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Messages - Iason Taiwos

Am I missing the thread for the second clark? Will my vote count if I post it here? I vote:
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VoC: Üc
Fantastic! Great work, Etho!
Iason Taiwos
Royal Talossan Navy
Fleet Admiral
Date: I can't recall.

Iason Taiwos
Private First Class
The Zouaves of the Royal Bodyguard
Bearer of a Mighty Bedpost
Date: I can't recall
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: November 2020 Clark
November 12, 2020, 03:39:56 PM
VoC: üc
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: November 2020 Clark
November 11, 2020, 03:00:13 PM
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Wittenberg / Re: L'Chronica 10.20
November 07, 2020, 02:57:05 PM
Hallelujah, it's raining hen!
For the Navy, a peacoat? White wheel cap...that would look pretty cool. As Admiral, I support this.
That was enjoyable. I had hoped our NPW party Chief would have made a speech. It was nice to listen to Miestra speak Talossan. And I liked Ian's bicoloreu dress scheme.
(Next year I'll have been a Talossan for ten years. But, anytime I post something, I feel like I'm just Ernest T. Bass coming out of the hills to rant and rave to you proper city folks.)
I vote for Miestra Schiva
Forziuns Armeschti/Armed Forces / Re: Zuavs Roll Call!
September 13, 2020, 11:53:50 AM
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: Rumiposting
August 28, 2020, 07:58:00 PM
I'm just now reading this, and went and dug out my copy of Rumi's works. Well, shit. Yeah, I have the Bark's translation. (I guess I could say, "Worse than that, most of the material I have about Sufism is by Hakim Bey.")
Quote from: Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu on July 19, 2020, 04:23:01 PM
Given Talossa's nature as a voluntary association, I think keeping the ability to opt-out is important.  But at the same time, I have a hard time wrapping my head around why someone would want to opt out completely in the first place.

I think part of this cuts right to the heart of what it means to "do Talossa."  Given the peculiar nature of Talossa, is a citizen who is completely incommunicado with the wider community still count as Talossan?  No interest in current goings on, contact information completely out of date, no functional link to the Talossan state.  Can this person still be said to be "doing Talossa?"

The Derivationist answer is probably, in some way, "yes."  Peculiarists of a certain stripe may very well say "no."  Most voluntary associations require contact (many even require a level of activity) to be considered a "member." 

Then that gets us into the weeds of whether something is lost when an inactive citizen is cut form the rolls.  But that's an answer that varies based on what you value.
Vitxalmour Conductour is my best friend. We are in constant contact with each other, and see each other, at the very least, once a week. (We'd probably hang out more often than that, if my day job wasn't so physically demanding.) (Hard to have fun with a pal when you are completely exhausted.) Vitx hasn't bothered to register on this New Witt. He's still a Talossan, we constantly discuss Talossan things, and collaborate all the time on ideas for our Benito Cjováni subculture. The online aspect of Talossa just doesn't interest him much. (He's raising four daughters, so he has other priorities.) His inactivity may cause him to be cut from the rolls, which is not fair. Is Talossa just an internet club? Like Facebook groups that expel members when they haven't participated or posted anything in awhile? To me, Witt ain't Talossa. It's an online forum about Talossa. Being Talossan is what you do, offline.
We have a shared culture, a language (even if few of us speak it fluently, many of us attempt to use it), a history...we somehow think of ourselves as Talossan. We identify ourselves as Talossan. We are a diaspora of people's with a common identity. In that sense, we are indeed a nation. We don't really need to claim any land. In fact, the land claims are absurd, and as Ian said, that's the kind of things bug nations do. You see all these micronational people wearing medals and sashes and claiming eight square feet as an independent country...good for them, I guess. If Talossa wants to be more than that, we should forget the land claims. Right now, my mobile home in Ohio is (probably) more Talossan than anything in Milwaukee. (Well, I have Talossan coins, a Talossan flag, and my copy of the Guizua is never far from reach...)
As for provinces, I think they're pretty useless at this time. Our population of active citizens is too small to make provinces mean anything. That may someday change, if we ever get enough new people coming in.
As for Peculiarism versus derivatism, why would anyone want to emulate real countries? We can do better than that.
And so the Midianites went forth to Ram Gilead in Kadesh Bilgemath by Shor Ethra Regalion, to the house of Gash-Bil-Betheul-Bazda, he who brought the butter dish to Balshazar and the tent peg to the house of Rashomon, and there gazed they upon the pizza, and mourned they for its lack of anchovies. Here endeth the lesson.
June 30, 2020, 07:03:32 PM
I support this idea, I agree it is vital, and I admit that, nearing nine years as a Talossan citizen, I'd probably flunk any quiz on Talossan history you threw at me. (I know a few names and events, I even tried reading Ar Päts numerous times, sadly, I found it to be completely dull. Only King Ben work I've managed to make it all the way thru is the Berber Project.)