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Topics - Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

Wittenberg / Future of the Chancery
June 05, 2024, 08:27:28 PM
So essentially the database is one giant complicated system, and our main problem is that we can't really manipulate it to do what we want.  This means that we are increasingly using kludges and occasionally ask for emergency help from someone without enough time to really get involved that much.  To anyone familiar with government software, this is actually a very familiar story!

Now, I propose we engage in a traditional approach from many governments:
1. First, a fact-finding panel composed of twenty-three people in various interest groups, split fairly closely by partisan lean, who will travel to Gstaad for a two-week retreat in order to come up with the process by which we will decide on the next steps for the

Well, actually, let's start by breaking down the use of the database:
  • Records
  • Voting
  • Legislating

The immediate problem is that it's really hard to design a whole new system to do these things without a ton of technical knowledge, and even if we did do that, we'd just be stuck with another giant complicated system that will get gummed-up in short order.  There's no way to make a big complicated thing that isn't big and complicated.

The solution is that we shouldn't be trying to do everything all with the same system.  We should be using different systems for each task.

The obvious objection is that this would make the Chancery an incredibly difficult and exhausting position that no one would ever want.  But aside from the fact that this is already true right now, it's also not correct.  Since even though we have different systems, we can still use the same simple tools to make it work: spreadsheets.

Spreadsheets are essentially just very accessible databases, available to everyone.  They're incredibly low-maintenance, incredibly transparent, and incredibly versatile.  You can pipe the information from a spreadsheet to all kinds of fancy purposes, including glitzy front-ends to present the data in a pretty way.  And if we use a few tricks, we can make them work for these purposes.

Now, obviously we don't want the Chancery in charge of just manually updating everything all of the time.  That'd get very onerous.  I'd suggest that using different implementations of Google Forms is the best approach.  Google Forms can be embedded into webpages, so that we can have a Chancery webpage for Ziu votes.  A member of the Ziu is issued a code for their votes, and then when they want to vote on the Clark, they go to a page and enter their votes for each bill, and then enter their code.  The spreadsheet is programmed with any of a number of relatively simple formulas to match codes up (or reject them) and the results are automatically tabulated on the sheet, and simultaneously automatically transcribed elsewhere for display.

The devil will be in the details, but I think that this will be a system that anyone can learn to manage and most could learn to modify and improve.  And what's more, this would be something that others could make even better -- I'm just a teacher, and so think about what someone who knows more about spreadsheets could do! -- and could build on.

So right now, that's where I'm at.  One big word: "spreadsheets," with hours of thinking and figuring to do.  But updating Infotecă with all of its information takes only about a minute per month... I bet a clever system of automated spreadsheets and forms would at least take no longer than we currently spend on this stuff.
Wittenberg / TNC board
June 01, 2024, 01:55:27 PM
@Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB , the TNC has folded up shop at this point.  Please remove the moderators of the public and private forums, and remove access for everyone to the private forum.  I don't know what to suggest about the public forum -- maybe archive it to avoid clutter?
First of all, I want to change the nomenclature of the Clerk's office to be Clarqeu da Corts, which is I think the appropriate translation.  So I want to make that change throughout.

Secondly, since service is usually possible by the Clerk directly through private message, and I just realized I've been cutting out a step accidentally and we should formalize that:

10.1. The Secretary of State shall accept service of any complaints or claims to the Cort pü Inalt or General Cort of Talossa on behalf of all citizens. The Secretary of State shall email notice of said complaints or claims to the concerned citizen and affirm to the Cort that they did so on that date (the "date of service").

shall be amended to

10.1. The Secretary of State shall accept service of any complaints or claims to the Cort pü Inalt or General Cort of Talossa on behalf of all citizens, on request of the Clarqeu da Corts. The Secretary of State shall email notice of said complaints or claims to the concerned citizen and affirm to the Cort that they did so on that date (the "date of service").

Thirdly, I think I have implicit authority to specify the rough form for petitions, but just to make it clear:

4.11.  The Clarqeu da Corts may publish guidelines as to the appropriate forms for filing petitions before the Corts, and may reject petitions which fail to abide by these guidelines.  Such guidelines will be entirely subordinate and subject to the oversight and amendment of the Cort pü Inalt.

