Farewell Statement from the Leader of the Opposition

Started by Ian Plätschisch, May 01, 2021, 09:30:52 PM

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Ian Plätschisch

To the esteemed members of the Cosa and Senate,

First, let me congratulate the outgoing Seneschal on her service. There are no two ways about it; she and her cabinet this term managed to accomplish a great deal. May she find some well-deserved rest, and may the next Seneschal be just as tireless.

The main issue of the upcoming election is, of course, the "Historic Compromise" which will subject the King to election every seven years. Voters will have their choice of a wide variety of parties, each with a different take on the proposal and the overall role of the King. My own view, which is to oppose the proposal in principle, but support it in practice out of concern that even more of the Monarchy will be lost if Monarchists oppose it and lose, but still disapprove of King John's overall performance, is so muddled that it does not deserve its own party. In any case, I have words of caution to both the compromise-opponents and the compromise-extollers.

To the compromise-opponents: Fight the good fight, but realize that seven years is a very long time in Talossa. Don't let a fixation on an extremely infrequent election compel you to hang on to the bitter end if doing so jeopardizes the Monarchy in its entirety.

To the compromise-extollers: Everyone who calls the proposal "Historic" is making an promise that it is not just another proposal to incrementally reduce the King's power, and that there will not be another proposal to reduce it again in a year's time. Otherwise, there would be nothing Historic about it. Break this promise, and you will do serious damage to your relationships with everyone who believed you.

To everyone: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you." - Luke 6:27-28

Miestră Schivă, UrN

And congratulations for Senator Plätschisch for being the most constructive, friendly and useful Opposition Leader I can remember. This is how you do it, guys - constructive criticism, holding the Government to account when it screws up, while being all the time friendly, open to dialogue, and not obstructing things out of sheer spite and pettiness.

The Senator reinforces my belief that the King did his own cause a fatal mischief by simply disappearing for a Cosă term.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"


Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 01, 2021, 10:54:25 PM
And congratulations for Senator Plätschisch for being the most constructive, friendly and useful Opposition Leader I can remember. This is how you do it, guys - constructive criticism, holding the Government to account when it screws up, while being all the time friendly, open to dialogue, and not obstructing things out of sheer spite and pettiness.

The Senator reinforces my belief that the King did his own cause a fatal mischief by simply disappearing for a Cosă term.

Agreed on all counts.