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Topics - Miestră Schivă, UrN

Estimat Túischac'h, I rise to ask a question of the Minister of STUFF, who I believe was @Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat last time I looked.

When will the National Website be updated to include the last *checks notes* EIGHT months of La C'hronică?

Estimat Túischac'h, I rise with a question for the Seneschal. Does he agree that the Minister of Defense has responded to this Terpelaziun from Senator Plätschisch appropriately, given that previous Ministers of Defense have answered similar questions courteously and informatively?
Estimat Túischac'h, I rise to deliver a Terpelaziun to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

What is the current state of progress on the Government's "re-embracing" of the League of Secessionist States, given that the Government's month of consultation received... well, no consultation?
Estimat Túischac'h, my question is for the Minister of Technology.

Following up from a previous Terpelaziun, can the Government give any updates as to whether the Database Commission still exists, and if so, what is it doing?
Fiôvâ / Replacing Bråneu
February 26, 2024, 04:31:41 PM
Can't believe I forgot this. ]Fiovan Constitution 10.3.1:

QuoteIf a vacancy arises in the Praisidïeu the remaining members may co-opt any citizen to the vacant role in the Praisidïeu, subject to ratification of their choice by the General Assembly. If two or more vacancies arise in this way simultaneously, the Secretary of State shall declare the Praisidïeu to be vacant.

So who wants to be on Fiova's 3 person ruling council?
Wittenberg / Something very weird is going on here
February 15, 2024, 01:54:23 PM
Why is a new citizen asking about joining the TNC at the same time he's talking to me via PM on joining the Free Democrats?
Estimat Túischac'h, my question is for the Minister of Technology.

On November 12 last year, the former Seneschal said that "the Database Replacement Committee will now be in my priority list".

Can the Minister of Technology please inform us as to whether this committee still exists, and if so, what work has it done?
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on January 09, 2024, 11:24:07 AMEnlarging the Sabor with some ex-officio offices might be a good idea also, though I do believe that permanent membership should continue to be merit based.

Right. Check this out

BE IT ENACTED that El Lexhatx L.7, which currently reads:

Quote7. Among the first acts of his reign the King shall name a Privy Council (Sabôr, in Talossan) consisting of several Privy Councillors (called Guaïrs in Talossan) with whom he shall consult whenever possible on all matters of grave importance to the Kingdom, and whose duty shall be to offer the King the benefit of their individual and collective wisdom and advice. The King shall take care to include in this council those citizens with the longest and deepest connections to the ongoing historical life of the Kingdom, in particular those who are personally familiar with the homeland itself. Should at any time they deem it wise or necessary to do so, Privy Councillors, acting alone or in concert with fellow councillors, may publicly issue a "Letter to the King" about any matter of grave importance to the Kingdom. The Privy Councillors shall serve at the pleasure of the King. Privy Councillors shall be entitled to add the honorific initials "GST" to their signatures, for "Guaïr del Sabôr Talossán."

shall be amended with the addition of the following paragraph:

QuoteThe Seneschál and the Senior Justice of the Cort pü Inalt shall be Guaïrs ex officio.
BE IT ENACTED by the King, Senäts and Cosă in Ziu assembled that the following section shall be added to El Lexhatx A.7.3.1:

Quote7.3.1.1. "Sexual violence" shall include abuse of trust, where a Talossan citizen over the age of 18 initiates sexual conduct (physically or by means of words or images) with any person under the age of 18; and the citizen over 18 is in a position of supervision, authority or tutelage over said person under 18.
WHEREAS, given Talossa's unique nature in that it is all too easy to flee justice, it seems proper that criminal trials should be able to proceed without the defendant's presence;

AND WHEREAS this presents unique problems to ensure that the defendant gets a fair trial;

BE IT ENACTED by the King, Senäts and Cosă in Ziu assembled that the following section be added to El Lexhatx G.6.

Quote6.12. Trials in absentia. If the accused or their representative, being properly informed as stipulated by law, fails to respond to or participate in criminal proceedings as set out above, then a Public Defender shall be appointed to act for them. This Public Defender shall exercise all rights granted to the accused by Organic and statute law.

