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Messages - King John


-- John R
Wittenberg / Eid Mubarak!
May 13, 2021, 02:17:49 PM
For Eid al-Fitr, 12 May

Eid Mubarak

Oxhi'sch la ziua dal caßaziun dal åservaziun per belacops da Islamici, marchind el fim da Ramadan. Dr. Iftekhar Khan dal Società Islamic da Milvoc'ht, el cuntravelesc Talossan premieir per dels Islamici, zïa qe c'e'n temp à focüsiçar på la carità es dels dideux bens. "Ramadan isch ün temp à performar l'autuapraiçaziun," scriua. "Focüsiçetz på çaobén noi povent profrar, perf — els valentéux, els þiarfas. Zemandent-noi, 'Qet da phü put-éu façar per va comunità?'" Acestilor mocts sint cordats per toct i noi.

Assalamu Alaikum!

              —  Ian Regeu

Today is the festival of breaking the fast for many Muslims, marking the end of Ramadan.  Dr. Iftekhar Khan of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee, the premier Talossan organization for Muslims, says that it is a time to focus on charity and good deeds.  "Ramadan is a time to perform self-evaluation," he writes. "Please focus on how much we can offer to others — the deserving, the needy. Let us ask ourselves, 'What more can I do for my community?'" These are wise words for us all.

Assalamu Alaikum!

              —  John Regeu
Wittenberg / Christos Anesti!
May 03, 2021, 11:45:52 AM

Christos Anesti

Yesterday for Orthodox Christians was Easter Sunday, or Pascha, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day -- the holiest day of the year. Today is called Bright Monday, the first weekday of Bright Week; the celebration of the great Feast continues through the next seven weeks.  We greet each other through this entire season with the words "Christ is risen!" and the response "Indeed he is risen!", in whatever languages we can handle. Very commonly, Greek "Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!", Russian "Khristos voskrese! Voistinu voskrese!", Romanian "Hristos a inviat! Adevărat a înviat!"; less common maybe are Old Talossan "Christus surrexit! Vere surrexit", or modern Talossan "C'hríost alçeva! Vrätsmint alçeva!"

Here, for anyone interested, is the Nicene Creed, a statement of belief for Christians, translated (by me) from the original 4th-century Greek into Talossan:

Créu in viens Díeu, el Patreu Omnipotenteu, Createir del çéu es dal tzara es da toct i cosas vidavais es inviduvais;

Es in viens Domnul Iesu-C'hríost, Díeu sè Fighleu viensxhenerat, ut del Patreu nascat avant toct i ageux, Díeu da Díeu, Lux del Lux, Díeu vräts da Díeu vräts, xhenerat non façat, cunsubstantíu al Patreu, par qi toct i cosas füvent façadas;

Qi per üns vürs es per la noastra salvaziun descendeva del çéu es füt incarnat del Spritz Sant ut da María Vierxha, es füt façat Vür;

Es ocsà per üns füt stavrat sub Póntiüs Pilátüs, es aucidat, es sepültat; es sür la tierça ziua levitat, d'osprei las Scribtüras Sants; es ainciün el Çéu ascendeva, al drept del Patreu asseteva, es cün gloria revenarha per xhuxharh els vivinds es morteschti; da qissen Regipäts hi non serà ün fim;

Es in el Spritz Sant, Domnul es Vivifichind, qi ut del Patreu proceda, qi cün el Patreu es el Fighleu isch ensembla venerat es glorifiat, qi par els prófets tent parlat;

Es in viensa Glischt Sant Cáþolic es Apostolic.

Professéu viensa Baptiçaziun per la remissiun dels pecs, es ascheptéu la levada dels morteschti es la vida del ageu vienind.

May this lovely festival be a blessing to you and yours.

              —  John Regeu
Wittenberg / Two things about this forum
April 30, 2021, 07:06:02 PM
Would someone be so kind as to tell me how to get my coat of arms to display here?

And, how do you type diacriticals and other special characters here?  I've cut-n-pasted, but I'd gotten so used to typing things like — and é on the other forum, and I miss it.  What's the secret?

-- John R
Wittenberg / Happy announcement
April 30, 2021, 07:01:40 PM
I am more pleased than I can say to announce the birth yesterday afternoon, to Prince Patrick and his lovely bride Candace, of their second son, Nicodemus Clement Woolley.  Everyone is doing just fine, and I'm pretty sure it's not just grandfatherly pride that leads me to say that this kid is *awfully* dang cute.

