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Topics - Breneir Tzaracomprada

Wittenberg / Happy Independence Day, Talossans!
December 26, 2022, 02:48:31 AM

It may be winter or summer where this message finds you.
You may be celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Las Posadas, Soyal, Kwanzaa, Yule, or preparing for the New Year when this message finds you.
And I hope this message of celebration as we celebrate the 44th year of Talossan Independence finds you well.

Estimats Talossaes, Vivadra Talossa!
Wittenberg / Setting the record straight
December 11, 2022, 01:44:33 PM
Seneschal Plätschisch, you may want to repackage your unprecedented weeks-long legislative blockade as an achievement. But it is my responsibility as a witness and opposition leader to remind voters of the results of you, your cabinet, and your political allies behavior. This is from your statement ending the blockade after 51 days without TNC capitulation:

QuoteIt wasn't the right thing to do because it has made participating in Talossa way less enjoyable for everyone. I expected everyone to get spirited, instead everyone got downright pissed at each other and it's made Wittenberg a real drag. I've gotten several reports from my Ministers that it's more and more difficult to get motivated to be engaged, and I don't imagine that having to read through lots of people yelling at each other is fun for anyone. I can see my own posts getting snarkier and angrier and I don't like it; that's not the person I want to be...It's not healthy...

Unhealthy. Downright pissed. Snarky. Angry.

This was the result of an action which you, your cabinet, and your allies thought was an acceptable way to start your term. You did this AFTER immediately rejecting a proposal from the TNC to work as a part of a multiparty coalition to address broad-based issues such as, well, monarchy reform and to prevent the continuous personnel issues which plagued your government. The TNC repeatedly stated that this action would not be successful and that the party would set forth its policy on monarchy reform after internal discussions and at a time of its choosing.

And then, as we promised voters during the campaign, we debated and then published our proposal. Just as we have spent months delivering the opposition that previous FreeDem members complained was nonexistent and that the Kingdom deserved. Therefore, our terpelaziuns may have been found annoying or grating by some members of Government but they served their vital purpose as intended.

Voters can read through these and see how they helped deliver the results you are now trumpeting. And they can read your own words to describe the negative results of your own behavior and how it was successfully resisted by the TNC. We have shown, through our responses to unprecedented behavior and keeping to our promises, that change is possible. And we are prepared to deliver it.
Wittenberg / Citizenship Petition for Bayan Peikari
December 08, 2022, 07:23:19 PM
WHEREAS it has been more than a fortnight since Bayan Peikari @stymphalides first posted on Wittenberg, following his introduction to the citizens of the Kingdom by officers of the Immigration Ministry, and

WHEREAS he has, in that time, demonstrated an active, genuine, and continuing interest in Talossan life, culture, and language, and

WHEREAS he desires citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa, and

WHEREAS by all indications it appears that he would be a loyal and dedicated citizen, and a credit to this nation if he obtains the grant of citizenship he requests, now

THEREFORE I, Breneir Tzaracomprada, a citizen in good standing of the Province of Florencia and of the Kingdom of Talossa, do by the present petition the Secretary of State @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă to issue a grant of citizenship to Bayan Peikari, as specified by law.
Fora Talossa News Alert - TNC and RCT announce election coalition
FT News Alert for 2 December 2022 - TNC announces RCT support and pact ahead of Talossa's 58th General Election
This Month in Talossan History - December

The eighth (and longest) episode yet in Fora Talossa's history series. Reviewing the month of December in the Kingdom's history.

Wittenberg / Citizenship Petition for Paarth Thakur
November 27, 2022, 01:39:29 PM
WHEREAS it has been more than a fortnight since Paarth Thakur @paarth123  first posted on Wittenberg, following his introduction to the citizens of the Kingdom by officers of the Immigration Ministry, and

WHEREAS he has, in that time, demonstrated an active, genuine, and continuing interest in Talossan life, culture, and language, and

WHEREAS he desires citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa, and

WHEREAS by all indications it appears that he would be a loyal and dedicated citizen, and a credit to this nation if he obtains the grant of citizenship he requests, now

THEREFORE I, Breneir Tzaracomprada, a citizen in good standing of the Province of Florencia and of the Kingdom of Talossa, do by the present petition the Secretary of State @Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM to issue a grant of citizenship to Paarth Thakur, as specified by law.
Wittenberg / [FORA TALOSSA] November 2022 Living Cosa
November 20, 2022, 02:50:32 PM
6th Clark, 57th Cosa - Live Session

The Talossan Cosa held its first live session (Living Cosa) in decades this morning (20 November 2022). With approval from the Cosa, Fora Talossa is delighted to share the session recording.