6.12.1. The accused shall have the right at any time during criminal proceedings "in absentia", to dismiss the Public Defender and to take over their own defence. In such a case, the accused may request that any evidence that had been presented in their absence be presented again; where this is not possible, they will be shown records of it and may comment on it.

6.12.2.  Where the case has ended with an enforceable judgment, the convicted party may request a fresh trial within two calendar months of the delivery of the judgment to them. The fresh trial may not lead to an outcome that would be less favorable to the defendant than the outcome of the previous in absentia trial.
I direct my fellow MZ's attention to El Lexhatx G.11.1:

QuoteUppermost Cort Judges may be compelled to retire through organic removal from office through an act of the Ziu in accordance with Article VIII of the Organic Law. In accordance with the appropriate section, the inactivity of a Justice is defined as the failure of that Justice to act, rule, or appear in an open case the Justice is assigned to or participating in for more than 60 days, as certified by the Ziu in a majority vote.

Given the currently lack of anything in the matter of Hammond vs Cezembre before the CpI, it seems to me that Justice Owen Edwards will fall afoul of this section on January 10 2024, if he doesn't do something in the case before then. Does anyone have a contrary view?

I would also draw attention of the Ziu to Organic Law VIII.4, which reads in part:

QuoteEvery Judge of the Cort pü Inalt shall be subject to a re-appointment in intervals of five years, measured from when their initial appointment. These intervals may be increased two to no more than 10 years provided that any legislation retroactively applies to all sitting members of the Cort pü Inalt and is supported by two-thirds of the Cosa and a majority of the Senate in two consecutive Cosas.

Unless otherwise set by law, re-appointment shall be deemed automatic if no member of the Ziu has requested a re-appointment vote in the Cosa immediately preceding the expiration of the Judge's term; and re-appointment shall only require a simple majority of each house in the Ziu. The Ziu may modify the foregoing provided the requirements of re-appointment never exceed that for appointment.

Chief Judge Cjantschéir was appointed in 2014, and Judge Edwards in 2015. I merely point this out for information, as no-one has requested a reappointment vote... so far.
Estimat Túischac'h, I rise to deliver a Terpelaziun to the Minister of Technology, as authorised by El Lexhatx H.2.

The question is: given that the Immigration form on the National Website is no longer working; and given that Wittenberg has - as I understand it - had to run from MinTech's personal server since our web service provider is no longer reliable; and given all the other questions raised in my Terpelaziun of July 24 this year, which do not seem to have been resolved either;

  • 1. Given that the former Talossan Web Registrant, Istefan Perþonest, has been active in his capacity as CpI Justice within the last 2 months; and given that the Secretary of State has informed me that "Istefan is willing to receive email from any Talossan"; what steps have been taken to complete the transfer of domain names away from DoRoyal, as mentioned by MinTech in his response to the July 24 Terpelaziun?
  • 2. Does the Government have a plan and a schedule for cutting our ties with DoRoyal altogether and moving to a new web provider; and if so, can they please present this plan to the Ziu?

QuoteDue to a series of "catastrophic failures" 57PD10 added a Lexh.H.21 But it should already have been there because 57PD1 also introduced a § H.21 while simultaneously deleting § H.17 without providing for a renumbering that instead was carried out even though it was not authorised [1]. Therefore by reinstating former 57PD1 § H.21, the subsequent 57PD10 that explicitly provides for the introduction of a new section § H.21 causes a conflict that should automatically provide for the displacement of the already existing section. This situation should be cured by law.--Üc R. Tärfâ (talk) 03:19, 19 March 2023 (CDT)

I think I more or less grasp what Üc was saying here, but I confess I'm not exactly sure what form of legislation we need to introduce to "cure" it.
WHEREAS the Senäts elections alongside the 58th Cosă election clearly show the need for clear direction and consistency in how ties are broken in Ranked Choice Voting

BE IT ENACTED by the King, Cosă and Senäts in Ziu assembled that El Lexhatx B.14.7, which currently reads

Quote14.7. If, after any iteration, there are two or more candidates with the fewest ballots assigned to them, the candidate with the fewest first preferences assigned to him shall be eliminated. If these candidates all have the same number of first preferences assigned to them, the candidate with the fewest second preferences assigned to him shall be eliminated, and so forth.