-- John R
Wittenberg / Dissolution of the Cosa
April 30, 2021, 03:49:01 PM

Writ of Dissolution for the 55th Cosa

We JOHN by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, having thought fit to dissolve this present fifty-fifth Cosa of the Kingdom of Talossa, do to that end publish this Our proclamation royal, hereby dissolving the said Cosa accordingly; and do discharge and excuse the Members of that Cosa from their meeting and attendance thereat from the conclusion of this month instant. And We being desirous and resolved for the better governance of these Our realms to have the advice of Our people in the Ziu assembled, do hereby make known to all Our loyal commons, knights, and nobles Our royal will and pleasure to call and assemble a new Cosa, and do hereby further declare that We have given order that Our Chancery and Secretary of State do forthwith issue out writs and ballots in due form, and according to law, for the election of a new fifty-sixth Cosa as well as Senators for Atatûrk, Cézembre, and Florencia in their regular rotation.

Further, We desire at this time most heartily to thank and congratulate, on Our own behalf and that of the entire Talossan nation, the citizens who served in this now-dissolved fifty-fifth Cosa, especially thanking D:na Miestră Schivă, UrN for her faithful service as Our Seneschal during this last Cosa, and all the other members of the Government who so generously give of their time and effort for the good of our nation. Further thanks are due to Sevastáin Pinátsch, Ian Tamoran, and Açafat del Val, whose present distinguished terms of service in the Senäts will end with the upcoming election.

Given under Our hand Royal at the city of Centennial in Colorado this thirtieth day of April in the year of salvation 2021, being (according to the Orthodox Paschalion) Good Friday, of the independence of Talossa the forty-second, and of Our reign the sixteenth.

              —  John Regeu
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: 6th Clark - April 2021
April 28, 2021, 05:27:09 PM
Thank you for the corrections.  I should have prrofread more carefully.

John R
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: 6th Clark - April 2021
April 28, 2021, 11:45:43 AM
On another note, it seems sort of ridiculous to me, when the law says someone has to act by a particular time, to get all huffy and offended (or even to pretend to be offended) about his not acting before that time.  If you don't like the deadlines established in law, change them.

-- John R
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: 6th Clark - April 2021
April 28, 2021, 11:42:49 AM

Sextéu Clark da Simca-Quintéu Cosa

Noi refuçént noastra sancziun à'cest RZ21 es RZ24 es perventüră exerciçént l'impidamaintsch rexhital.

Noi aprovént acest RZ22 es RZ23.  Lor recorda starp l'annuntzia dels legeux.

—  Ian Regeu

Sixth Clark of the Fifty-Fifth Cosa

We refuse our assent to RZ21 and RZ24 and herewith exercise the royal veto.

We assent to RZ22 and RZ23.  Record them among the annals of the law.

—  John Regeu


I neither intend nor desire to abdicate the throne, or to see the Kingdom of Talossa transformed into a Republic with an elected Presidential figurehead, even if he is called a "King".  (At a minimum, we should call things by their right names.)

Talossans should be governed by Talossan law, and so I believe the goal of this proposed law is a worthy one.  I further appreciate that the bill requires that anyone charged with "repugnant behaviour bringing Talossa into disrepute" must have already been convicted of a crime "incurring penal servitude", and that due process is afforded the defendant.  However, this proposal offends against a fundamental principle of justice: no one should stand trial for a crime that has been invented for them on the spot.

I would further note that it is unclear whether or not the offender must have been actually sentenced to penal servitude or simply subject to being so sentenced.  Under Wisconsin law, for instance, a Class C misdemeanor may be penalized with a fine of up to $500 USD or 30 days imprisonment.  It is unclear, therefore, whether or not a Talossan could be prosecuted for the crime of "operat[ing] upon any highway of this state any vehicle required by law to be registered without having the license plate or plates securely attached."  It would appear to depend on whether or not a Justice believed such behavior to violate the "tranquility of others" or other such phrases.

Whether or not some violation of local law "counts" as a violation of Talossan law should not be left to the opinion of a Justice; that would make it impossible to know ahead of time what actions violate Talossan law.

I would further note that it is unclear how exactly the proposed law would interact with many aspects of the Covenants of Rights and Freedoms, most particularly the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Covenants. There are many jurisdictions around the world who seem to be happy to punish with "penal servitude" (as well as death, mutiliation, and so on), people who speak in a way or on topics that displease the local regime (and for all we know, might displease a Talossan Justice).

Finally, it seems unlikely that any Talossan being held to penal servitude anywhere would be able to defend himself freely in the Talossan corts. There may be places where prisoners are permitted free access to the web, but I've never heard of one. We do NOT want to establish a legal system in Talossa that tries citizens without their having a chance to defend themselves.

