h!

Leaving aside for the moment the embarrassing spectacle of the Seneschál patting himself on the back for his exemplary and sacrificial public service, does the Seneschál agree that - if it becomes the norm for Government leaders to spend personal funds on particular projects, as opposed to "voluntary taxation" or donations to the Treasury - forthcoming elections will be partly based on which candidate for office is richer, and can thus "do more for Talossa"?

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on April 11, 2023, 05:43:58 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on April 10, 2023, 07:54:54 PMI don't think volunteering personal funds, especially in service to a goal beneficial to the Kingdom, qualifies as a lack of transparency OR of bribery. I think this is exemplary and sacrificial public service.

Supplemental question, estimat Túischac'h!

Leaving aside for the moment the embarrassing spectacle of the Seneschál patting himself on the back for his exemplary and sacrificial public service, does the Seneschál agree that - if it becomes the norm for Government leaders to spend personal funds on particular projects, as opposed to "voluntary taxation" or donations to the Treasury - forthcoming elections will be partly based on which candidate for office is richer, and can thus "do more for Talossa"?

Wait, is me giving personal funds for both private and public projects not "voluntary taxation"?
I am not rich but Talossa is a personal priority for which I am willing to contribute the money I make. A better question is am I being attacked because I am too willing to contribute?

This is embarrassing nonsense, Miestra. Yes I am proud that I have been willing to contribute my time (and my money) to the Kingdom. And I will continue to do so and I will encourage others to do so too.

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on April 11, 2023, 06:21:40 PMWait, is me giving personal funds for both private and public projects not "voluntary taxation"?

Estimat Túischac'h, can we get the Seneschal to abide by the rules of Terpelaziuns and address his responses through the Chair?

Supplementary question! If a Talossan is not only designing projects but funding them personally - rather than paying taxes so that public entities can carry out projects approved by Cabinet and/or authorised by the Ziu - would the Seneschál not agree that that is private philanthropy, something which is commendable in itself but is downright dangerous to mix with the role of Seneschal?

QuoteThis is embarrassing nonsense, Miestra.

Estimat Túischac'h, would the Seneschal agree that it is certainly embarrassing, and nonsensical, for someone to try to be Seneschál and "billionaire philanthropist" at the same time? Or that it would be, for anyone who wasn't already apparently trying to do every single other job in Talossa at the same time, while congratulating themselves on their "exemplary and sacrificial public service"?

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

Supplemental question! Don't you feel bad, Most Honourable Seneschal, for both donating money to fund a public initiative and then having the gall to say that you're not ashamed of that fact?  And this at the same time that you're doing multiple different jobs, a fact that you freely admit is a corrupt action designed to fulfil a scurrilous campaign promise?

C'e utratxös!
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

Üc R. Tärfă

Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on April 11, 2023, 10:34:13 PMSupplemental question! Don't you feel bad, Most Honourable Seneschal, for both donating money to fund a public initiative and then having the gall to say that you're not ashamed of that fact?  And this at the same time that you're doing multiple different jobs, a fact that you freely admit is a corrupt action designed to fulfil a scurrilous campaign promise?

C'e utratxös!

Point of order estimat Túischac'h @Lüc,

the Distain should be remembered again of your previous rule that, as the Seneschal has not yet answered the question posed by my honourable friend, it isn't in order for an extraneous contribution to be made, unless it is on a point of order. A rather improper and irrespective contribution made in a way as to suggest a mockery of Membreux of this House legitimately asking Terpelaziuns if I may add my humble opinion.

Méirci, smestéu el tarleu.
Üc Rêntz'ëfiglheu Tärfâ
Membreu dal Cosă | Distain Grefieir d'Abbavilla
FREEDEMS President | Presedint dels Democrätici Livereschti
Keys to the Kingdom (Cézembre), Stalwart of the Four Stars (Fiovă)

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

Honourable Túischac'h, the Seneschal answered MC Tärfă's question.  To my knowledge, this questioner has not asked another supplemental question.  Other MZs may thus freely converse, as we see MC Schivă doing.  I understand that they would prefer no one else chime in about how silly it is, but I don't think there's any "we all want to speak but you're not allowed" rule.
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

Sir Lüc

Quote from: Üc R. Tärfă on April 12, 2023, 08:10:06 AM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on April 11, 2023, 10:34:13 PMSupplemental question! Don't you feel bad, Most Honourable Seneschal, for both donating money to fund a public initiative and then having the gall to say that you're not ashamed of that fact?  And this at the same time that you're doing multiple different jobs, a fact that you freely admit is a corrupt action designed to fulfil a scurrilous campaign promise?

C'e utratxös!

Point of order estimat Túischac'h @Lüc,

the Distain should be remembered again of your previous rule that, as the Seneschal has not yet answered the question posed by my honourable friend, it isn't in order for an extraneous contribution to be made, unless it is on a point of order.

The point of order is not sustained. I'm afraid D:na Schivă was not the original questioner and her contribution does not count as a supplemental question. (Incidentally, M:sr del Val is still entitled to that supplemental question, should he do so in a reasonable timeframe.)

Regardless, I would like to advise the Cosă that debate should remain civil at all times. It would also be my strong preference that non-Terp questions to one another are still directed through the chair.
Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB
Secretary of State / Secretar d'Estat