    14.7.1. If no such distinction can be made between these candidates because all have the same number of votes on every level of preference, the remaining iterations shall be conducted under multiple scenarios. Each scenario shall eliminate one of the tied candidates. If the different scenarios described by B.14.7.1. result in the same winner of the election overall, the winning candidate shall become the Senator. If the different scenarios described by B.14.7.1. result in different winners of the election overall, the result will be considered a tie between the winners of the different scenarios and will be resolved in accordance with Org.IV.6.

shall be amended in its entirety to read:

Quote14.7. If, after any count, there are two or more candidates with the fewest ballots assigned to them, the candidate with the fewest ballots assigned to them after the previous count shall be eliminated. If the candidates were also tied after the previous count, the candidate with the fewest ballots assigned to them after the count before that shall be eliminated, and so on until one candidate is eliminated.

14.7.1. If no such distinction can be made between the tied candidates because all have the same number of ballots assigned to them after each count, preliminary subsequent counts shall be conducted under multiple scenarios. Each scenario shall eliminate one of the tied candidates. If the different scenarios described by B.14.7.1 result in the same winner of the election overall, that candidate shall be declared the winner. If the different scenarios described by B.14.7.1 result in different winners of the election overall, all of the originally tied candidates who would not win under any scenario shall be eliminated simultaneously, and subsequent counts shall proceed according to B.14.6. If all of the tied candidates would win under at least one scenario, the result shall be considered a tie between all candidates who would win under at least one scenario, and shall be resolved in accordance with the Organic Law.
El Viestül/The Lobby / [TERPELAZIUN] àl Seneschal
November 08, 2023, 02:23:57 PM
Estimat Túischac'h, I rise to ask a question of the Seneschal, as authorised by El Lexhatx H.2. Well, I don't have much choice in which member of the Government to address - because as far as I can tell there's only one so far!

My question is twofold:
a) when will the 59th Cosa Cabinet be announced?

b) are all or some of the outgoing 58th Cosa Cabinet members still in their posts in a caretaker basis; or is the Seneschal running the whole government by himself temporarily; or a combination? I ask because clearly Danihél Txechescu is clearly still administering the National Webspace; but the Seneschal himself appears to have taken over Immigration from his predecessor.

Grült méirçi.
Fiôvâ / Provincial landmark
November 07, 2023, 02:04:06 PM
So the Bureau of Home Affairs has gotten in touch requesting that each province provide, among other things,

"*For each province to register at least one landmark and at least one community with the National Registry"

I recommend that Fiova's landmark be the Bronze Fonz, located on the western border of Cuféir Canton.

Any better ideas? (Not sure what they mean by "community", maybe @Home Affairs can elaborate?)
Vuode / Question from an outsider
October 26, 2023, 05:23:11 PM
Is the new session of Vuode's legisature interested at all in changing your current provision for Senäts elections which requires candidates to nominate well in advance, with no write-ins, which means that (by my count) there has not been a competitive Senäts election in Vuode for at least 4 years?

Wittenberg / Senäts SNAFU
October 18, 2023, 04:08:20 AM
Three different controversies have prevented the new Senäts from properly convening and doing its business, with knock-on effects on the Cosă and the formation of a new government. I am still technically representing a party to a Cort pü Inalt case in one of those controversies (the Cézembre election), so I will here comment on the other two.

The Maricopa Senäts election

When Txoteu Davinescù took his case to the CpI about improper organisation of the tiebreaker in this election, a lot of comment was negative towards him in that the Premier of Maricopa was pressed for time and so had to organise a poker match at 24 hours notice during US working hours. The argument that the Maricopa Senäts race had to be finalised quickly makes a lot of sense. But given that, what doesn't make a lot of sense is the Premier of Maricopa's decision to drag out the controversy in front of the CpI. Txoteu has given his consent for an alternative tie-breaker which could be done instantly - the Maricopa Premier has "acknowledged" that but clearly doesn't want to do it, preferring to stick to a Cort case (which might take weeks) insisting on their right to, um, organise a poker match at 24 hours during US working hours because time was a factor?