Fourthly, we need some civil suit protections.  The law has a lot of stuff about criminal suits, but we need a similar section for civil suits.  I'll get to that ASAP.
Wittenberg / Citizenship Petition for Bentxamì Puntmasleu
September 25, 2023, 01:15:18 PM
WHEREAS it has been more than a fortnight since Bentxamì Puntmasleu (@Ben Hershlim) first posted on Wittenberg, following his introduction to the citizens of the Kingdom by officers of the Immigration Ministry, and

WHEREAS he has, in that time, demonstrated an active, genuine, and continuing interest in Talossan life, culture, and language, and

WHEREAS he desires citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa, and

WHEREAS by all indications it appears that he would be a loyal and dedicated citizen, and a credit to this nation if he obtains the grant of citizenship he requests, and

WHEREAS he will certainly spice up and enrich our Talossan culture,

THEREFORE I, Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric, a citizen in good standing of the Most Magnificent Province of Maritiimi-Maxhestic and of the Kingdom of Talossa, do by the present petition the Secretary of State @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to issue a grant of citizenship to Bentxamì Puntmasleu, as specified by law.
Wittenberg / 59th Election Discussion
September 14, 2023, 06:37:27 PM
The mighty Kwisatz-Haderach of Elections, @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB , does not want people chatting on the official thread. So here is a thread to discuss the election as it starts to unfold tomorrow morning.

Elections are always so special, and often get really weird in our funny little country. Small parties turn out to have surprising reach, or coalitions morph dramatically with the change of a few votes.

Another one is upon us! Zooks!


Scribe Opening

The Ministrà dal Xhusticiă is currently seeking a Grefieir d'Abbavilla.  In this role, you would maintain L'Anuntzia dels Legeux and the Organic Law.  Basically, you just look at the laws that pass and edit the wiki pages to reflect the changes.  It's an important role, but it doesn't require much work.  The only requirements are a small amount of available time, the willingness to serve your country, and some slight familiarity with the law's formatting and customs.  You will always be able to consult with the Avocat-Xheneral's office if you're confused or unsure about something, and an experienced and brilliant deputy ( @Sir Lüc ) who can help you get started.

Anyone who is interested should reply here or PM me.


Request for the Dismissal of the Royal Scribe

As Avocat-Xheneral and on behalf of the Ministrà dal Xhusticiă, I am saddened to have to officially request the dismissal of the Grefieir d'Abbavilla, Üc R. Tärfâ, pursuant to the provisions of el Lexhatx  (Lexh.C.3.2).
Wittenberg / [XHUSTICIĂ] Appointment of Deputy Scribe
September 04, 2023, 12:05:20 PM


Appointment of Deputy Scribe

As Avocat-Xheneral and on behalf of the Ministrà dal Xhusticiă, I am pleased to appoint

Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB

as the

Distain Grefieir d'Abbavilla

The law directs that the Distain Grefieir shall assist the Grefieir with their efforts "to maintain and publish the Organic and statutory laws of the Kingdom."  This office is one of the most important ones within Talossa; we are a nation of laws even more than many countries.  The Ministrà is grateful to Sir Lüc for his willingness to serve, and we stand ready to assist him in any way he might need.


Deputy Scribe Opening

The Ministrà dal Xhusticiă is currently seeking a Distain Grefieir d'Abbavilla.  In this role, you would assist with the maintenance of L'Anuntzia dels Legeux and the Organic Law.  Basically, you just look at the laws that pass and edit the wiki pages to reflect the changes.  It's an important role, but it doesn't require much work.  The only requirements are a small amount of available time, the willingness to serve your country, and some slight familiarity with the law's formatting and customs.  You will always be able to consult with the Avocat-Xheneral's office if you're confused or unsure about something.

Anyone who is interested should reply here or PM me.
A list of changes to make to the census for the next one:

-Gender options: Male, Female, Nonbinary, Other
-Household size should be a slider from 1 to 10+.
-Industry should include other options and should instruct respondents to "choose category that best describes your occupation": agriculture, education, construction, homemaking, unemployed, probably others
-Racial identity options should probably be tweaked.
-Religious affiliation needs additions of "Other:______________" and "Nonreligious".
-Income should have Euro and USD equivalents.
EDIT: Eliminate party affiliation.
The Cort Bookkeeping Act

Whereas the Clerk of Corts thinks the current statutory procedure for keeping cort records is excessive and onerous, and not really in keeping with our needs,

