[TERPELAZIUN] Ministreu dàl Tec'hnoloxhà

Started by Miestră Schivă, UrN, April 19, 2023, 05:04:15 PM

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Miestră Schivă, UrN

Estimat Túischac'h, I rise to deliver a Terpelaziun to the Minister of Technology, as authorized by El Lexhatx H.2., in regards to his recent announcement re: the website talossa.com. I would have preferred this to ask this as a Supplemental to the recent TERP by my party colleague Üc Tärfa MC, but the Túischac'h has confirmed that we can't do that.

My questions:

1. Given that talossan.com has always been a privately owned and operated website, albeit using a domain name owned by the Kingdom, how is the Ministry in a position to "delegate the administration of the website and server of Talossan.com"? How can the Government delegate something it never owned?

2. What advice did the Minister of Culture, responsible for oversight of language issues, give to the Minister of Technology before making this decision?

3. The Government is aware that the information contained on talossan.com is outdated, incorrect and misleading. We know the Government is aware because the Ladintsch Naziunal / convenor of SIGN has explained this in detail on the national Discord and elsewhere, in conversations involving the Distáin.

Given this, and given the Minister's reply to point 6 of cxhn. Tärfa's recent Terpelaziun: what reason does the Minister have for continuing to allow use of this domain name by s:reu Ventrutx, a less active citizen who is not actually a Talossan-langauge speaker, rather than handing the domain name over to el Bureu del Glheþ, or SIGN, to set up an accurate website?

4. If the Government is determined to keep talossan.com in the private hands of cxhn. Ventrutx with the Distain acting as his de facto webmaster - which would be keeping with the current Government's seeming determination to have everything under the personal control of their leaders and their political allies, rather than accountable to legislative oversight - I therefore amplify the question raised by cxhn. Tafial MC:

QuoteWhat can or will the Minister do to ensure that the contents of the website are factual and useful for learners and scholars, living up to the tagline that he gave it in the Delegation of Website administration notice?


I thank the Minister in response for his answer. I understand that he "likes to stay away from the Ziu", but unfortunately being politically responsible for decisions is the fundamental part of a Cabinet Minister's job, and I would suggest that if he doesn't like being hassled with Terps, he could take up a purely administrative role and pass the Ministerial portfolio on.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Danihel Txechescu

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on April 19, 2023, 05:04:15 PMEstimat Túischac'h, I rise to deliver a Terpelaziun to the Minister of Technology, as authorized by El Lexhatx H.2., in regards to his recent announcement re: the website talossa.com. I would have preferred this to ask this as a Supplemental to the recent TERP by my party colleague Üc Tärfa MC, but the Túischac'h has confirmed that we can't do that.

My questions:

1. Given that talossan.com has always been a privately owned and operated website, albeit using a domain name owned by the Kingdom, how is the Ministry in a position to "delegate the administration of the website and server of Talossan.com"? How can the Government delegate something it never owned?

2. What advice did the Minister of Culture, responsible for oversight of language issues, give to the Minister of Technology before making this decision?

3. The Government is aware that the information contained on talossan.com is outdated, incorrect and misleading. We know the Government is aware because the Ladintsch Naziunal / convenor of SIGN has explained this in detail on the national Discord and elsewhere, in conversations involving the Distáin.

Given this, and given the Minister's reply to point 6 of cxhn. Tärfa's recent Terpelaziun: what reason does the Minister have for continuing to allow use of this domain name by s:reu Ventrutx, a less active citizen who is not actually a Talossan-langauge speaker, rather than handing the domain name over to el Bureu del Glheþ, or SIGN, to set up an accurate website?

4. If the Government is determined to keep talossan.com in the private hands of cxhn. Ventrutx with the Distain acting as his de facto webmaster - which would be keeping with the current Government's seeming determination to have everything under the personal control of their leaders and their political allies, rather than accountable to legislative oversight - I therefore amplify the question raised by cxhn. Tafial MC:

QuoteWhat can or will the Minister do to ensure that the contents of the website are factual and useful for learners and scholars, living up to the tagline that he gave it in the Delegation of Website administration notice?


I thank the Minister in response for his answer. I understand that he "likes to stay away from the Ziu", but unfortunately being politically responsible for decisions is the fundamental part of a Cabinet Minister's job, and I would suggest that if he doesn't like being hassled with Terps, he could take up a purely administrative role and pass the Ministerial portfolio on.

1. Because the domain is under this Ministrà's control, we can simply point that domain to another website anytime. Because we're delegating the operation of that website, we leave it there. Again, this has been just  to bring compliance into the existing situation.

2. The discussions in cabinet, where we ministers occur, concluded that that was the best course of action for the current situation. In these same discussions, plans were laid out to do even more in a different way, BUT...

3. I have not received a proposal to hand this over to el Bureu or SIGN. BUT...

4. I can more than certainly enable it, I can make that happen, will give full support (technical support) for it. I am NOT the webmaster of it (or other sites), I make sure that those sites can operate and I will for this case too.

Now, these are not my beans to spill, (continue here from "BUT...") but Baron AD had been doing something along those lines for some weeks.

I understand that all of this is coming not in relation to the technological aspect of the site but because of the content. The buck doesn't stop here, but I can make sure that it is passed properly to the persons that can make effective changes here.


With thanks, I appreciate that. It's just that I don't like to dress up to come to the Ziu just to share information that could have been shared otherwise in a different format. I'm always open to talk about these things.