The New Word Suggestion Threads -- El Fil dels Noveux Mocts Suxhestats

Started by Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP, April 10, 2020, 06:20:22 AM

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Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

Estimats membreux dal SIGN,
this is the thread where we discuss the inclusion of new words into the Treisour This is how it works: The suggestions are taken directly from the Översteir suggestion box. I post them here, and then we have a vote on whether or not to include them into the Treisour. The changes are then effective immediately.

To start off, here are the first two suggestions that I received:

Talossan word: Micar
English translation: To mick
Part of speech: Verb
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): You know

[table style="width:100%;" border=1]
[tr][td]Infinitive[/td][td colspan=6]micar[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Present Participle[/td][td colspan=6]michind(s)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Past Participle[/td][td colspan=6]micat(s), micadă(s), michescu (-schti)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]éu[/td] [td]tu[/td][td]o/a/ça[/td][td]noi[/td][td]voi[/td][td]os/as/ça[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Present[/td][td]michéu[/td] [td]micás[/td][td]mica[/td][td]michent (micameux)[/td][td]michetz[/td][td]michent[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Past[/td][td]micheveu[/td] [td]michevás[/td][td]micheva[/td][td]michevent (michevameux)[/td][td]michevetz[/td][td]michevent[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Future[/td][td]micarhéu[/td] [td]micarhás[/td][td]micarha[/td][td]micarhent (micarhameux)[/td][td]micarhetz[/td][td]micarhent[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Conditional[/td][td]micadréu[/td] [td]micadrás[/td][td]micadra[/td][td]micadrent (micadrameux)[/td][td]micadretz[/td][td]micadrent[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Imperative[/td][td][/td] [td]¡mica![/td][td][/td][td][/td][td]¡michetz![/td][td][/td][/tr]

ADDED (April 12, 2020 21:22)

Talossan word: Gordò
English translation: Gordon
Part of speech: Noun (masculine)
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): Glüc's nickname is Gordon.

ADDED AS "Gourdò" (April 12, 2020 21:22)

Editing posts is my thing. My bad.
Feel free to PM me if you have a Glheþ translation request!

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Something about "micar" doesn't seem very aesthetic to me. I might prefer "miqar".

And Gordò means "fat" in Spanish, not sure if we want to go there :D Given one suggested etymology, can we go with Gourdò?

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

Quote from: Miestrâ Schiva, UrN on April 10, 2020, 08:36:02 PM
Something about "micar" doesn't seem very aesthetic to me. I might prefer "miqar".
I couldve sworn that I've seen "micar" used on OldWitt, but I cant find it anymore...

EDIT: Found it. Either micéu was a typo of michéu, or it's an inflected form of a verb like micear, which has a stem ending that is completely unprecedented and would probably require introducing new irregularities -- I'm guessing its the former though.

And Gordò means "fat" in Spanish, not sure if we want to go there :D Given one suggested etymology, can we go with Gourdò?
I'd be fine with that.
Editing posts is my thing. My bad.
Feel free to PM me if you have a Glheþ translation request!

Miestră Schivă, UrN

If micar has already been used in practice, I withdraw my objection

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

Can I add micar and Gourdò then?

EDIT: Done.
Editing posts is my thing. My bad.
Feel free to PM me if you have a Glheþ translation request!

Iason Taiwos

Could I interest somebody from the esteemed body of SIGN to take a look at our Ohio Cjováni lexicon? We have attempted to make new Talossan words when we couldn't find them in the Oversteier. We have words like baeóuc, balineu, branocea, Caxhiesc, and cofeu, among others. I'd like if someone with more knowledge would peruse our lexicon, and maybe make suggestions/improvements. (I've just entered a few words in the Oversteiers' suggestion box.) All I need is your email address and the promise that you won't go crazy and try to destroy everything us poor Ohio Benitians have been working on. (This thing is in Google Docs)

Miestră Schivă, UrN

I was amazed to find out that there is no formal title for the Leader of the Opposition on ár glheþ naziunál. In the Republic we used el Tanaïschteu, from Irish tanáiste, "successor"; in Irish it means the Deputy Prime Minister, but we took their Taoiseach to mean our speaker of the Cosa, so I don't see why we can't repurpose another Irish term.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Quote from: Iason Taiwos on April 16, 2020, 07:29:06 PM
Could I interest somebody from the esteemed body of SIGN to take a look at our Ohio Cjováni lexicon?

Send me the link on Facebook

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Iac Marscheir

Ün moct q'isch detxa in l'Översteir: Flood (n.) --> ziluvieu

Flood (v.) --> ziluviar

Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

Hey everyone.
There've been a bunch of new suggestions since *checks notes* April (éu lament'). Here are all of them. Feel free to state your opinions and what you'd change, and vote on what you'd like to see added.