Please tell me there is someone out there enjoying Star Wars: Andor as much or more than me?
I have always loved Star Trek more than the Star Wars but this series has been a wonderful spectacle. Here is a snip from one of the series highlights: a monologue from Stellan Skarsgard as Luthen Rael on sacrificing for the Rebellion.

13 November 2022

Welcome to the Wittenberg Office of the Scribery.

This thread will serve as a source of regular updates on official activities.

Breneir Tzaracomprada
Scribe of Abbavilla
It is my pleasure to announce the honorees for the 2nd El Pretz Per Tomas Poetry Prize. But first please allow me to thank @owenedwards the originator of this prize, writer of citations, and co-judge for his support and work. I also want to express gratitude for Eoin Ursum agreeing to serve as a prize sponsor in his capacity as the Kingdom's poet laureate.

It is my pleasure to announce @Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat as the winner of the 2nd El Pretz Per Tomas Prize for his poem, The Midnight Train.


QuoteThe most detailed attempt at scansion and rhyme of the entrants, and very promising. It is particularly technically strong in the first few stanzas - after that there are a few specimens of broken metre, style, and rhyme - but this is ambitious and largely successful. The actual tale of the poem is baroque, something between Ray Bradbury and Stephen King, and is thoroughly enjoyed. The poem lends itself to enjoyment by reading or listening due to the previously mentioned dark and baroque voice.

The Midnight Train
Upon the tracks of cold black steel
sat the engine of smoke and fire
reeking of wounds that never heal
and ancient demons which never tire.
Why did I stray so far from the fair
on that cold October night?
Was it the raising of my hair,
or perhaps the angler's light?
The sky was made of coal and pitch
the wind a razor on my skin.
The light inside the cabin twitched
as a ghoulish wraith beckoned me in.
"Run!" screamed my mind's single refrain,
yet with each step it was betrayed!
Closer I drew toward that daemonic train!
Closer I drew to that terrifying shade!
Past the wraith, I glance through the ghost light,
was that my father blankly staring??
He was dead less than a fortnight,
his funeral shroud, he was still wearing!
A single word snapped me from my fear:
"Ticket." was the blessed phylactery!
Spoken as gargled glass against my ear,
I had no ticket to this ghastly menagerie!
Speechless I hurriedly pull out my pockets
"I have no ticket!" was my stuttered reply.
The ghoul's only response: "Not yet."
My head spun at the words and what they imply.
A screaming whistle pierced the night
as a burning miasma filled the air.
Finally when the smoke cleared my sight
It was I, screaming in that blasted fair.

Carlus reads the poem in our official announcement video here:

It is my pleasure to announce the honorees for the 2nd El Pretz Per Tomas Poetry Prize. But first please allow me to thank @owenedwards the originator of this prize, writer of citations, and co-judge for his support and work. I also want to express gratitude for Eoin Ursum agreeing to serve as a prize sponsor in his capacity as the Kingdom's poet laureate.

There were two honorable mentions among the prize entrants.

Tric'hard Lenxheir for his untitled poem and @Bråneu Excelsio for his poem "¿Quién no ama a los niños?" or "Who wouldn't love our children?"


QuoteOur first honorable mention goes to Tric'hard Lenxheir's Untitled Poem. Lenxheir's poem includes a really enjoyable metal-ballad feel to the couplets and some of the imagery - though usually simple - is evocative. There is also an identifiable through-line to the story, the psychology of the piece, despite the intentionally stream-of-consciousness style. Within this stream-of-consciousness style, on the starting words for lines within each stanza there lies particularly strong imagery.

I dream
The world turns
Shadows melt
Dream burns

Passion sated
Fear from hate
Passion lost
Fickle fate

Tangled limbs
Broken trees
Sun fades
Darkness sees

Quiet, fearful
Music flares
Dreams return
No one cares

Jumbled thoughts
Lost, confused
Body weak
Mind abused

Rain, lightning
Roar of thunder
Blowing wind
Life a blunder

Day is gone
Dream no longer
Soon to sleep
Calm the hunger


QuoteBraneu Excelsio's poem, Who Wouldn't Love Our Children?, is a first in the history of this poetry prize as it is the first entry to be submitted in not one or two but three languages. There is an element of playful uncertainty in the work as one can't decide if the author is being wryly cynical, rather profound or perhaps, in truly appreciable skill, a bit of both. The structure of the stanza, and the short lines building via similar "images", work really well to create the punchline.


