Translating of Official Documents

Started by King Txec, June 22, 2021, 12:18:07 PM

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King Txec

I'm in the process of trying to add Talossan names for things when creating official documents in my role as Secretár d'Estat. As such, I know that an individual MC is Membreu dal Cosă. If I remember correctly, the plural is Membreaux, right?

Also, could someone please translate these phrases into Talossan for me please?

It is my pleasure to call Members of the Cosa to vote on the next Seneschal for the 56th Cosa.
Members of the Cosa as of July 1, 2021
The relevant Organic Law is quoted below
Election Procedures
Candidates for Seneschal (in random order)
Sample Vote Response

TXEC R, by the Grace of God, King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk

King Txec

Also, I'm interested in perhaps slightly modifying the names of the boards here in Wittenberg. For example:


The Lobby/El Viestül

Any thoughts?
TXEC R, by the Grace of God, King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk

Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

QuoteI'm in the process of trying to add Talossan names for things when creating official documents in my role as Secretár d'Estat. As such, I know that an individual MC is Membreu dal Cosă. If I remember correctly, the plural is Membreaux, right?

*Secretar d'Estat, *Membreux
If you want a (probably not complete) list of public office titles, click here.

QuoteIt is my pleasure to call Members of the Cosa to vote on the next Seneschal for the 56th Cosa.
Members of the Cosa as of July 1, 2021
The relevant Organic Law is quoted below
Election Procedures
Candidates for Seneschal (in random order)
Sample Vote Response

C'e va plaschair à pußidar dels Membreux dal Cosă à votar sür el próxim Seneschal per la 56:téă Cosă.
Membreux dal Cosă dal 1:dă Juliă dallas 2021/XLII
Procedançeux dal Eleziun
Candidätsilor per el Seneschal (in l'uorden fortupt)
Exampal da Respuns da Votă

QuoteAlso, I'm interested in perhaps slightly modifying the names of the boards here in Wittenberg. For example:
Any thoughts?
The translations are accurate, but in all honesty, I'm not sure what this would accomplish. We've been using Talossan terms for a great deal of things for years (Cosă, Senäts, Ziu, Seneschal, per, non, austanéu...) and nothing much has come of it (I bet most Talossan dont know how these words are even pronounced),
Editing posts is my thing. My bad.
Feel free to PM me if you have a Glheþ translation request!

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on June 22, 2021, 12:18:07 PM
I'm in the process of trying to add Talossan names for things when creating official documents in my role as Secretár d'Estat. As such, I know that an individual MC is Membreu dal Cosă. If I remember correctly, the plural is Membreaux, right?

Also, could someone please translate these phrases into Talossan for me please?

It is my pleasure to call Members of the Cosa to vote on the next Seneschal for the 56th Cosa.
Members of the Cosa as of July 1, 2021
The relevant Organic Law is quoted below
Election Procedures
Candidates for Seneschal (in random order)
Sample Vote Response

Love it
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

King Txec

Thank you. Can you also please help me with this phrase:

The relevant Organic Law is quoted below

TXEC R, by the Grace of God, King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk

Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

QuoteThank you. Can you also please help me with this phrase:

The relevant Organic Law is quoted below

"below" is a difficult word but I guess it should be
El Legeu Orgänic relevint isch quotat aicì bäts.
Editing posts is my thing. My bad.
Feel free to PM me if you have a Glheþ translation request!

Danihel Txechescu

Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial on June 22, 2021, 01:56:30 PM
QuoteThank you. Can you also please help me with this phrase:

The relevant Organic Law is quoted below

"below" is a difficult word but I guess it should be
El Legeu Orgänic relevint isch quotat aicì bäts.

Unsure if useful, but in Spanish that'd be "aquí abajo", which is not common in legalese. What's used, instead, is "debajo", an adverbial combination of de- + bajo ("de-" is not a preposition but a prefix: Perhaps there's a similar combination in Talossan.

Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP

Quote from: Danihel Txechescu on June 22, 2021, 05:53:48 PM
Unsure if useful, but in Spanish that'd be "aquí abajo", which is not common in legalese. What's used, instead, is "debajo", an adverbial combination of de- + bajo ("de-" is not a preposition but a prefix: Perhaps there's a similar combination in Talossan.
As far as I can tell, there isn't, which makes words like "above" and "below" so difficult to translate. There are words for "from above" and "from below", which are "dasupra" ('supra' by itself doesnt exist) and "d'under" ('under' means down) respectively, which isn't really helpful either...
Editing posts is my thing. My bad.
Feel free to PM me if you have a Glheþ translation request!