The Mençéi election

Traditionally the Mençéi, the "honorable President" of the Senäts and a member of the CRL responsible for checking legislation for defects, goes to a long-standing and experienced Senator, preferably from outside the governing party. So naturally, the newest Senator from the governing party nominated himself for the post within five seconds of assuming his seat - and his whole party supported him.

It's generally accepted that in the recent election, the TNC suffered a small setback in votes because opposition claims that they had a tendency to excessive partisanship and a dismissive attitude to those outside their party resonated with the voters. It seems to me that we are currently bogged down in organising Talossa's legislature, partly because of those very factors.

I would recommend that we adopt a principle of climbing down when insisting on our "right" to do things our way is derailing things; that the Premier of Maricopa accept Txoteu Davinescù's suggestion of an alternative tie breaker; the TNC Senators abandon their effort to make a brand-new Senator Mençéi (why not the Senator from Vuode, who at least has a bit of experience, if they must put up a candidate?); and we can get this show on the road properly.
WHEREAS Cunstaváis serve for an indefinite term, which encourages a do-nothing attitude:

BE IT ENACTED that Organic Law XI.4 be amended from the current:

QuoteThe King shall appoint a Cunstavál (or Constable) for each Province. Until such time as the King or Cunstavál proclaims a provincial constitution providing otherwise, a Province's Cunstavál shall serve as Military Governor and may exercise all the powers of the provincial government. No Cunstavál shall proclaim any provincial constitution, nor shall any province pass a constitutional amendment, which conflicts with any provision of this Organic Law or with any other national law, or grants to the Cunstavál royal powers less extensive than those granted to the King on the national level (except that the provincial royal powers need not include a right of dissolution if provincial elections are held concurrently with Cosâ elections). No Cunstavál shall proclaim any provincial constitution which has not been approved by a referendum in which at least either a majority of all citizens of the province or a two-thirds majority of votes actually cast is in favor of the constitution. No person shall be at the same time Cunstavál of one province and the leader of the provincial government of another province.

to read in its entirety as follows:

Quote1. Every royal power that the King possesses as granted by this Organic Law shall also apply to the provincial governments; with the exception that the provincial royal powers need not include a right of dissolution if provincial elections are held concurrently with Cosâ elections.

2. The King may appoint a Cunstavál (or Constable) for any Province to exercise these powers on his behalf, for a term not exceeding three years. The King may reappoint a Cunstavál. The terms of existing Cunstaváis shall expire no later than three years after the adoption of this amendment.

3. Until such time as the King or Cunstavál proclaims a provincial constitution providing otherwise, the King or Cunstavál shall serve as Military Governor and may exercise all the powers of the provincial government.

4. The King or Cunstavál shall not proclaim any provincial constitution, nor shall any province pass a constitutional amendment, which conflicts with any provision of this Organic Law or with any other national law.

5. The King or Cunstavál shall not proclaim any provincial constitution which has not been approved by a referendum in which at least either a majority of all citizens of the province or a two-thirds majority of votes actually cast is in favor of the constitution.

6. No person shall be at the same time Cunstavál of one province and the leader of the provincial government of another province.
BE IT ENACTED yadda yadda yadda that, in conformity with international best practice, El Lexhatx B.14.7 shall be amended to read as follows:

Quote14.7. If, after any iteration, there are two or more candidates with the fewest ballots assigned to them, the candidate with the fewest first preferences assigned to him shall be eliminated.

14.7.1. If these candidates all have the same number of first preferences assigned to them, then B.14.7 and this paragraph shall be applied to each preceding count until one candidate is excluded.

    14.7.2. If no such distinction can be made between these candidates under the above 2 paragraphs, the remaining iterations shall be conducted under multiple scenarios. Each scenario shall eliminate one of the tied candidates. If the different scenarios described by B.14.7.2 result in the same winner of the election overall, the winning candidate shall become the Senator. If the different scenarios described by B.14.7.2. result in different winners of the election overall, the result will be considered a tie between the winners of the different scenarios and will be resolved in accordance with the Organic Law.