¿Quién no ama a los niños?

¿Quién no ama a los niños?
Que corren
y gritan
y patalean
y lloran
como los grandes.


Who wouldn't love our children?

Who wouldn't love our children?
That run
and scream
and flounder
and cry
like the grownups.


¿Qi non amadra ár fïeux?

Qi clintent
es crident
es squitrent
es plörent
com'els creschüts
Mr. Túischac'h:

This terpelaziun is for the Foreign Minister. On 15 October the Minister posted a new thread for suggestions on BHAID organizational donations. The Minister stated that by the end of the month he would move on to consideration of suggestions made. Please update the Ziu on next steps now that we are past month's end.
Honorable Túischac'h:

This terpelaziun is for the Culture Minister. The Seneschal notified the nation that Minister Somelieir would be away until 12 November. Who is the acting authority in her absence and what current activities is the Ministry engaged with?
Mr. Túischac'h:

This terpelaziun is for the STUFF Minister. Will there be a November 2022 edition of La C'hronica?
Volume 2 of the Talossan Book of Cuisine is now available!

The theme of the second edition of TBoC is described well by this James Beard quote:
Quote"Food is our common ground, a universal experience."

May the deliciousness of these recipes as representations of Talossan tastes be another chord of rich connection in the fabric of Talossan culture.

I want to thank the following contributors:
@Iason Taiwos
Tric'hard Lenxheir
@Baron Alexandreu Davinescu
@Caleb Frenibuerg

The recipe book can be accessed here:

Commentary and/or pictures should you try one of the recipes is welcome in this thread or on the Wittenberg FB post.

Breneir Tzaracomprada
TBoC Editor
Whereas, the Cjovani subculture in the province of Benito has organically grown to impressive proportions, and

Whereas, it is a continuing imperative of national politics to encourage a thriving atmosphere of cultural vitality in the provinces, and

Whereas, while it is not within the purview of the Ziu to mandate such action we are not prohibited from encouraging our colleagues in subnational leadership.

Therefore be it resolved that it is the Sense of the Ziu that:

That the development of subcultures allows the Kingdom as a whole and provinces specifically to accommodate the multiplicity of ways Talossans see themselves in a more meaningful manner, and 

That the Ziu of Talossa recognizes and celebrates the distinct Cjovani subculture for its contributions to society in Benito and Talossa, and

That the Ziu of Talossa encourages action by Benitian provincial authorities to formally recognize the distinctness and contributions of Cjovanis to both Benito and Talossa at large, and

That the Ziu of Talossa encourages recognition of the trailblazing work of both Iason Taiwos and Vitxalmour Conductor in pouring life into this important strain of the Kingdom's cultural tapestry. 

Uréu q'estadra så:
Breneir Tzaracomprada (Sen-FL, TNC)
Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu (Sen-BE, NPW)
Tric'hard Lenxheir (MC, TNC)
FT News Alert for 6 October 2022 - Minister Excelsio has announced a WARZONE wargaming tournament to start on 9 October 2022
Honorable Tuischac'h,

This terpelaziun is for the Foreign Minister. Minister Autofil, in your reply of last month concerning the BHAID you mentioned the following:

QuoteWith respect to BHAID, as previous efforts to solicit recommendations for sourcing from the public (namely, as part of the Town Hall / Trivia Night that was ultimately attended only by myself and the Seneschal) have born little fruit, within the coming days I will be creating a thread for public feedback/input. I'm happy to direct our efforts, but I'm also interested in hearing what sort of efforts the community would prefer there.

In a thread I started I suggested a couple of potential recipients for BHAID support but am not aware of other contributions. I am following up to see if you created a thread or if there are other plans to utilize the BHAID.
Honorable Tuischac'h,

This terpelaziun is for the Culture Minister. Minister Somelieir, please update the Ziu on your ministerial activities over the past month.
FT News Alert for 1 October 2022 - Gluc da Dhi has announced the start of a special edition of the celebrated Talossan Music Top 20 (TMT).

Nominations to be received in Wittenberg's chat room.