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El Funal/The Hopper / Re: The Eternally Present (Din...
Last post by Tric'hard Lenxheir - July 19, 2024, 10:03:52 PM
The Senator currently without a party (that would be me) would like to Co-sponsor if possible.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 19, 2024, 09:37:20 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 19, 2024, 04:41:17 PM@Miestră Schivă, UrN Co-sponsor?

Might be a good symbolic gesture to have all parties sponsor this legislation.

Sorry I missed this. The Distáin/leader of the COFFEE Party asked previously, so of course you can both go on, and it would be great to get 7 out of 7.

Thank you Miestra.
@Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP
@Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN
@Munditenens Tresplet
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 19, 2024, 04:41:17 PM@Miestră Schivă, UrN Co-sponsor?

Might be a good symbolic gesture to have all parties sponsor this legislation.

Sorry I missed this. The Distáin/leader of the COFFEE Party asked previously, so of course you can both go on, and it would be great to get 7 out of 7.
BE IT ENACTED by the King, Cosă and Senäts in Ziu assembled that El Lexhatx B.14.7, which currently reads:

Quote2.1.2. A bill has passed the Hopper if it has spent at least 10 days in the Hopper, and is exclusively limited to the following: Non-binding proclamations that have no effect other than express the wish of the Cosa, Senate, or Ziu as a whole, in which case the bill must contain the words "Sense of the Cosa", "Sense of the Senate" or "Sense of the Ziu" in its title. Proclamations that establish the position of the Ziu on a foreign policy issue. Establishment of a committee that has no powers other than advisory powers and whose recommendations must still be approved by the Ziu in order to be binding and making appointments to such a committee. Appointments to functions that are already defined in law and for which the Ziu is explicitly allowed to make appointments according to law. Any decision which the law explicitly allows the Ziu to make without the bill containing such a decision having to go through committee. Removing a regent or consenting to the re-appointment of a regent in accordance with Org.II.5. Revoking a Prüm Diktat. Notices of reprimand in accordance with Org.VIII.5. The granting or restoration of citizenship.

shall be amended by the addition of two more paragraphs:

Quote2.1.2.10. A bill that was passed by the previous Cosa but, due to Organic Law provisions, must be passed once again to take effect. A bill that was passed by a previous Cosa but did not take effect due to drafting errors, which are explicitly corrected in the revised bill.
As a simple re-presentation of a bill which has already passed, but must pass once again with the same text due to Organic Law provisions, it seems a waste of time to take this to the CRL.

Under El Lexhatx H.2.1.3, it can bypass the CRL process if 134 Cosa seats and 4 Senators express their support for doing so here.

I and my 16 Cosa seats support doing this.
As a simple re-presentation of a bill which has already passed, but didn't take effect due to a drafting error, it seems a waste of time to take this to the CRL.

Under El Lexhatx H.2.1.3, it can bypass the CRL process if 134 Cosa seats and 4 Senators express their support for doing so here.

I and my 16 Cosa seats support doing this.
Thank you Madam Seneschal
Whereas, under current statute both the Mençéi and Túischac'h can appoint temporary replacements, and

Whereas, under current statute this option is not yet available to the Avocat-Xheneral, and

Whereas, recent circumstances have highlighted the need for the Avocat-Xheneral to have this option as well, and

Whereas, this bill was passed by the previous Cosa, but with reference to the wrong part of El Lexhatxh

Therefore, be it enacted by the Ziu of the Kingdom of Talossa, that El Lexhatx Title H which currently reads as:

Quote2. The Mençéi and the Túischac'h may at any time appoint and dismiss one Senator and one Membreu dal Cosă, respectively, to serve as a member of the CRL in their place.

is amended, to read as follows:

Quote2. The Mençéi, Túischac'h, and Avocat-Xheneral may at any time appoint and dismiss one Senator or one Membreu dal Cosă, to serve as a member of the CRL in their place.
WHEREAS there is now a vacancy on the Uppermost Cort;

AND WHEREAS throughout most of Talossan history, the Uppermost Cort was set at 3 members;

AND WHEREAS that tradition was broken at the time the old Magistrate's Cort was folded into the CpI;

AND WHEREAS we now have a chance to restore this tradition;

AND WHEREAS the effect of this bill will be to confirm the CpI at its current size of one Senior Judge and two Puisne Judges, as foreseen in OrgLaw VIII.3;

AND WHEREAS this bill was already passed into law, as 59RZ1, but under the provisions of OrgLaw VIII.3, this resizing must be approved by a 2/3 majority of the Cosa, once again in this Cosa;

BE IT REAFFIRMED by the King, Cosa and Senäts of Talossa in Ziu assembled that El Lexhatx G.1.1, which previously read

QuoteThe Ziu enlarges the number of Puisne Judges to a total of three in accord with Section 3 of Article VIII of the Organic Law.

is deleted.
Congratulations @Iason Taiwos