[DRAFT] Bill for discussion to simplify the election of the Lord Warden

Started by þerxh Sant-Enogat, December 09, 2023, 10:29:02 AM

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þerxh Sant-Enogat

Whereas Senators are involved in the affairs of the whole Kingdom and not only those of their Province

Whereas there is no real interest in having elections for the Senäts organized at local level

Whereas simplicity can sometimes be the best route to efficiency

Therefore, be it enacted by L'Etats de Cézembre the following changes in the Cézembre Administration Guide, by replacing :

QuoteChapter V- The Lord Warden Article 17.
Cézembre's delegate to the Senäts shall be known within the Province as the Lord Warden. He/she will be elected whenever this is required by the Organic Law, in an election conducted by the Sénéchal or his appointed agent, in accordance with provincial statutes. If no provincial statutes regarding the election of a Lord Warden exist, or if the provisions of provincial law regarding the election of a Lord Warden cannot be implemented for practical reasons,or if provincial statutes regarding the election of a Lord are in conflict with this Constitution or the Organic Law, the Sénéchal or his appointed agent will request the National Chancery in writing and in good time to conduct the election in accordance with National Law.

by the following :

QuoteChapter V- The Lord Warden or Lady Warden Article 17.
Cézembre's delegate to the Senäts shall be known within the Province as the Lord Warden or Lady Warden, as preferred by the Senator. The Sénéchal de Cézembre will request the National Chancery in writing and in good time to conduct the Senator election in accordance with National Law.
þerxh Sant-Enogat, SMC, MC
Sénéchal de Cézembre | Túischac'h dal 60:éă Cosă | PermSec of Propaganda
Duceu pareßel dal Aliançù Progreßïu


This would be acceptable, perhaps with an addition of a timeframe for a cutoff on the nomination process.  The Chancery also had the concept of write-in candidates which is a recipe for problems when a person not nominated in many cases may not be interested in the position and may not attend to the duties. Someone who nominates themselves or accepts a nomination prior to the election is much more likely to participate.

Glüc da Dhi S.H.

Well if we let it be conducted by the chancery we should probably follow chancery rules. Personally I have no objection to the write-in thing. It's preferable if voters select a declared candidate, but I believe voters should be trusted to make that decision (and candidates do get listed on the ballot).

I support this proposal.
Director of Money Laundering and Sportswashing, Banqeu da Cézembre

þerxh Sant-Enogat

Quote from: Glüc da Dhi S.H. on December 17, 2023, 09:47:09 AMWell if we let it be conducted by the chancery we should probably follow chancery rules. Personally I have no objection to the write-in thing. It's preferable if voters select a declared candidate, but I believe voters should be trusted to make that decision (and candidates do get listed on the ballot).

I support this proposal.
I agree with you, it would be difficult to set our own rules, and as you said, I think voters are smart enough to select a motivated candidate for the Senate.
þerxh Sant-Enogat, SMC, MC
Sénéchal de Cézembre | Túischac'h dal 60:éă Cosă | PermSec of Propaganda
Duceu pareßel dal Aliançù Progreßïu


I'm sure my opinion will be in the minority, but I will accept the result of the majority - should this first be voted in l'Etats for placement to the citizens in a referendum?  It would seem to be the case for this and other CAG adjustments. 

Often it may only be that l'Etats members and the occasional bringers of lawsuits might actually vote, but if a change was made to l'Etats (mentioned in the other discussion thread) then second ballots may not be necessary as all would have the opportunity to be seated or to pass along their proxy.

Should someone who had provided a proxy discover a topic that they had a keen interest in they could withdraw their proxy and vote, and reissue it should they desire to later. 

For l'Etats, time and effort would not be spent on those who don't wish to vote, and perhaps do not wish to be bothered by announcements and ballots, although they would be welcome to accept a seat with the option to assign a proxy at any time.  Also to not be confused as the ballot for Lord Warden in this scenario would not be originating from Cézembre

þerxh Sant-Enogat

Sorry for my absence on this for a few weeks. On this specific bill related to the simplification of the election of the Lord Warden, I think we can put it for vote in the l'Etats thread
þerxh Sant-Enogat, SMC, MC
Sénéchal de Cézembre | Túischac'h dal 60:éă Cosă | PermSec of Propaganda
Duceu pareßel dal Aliançù Progreßïu