For these reasons I would ask the Cosa and Senate to find a less problematic way to accomplish the reasonable ends this Bill is intended to serve.
As a note to the above, I will add too that fine-paper versions of the Talossan grants above will be formally sealed and signed by me and sent to those individuals who indicated to my former regent that they wished for them.  Here is a picture of an example, pre-signature.


Maravetx d'Avestür
2021/LXII Tafsut Imazighen Pretzen Qualunc es Extrordinar

IAN, Gräts à Díeu Regeu da Talossa es da toct sieux Reic'hs es Cuntradas, Regeu da Cézembre, Avötz da Pengöpäts es las Nouas Falklands, Zefençadeir del Feitz, Duceu dallas Forziuns Armeschti, Vice-Regeu da Hoxha es Vicar d'Atatürk, à Noastra Regipäts, toct i Dücs, Contas, Barons, Cadins, Cnec'hts, Schuruis, Citaxhiéns es Cestours, es cióveci liverats, come toct i noschtri uficieirs, serveschti, es enclins qísevol à qi acestilor cadais ischent, Azul.

Tandi Qe la Seneschal d'Ár Regipats Noi tent recomendescu Eðo Grischün per el Seneschal sè Medaleu evit Meriteu, Per Aceasta Raziun, Noi, estind satisfiescu par las avalitaes da Eðo Grischün, dignhent cortösmint à'cest.  Es c'e Noschtri pedit es plaschair es Noi inxhestent perventüra över Eðo Grischün el Seneschal sè Medaleu evit Meriteu. Aglhorc, Noi, Ian, Gräts à Díeu Regeu da Talossa es da toct sieux Reic'hs es Cuntradas, Regeu da Cézembre, Avötz da Pengöpäts es las Nouas Falklands, Zefençadeir del Feitz, Duceu dallas Forziuns Armeschti, Vice-Regeu da Hoxha es Vicar d'Atatürk, à Noastra Regipäts.


Tandi Qe la Seneschal d'Ár Regipats Noi tent recomendescu Cresti da Nouacastra per el Crutx Talossan per Tilvercnadours, Per Aceasta Raziun, Noi, estind satisfiescu par las avalitaes da Cresti da Nouacastra, dignhent cortösmint à'cest.  Es c'e Noschtri pedit es plaschair es Noi inxhestent perventüra över Eðo Grischün el Seneschal sè Medaleu evit Meriteu. Aglhorc, Noi, Ian, Gräts à Díeu Regeu da Talossa es da toct sieux Reic'hs es Cuntradas, Regeu da Cézembre, Avötz da Pengöpäts es las Nouas Falklands, Zefençadeir del Feitz, Duceu dallas Forziuns Armeschti, Vice-Regeu da Hoxha es Vicar d'Atatürk, à Noastra Regipäts.


Tandi Qe la Seneschal d'Ár Regipats Noi tent recomendescu Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h com'iens candidäts deneu àð estar inductescu starp Noschtri cnec'hts, Per Aceasta Raziun, Noi, estind satisfiescu par las avalitaes da Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h, dignhent cortösmint à'cest. Es c'e Noschtri pedit es plaschair es Noi aðmiçent perventüra Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h ainciün l'Úrderi del Cnec'htat, l'Úrderi dal Naziun. Aglhorc, Noi, Ian, Gräts à Díeu Regeu da Talossa es da toct sieux Reic'hs es Cuntradas, Regeu da Cézembre, Avötz da Pengöpäts es las Nouas Falklands, Zefençadeir del Feitz, Duceu dallas Forziuns Armeschti, Vice-Regeu da Hoxha es Vicar d'Atatürk, à Noastra Regipäts.


Tandi Qe Alexandreu Davinescu, q'isch detxà starp Noschtri cnec'hts, tent rompliescu ben in Noschtri serviçù, actind anstada da Noi com'el Rexhaint, es Tandi qe Noi sint satisfiats par sieux caractréu es avalitaes, Per Aceasta Raziun c'e Noastra pedit es plaschair es Noi forment perventüra Noastra Alexandreu Davinescu, q'isch vreinic es trei zilect, àl tucleu da zignhità es el þonör da Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric à tir serviçös à lo es sieux sovinds àl fim. Aglhorc, Noi, Ian, Gräts à Díeu Regeu da Talossa es da toct sieux Reic'hs es Cuntradas, Regeu da Cézembre, Avötz da Pengöpäts es las Nouas Falklands, Zefençadeir del Feitz, Duceu dallas Forziuns Armeschti, Vice-Regeu da Hoxha es Vicar d'Atatürk, à Noastra Regipäts.

Zonescu sub Noastra mha Rexhital à la Cità da Centennial in Colorado li ziua veintlaiset d'Avrïu, estind el Festival da Tafsut Imazighen, in l'ár 2021 dal salvaziun, el qareinçe-secund dal independençù da Talossa, es el sedeschlaiset d'Ár röin.