Talossan word: Taduntafarina, branocea, farinocea
English translation: Roux
Part of speech: Noun (feminine)
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): Just trying to find a  Talossan equivalent of "roux"

Talossan word: Caxhiesc
English translation: Cajun
Part of speech: Noun (masculine)
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): Need a Talossan word for Cajun

Talossan word: eufoniüm (based on other existing words)
English translation: euphonium
Part of speech: Noun (masculine)
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): Brass instrument

Talossan word: contrafatxot
English translation: contrabassoon
Part of speech: Noun (masculine)
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): Double reed woodwind instrument

Talossan word: {blank}
English translation: sousaphone
Part of speech: Noun (masculine)
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): Brass instrument commonly used as a marching band tuba.

Talossan word: füþcorn (reassigned from word for "cornet")
English translation: flugelhorn
Part of speech: Noun (masculine)
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): Family of brass instruments with conical bore.

Talossan word: cornetă
English translation: cornet
Part of speech: Noun (feminine)
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): Brass instrument similar to a trumpet.

Talossan word: ziluviar
English translation: flood
Part of speech: Verb
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): ziluvieu (noun, "flood")

[table style="width:100%;" border=1]
[tr][td]Infinitive[/td][td colspan=6]ziluviar[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Present Participle[/td][td colspan=6]ziluviind(s)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Past Participle[/td][td colspan=6]ziluviat(s), ziluviadă(s), ziluviescu (-schti)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]éu[/td] [td]tu[/td][td]o/a/ça[/td][td]noi[/td][td]voi[/td][td]os/as/ça[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Present[/td][td]ziluviéu[/td] [td]ziluviás[/td][td]ziluvia[/td][td]ziluvient (ziluviameux)[/td][td]ziluvietz[/td][td]ziluvient[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Past[/td][td]ziluvieveu[/td] [td]ziluvievás[/td][td]ziluvieva[/td][td]ziluvievent (ziluvievameux)[/td][td]ziluvievetz[/td][td]ziluvievent[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Future[/td][td]ziluviarhéu[/td] [td]ziluviarhás[/td][td]ziluviarha[/td][td]ziluviarhent (ziluviarhameux)[/td][td]ziluviarhetz[/td][td]ziluviarhent[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Conditional[/td][td]ziluviadréu[/td] [td]ziluviadrás[/td][td]ziluviadra[/td][td]ziluviadrent (ziluviadrameux)[/td][td]ziluviadretz[/td][td]ziluviadrent[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Imperative[/td][td][/td] [td]¡ziluvia![/td][td][/td][td][/td][td]¡ziluvietz![/td][td][/td][/tr]

Talossan word: femnel
English translation: feminine
Part of speech: Adjective
Context (e.g. citations for use, word origin, etc.): Sardinian feminili, influenced by femnă "woman" and maschcel "masculine" (itself from Sardinian maschili)
Editing posts is my thing. My bad.
Feel free to PM me if you have a Glheþ translation request!

Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

Heres my opinion on them:

Roux, Cajun:
Assuming there arent already established words for the two, I'd suggest ros ~ roßeu (Sardinian rosso, same origin as French "roux") and Caxhïan (based on Acadzïan "Acadian", from Acadzïă "Acadia", same origin as "Cajun"). If there are words for them already in use, I'd be in favour of adding those instead obviously.

Switching words around is a bit weird but other than that, no objections. For sousaphone I'd suggest sousafon (based on saxofon and all the other -fon "-phone" words)

No objections.

To be frank, this word is my idea. There's been some sort of concensus to move more towards the African Latin Berber thing (see the The Shape of Glheþ to Come thread on OldWitt) and I've since warmed to this idea, so I figured it was weird that we have "goofy" words for masculine and feminine based on the pre-97 words for them (cióvec > ciovechesc, fru > frunal), as well as an African Latin word for masculine (maschcel < maschili) but not for feminine. Femnel is an attempt to complete the set, so to speak.
Editing posts is my thing. My bad.
Feel free to PM me if you have a Glheþ translation request!

Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

Editing posts is my thing. My bad.
Feel free to PM me if you have a Glheþ translation request!

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Can we get an opinion on Tanaïschteu (m) "leader of the opposition"?

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on October 12, 2020, 04:26:07 PM
Can we get an opinion on Tanaïschteu (m) "leader of the opposition"?

Thats from tánaiste ['t̪ˠaːn̪ˠəʃtʲə], right? Considering the Irish pronunciation, wouldnt *Tánischteu ['taniʃtɪu] make more sense than Tanaïschteu [tana.'iʃtɪu]?
Editing posts is my thing. My bad.
Feel free to PM me if you have a Glheþ translation request!

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Possibly. The latter is the spelling we used in the Republic, but you're right that the former looks more linguistically correct.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"