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El Senäts/The Senate / Re: Mencei for 60th Cosa
Last post by Ian Plätschisch - Today at 05:36:00 AM
I nominate @Glüc da Dhi S.H.
Quote from: Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN on July 23, 2024, 08:43:26 AMCan this please be moved to the CRL/Committee?
Bumping the above in case it was missed? 
This bill is eligible for the CRL, so I have moved it here.

I have also tidied up bills on the CRL board, the Hopper and the Archives.
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on July 22, 2024, 04:27:31 PMI believe I've moved your three bills. I take Sundays off so did not see any requests. I also don't usually move bills to the CRL so I may have missed your requests.

Thanks Txec, I'm not sure if the moderator list is accurate. Tgerxh should be a member as the new tuischach. And it appears Ian P. is currently serving in two different capacities as A-X (you still have the Baron as a moderator as the old A-X) and Mençéi until they reaffirm him or elect someone else.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 23, 2024, 05:35:21 PM169 Cosa seats and 4 Senators have voted to allow this bill to be Clarked without need of the CRL process, as provided by El Lexhatx H.2.1.3, and I would like the SoS @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to confirm that this is the case.

Yes, this bill is ready to be Clarked as well.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 23, 2024, 05:27:51 PM169 Cosa seats and 4 Senators have voted to allow this bill to be Clarked without need of the CRL process, as provided by El Lexhatx H.2.1.3, and I would like the SoS @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to confirm that this is the case.

That does appear to be the case.
Wittenberg / Re: Poker 2024
Last post by Bråneu Excelsio - July 23, 2024, 06:48:07 PM

Can I have confirmation of participants?

I will be online one hour before the game spamming this thread.
169 Cosa seats and 4 Senators have voted to allow this bill to be Clarked without need of the CRL process, as provided by El Lexhatx H.2.1.3, and I would like the SoS @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to confirm that this is the case.
El Funal/The Hopper / Re: The Cort pü Inalt Right-Si...
Last post by Iason Taiwos - July 23, 2024, 05:29:45 PM
I support the CRL bypass.
Taiwos, Senator for Beni-I mean, Belacosta
169 Cosa seats and 4 Senators have voted to allow this bill to be Clarked without need of the CRL process, as provided by El Lexhatx H.2.1.3, and I would like the SoS @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to confirm that this is the case.