Ian Regeu

Ceremony of Investiture
2021/XLII Tafsut Imazighen Ordinary and Extraordinary Honours

JOHN, by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, to Our Kingdom, all Dukes, Counts, Barons, Justices, Knights, Jesters, Citizens and Cestours, and free men, as all Our officers, servants, and subjects whomsoever to whom these presents shall come, Greetings.

Whereas the Seneschal of Our Kingdom has recommended to us Eðo Grischün as a worthy candidate for the Seneschál's Medal for Merit, Therefore, We, being satisfied with the abilities of Eðo Grischün, graciously condescend thereto. And it is Our will and pleasure and We do hereby bestow upon Eðo Grischün the Seneschál's Medal for Merit. So say We, John, by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, to Our Kingdom.


Whereas the Seneschal of Our Kingdom has recommended to us Cresti da Nouacastra as a worthy candidate for the Talossan Meritorious Service Cross, Therefore, We, being satisfied with the abilities of Cresti da Nouacastra, graciously condescend thereto. And it is Our will and pleasure and We do hereby bestow upon Cresti da Nouacastra the Talossan Meritorious Service Cross. So say We, John, by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, to Our Kingdom.


Whereas the Seneschal of Our Kingdom has recommended to us Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h as a worthy candidate to be inducted among Our knights, Therefore, We, being satisfied with the abilities of Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h, graciously condescend thereto. And it is Our will and pleasure and We do hereby admit Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h into the Order of Knighthood The Order of the Nation. So say We, John, by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, to Our Kingdom.


Whereas Alexandreu Davinescu, already himself among Our knights, has acquitted himself well in Our service, acting in Our stead as Regent, and Whereas We are well satisfied of his character and abilities, Therefore, it is Our will and pleasure and We do hereby create Our trusty and well beloved Alexandreu Davinescu to the dignity title and honour of Baron Davinescu of Vilatx Freiric to hold willing unto him and his heirs forever. So say We, John, by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, to Our Kingdom.

Given under Our hand Royal at the city of Centennial in Colorado this twentieth day of April, being the Festival of Tafsut Imazighen, in the year of salvation 2021, of the independence of Talossa the forty-second, and of Our reign the sixteenth.

John Regeu

Apüntamaintsch da Dómnul Guaïr sür Sabor

Perventüră apüntént Baron Alexandreu Davinescu àl óifisch del Dómnul Guaïr sür Sabor, es lo comandéu à servar el Legeu Orgänic es sieu Regeu àl miglhor da sieux capacitaes.

Zonescu sub Noastra mha Rexhital à la Cità da Centennial in Colorado li ziua veintlaiset d'Avrïu, estind el Festival da Tafsut Imazighen, in l'ár 2021 dal salvaziun, el qareinçe-secund dal independençù da Talossa, es el sedeschlaiset d'Ár röin.

Ian Regeu

We hereby appoint Baron Alexandreu Davinescu to the office of Lord Privy Councillor on the Privy Council and enjoin him to serve the Organic Law and his King to the best of his abilities.

Given under Our hand Royal at the city of Centennial in Colorado this twentieth day of April, being the Festival of Tafsut Imazighen, in the year of salvation 2021, of the independence of Talossa the forty-second, and of Our reign the sixteenth.

John Regeu
Wittenberg / Re: Resignhaziun
April 20, 2021, 03:36:59 PM
And a thousand thanks from me to Sir Alexandreu for a great deal of work on my, and Talossa's, behalf.

-- John R
Wittenberg / Regency
October 14, 2020, 11:34:48 AM
For various reasons, I have found myself unable to keep up with necessary work around here.  I don't see the situation changing in the immediate future, and I'm about to leave town for a while during which I'll have very spotty access to the internet.  Sir Alexandreu Davinescu has graciously agreed to act as Regent for the time being, and so ...

We JOHN by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, etc. etc., do hereby appoint Sir Alexandreu to serve as Our Regent, until further notice.  Done under Our hand Royal at the city of Centennial in Colorado, this 14th day of October in the year of salvation 2020, the 41st of the independence of Talossa, and of Our Reign the fifteenth.

John Regeu

* 54RZ16 - The There's No Such Thing As A Free Senäts Seat Amendment - Contra
* 54RZ22 - The Amada Mertgedes Martyrdom Memorial Act - Per
* 54RZ23 - The Uniform Seneschál Election Act - Austaneu
* 54RZ25 - Judiciary Amendment of 2020 - Contra
* 54RZ28 - The Non-Hereditary Monarchy Amendment - Contra

-- John R