THERFORE subsections 12.3.1 through 12.3.5 of Title G of el Lexhatx, which currently read
Quote12.3.1. If the Cort pü Inalt shall request the Government or Scribe to maintain official reporters, then the Cort pü Inalt must designate, in the decision, whether it shall be deemed binding, and if so, it shall be reported in an official reporter entitled "Cort pü Inalt" and abbreviated to "CPI" in citations. All decisions of the Cort pü Inalt designated nonbinding shall be reported in an official reporter entitled "Cort pü Inalt Appendix" and abbreviated to "CPIA" in citations.
12.3.2. All final determinations of the General Cort shall be published in an official reporter entitled "General Cort" and abbreviated to "GC" by the Scribe or an individual designated by the Government in the same fashion as described in G.[r 13]. Non-final or interlocutory determinations that impact the rights of a party must also be reported in the GC reporter. All other determinations need not be reported in the GC reported unless so designated by the General Cort. Determinations not contained in the GC reporter shall be styled as General Cort Slip Opinions and must be made publicly available on a State-run website in consecutive order by date with an affixed number with an appropriate pin cite every 200 words, for ease of reference, that shall be listed as follows: Case Name, Year GC Slip Op NUMBER, *Pin (Full Date, Magistrate's surname, M.) (e.g. Doe v Smith, 2020 GC Slip Op 001, *1 [27 February 2020, Smith, M.]).
12.3.3. If the Scribe or the appointed Government Ministry determines any aforementioned volume becomes lengthy, a subsequent volume shall be created with the appropriate cardinal prefixed prior to the reporter.
12.3.4. The Cort pü Inalt may direct the Clerk of the Corts to normalize case captions according to rules it may set forth, which shall then be used in any reporter.
12.3.5. The Cort pü Inalt may publish an official style manual enumerating proper citations for any source, which shall be followed by all parties filing documents with any national Talossan cort.
shall be deleted from the law.

Uréu q'estadra så
Alexandreu Davinescu (MC-TNC)
Wittenberg / Immigration Discussion
June 06, 2023, 10:19:32 AM
@GV , I'm not sure it's appropriate to keep advertising your party so heavily to prospective immigrants.  You've spammed the same message to twenty-three different immigration threads, and we have a really longstanding prohibition against turning the immigration process into an exercise in partisan recruiting.  I understand that it's not quite spam because you add in a phrase or sentence each time, and that broosking is only unethical and not actually illegal, but is this really the direction we want the country to go?


Appointment of Grefieir d'Abbavilla

It is my honour as Avocat-Xheneral to appoint @Üc R. Tärfă as the Grefieir d'Abbavilla, or Scribe of Abbavilla.

The position of Grefieir d'Abbavilla is a sacred duty.  The leader of the Scribery must faithfully record and display all of the laws of our country -- and our country is mostly just law and culture, set teeteringly high on a few specks of brick and mortar.  The slip of the proverbial pen could prove disastrous if the duties of the Grefieir d'Abbavilla are neglected.  S:reu Tärfă has shown he can be relied upon to do his duty.

But even further, S:reu Tärfă has shown that he brings that spark of delight and ingenuity which can turn a chore into a monument.  As Distain Grefieir, he has annotated and simplified el Lexhatx, and in the process uncovered many small improvements that can be made through legislation.  A system is already visibly forming which will assist the Ziu and Government for years to come.

The Government believes that the nation will be well-served by S:reu Tärfă, and we hope he will accept this appointment.
Presented for approval:

Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on May 08, 2023, 11:33:15 AM
Second Incorporative Act

WHEREAS we should make it possible for people to create publicly-verifiable contracts to accommodate our unique style of digital governance, allowing for the creation of private corporations and non-governmental organizations in a way that has an official sheen to it, and

WHEREAS the Register of Talossan Enterprises does not appear to exist and has never even been promoted and I doubt that more than two or three people know it hypothetically exists, so it had its shot over the last two years and hasn't made it,

THEREFORE the tenth subsection of the eighth subsection of the second section of Title D of el Lexhatx, which currently reads as follows:

Quote2.8.10 The Finance Minister shall create a Register of Talossan Enterprises, available to all Talossan citizens. Any Talossan who produces goods and services, whether commercially or as a hobby, may provide a description, no longer than 100 words, of their enterprise together with their contact details, for the purposes of advertisement and information. An enterprise shall be removed from the register at the request of the registrant; or by a determination by the Finance Minister that the enterprise is no longer active, or not of a character with which the Kingdom of Talossa wishes to be associated. Such determinations shall be subject to judicial review.

shall be replaced by the following subsections:

Quote2.8.10 The Finance Minister will make available a system for the public registration of articles of incorporation.  They or their designated representative will ensure that these articles are available for public perusal.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Baron Alexandreu Davinescu
The Cort Bookkeeping Act

Whereas the Clerk of Corts thinks the current statutory procedure for keeping cort records is excessive and onerous, and not really in keeping with our needs,

THERFORE subsections 12.3.1 through 12.3.5 of Title G of el Lexhatx, which currently read
Quote12.3.1. If the Cort pü Inalt shall request the Government or Scribe to maintain official reporters, then the Cort pü Inalt must designate, in the decision, whether it shall be deemed binding, and if so, it shall be reported in an official reporter entitled "Cort pü Inalt" and abbreviated to "CPI" in citations. All decisions of the Cort pü Inalt designated nonbinding shall be reported in an official reporter entitled "Cort pü Inalt Appendix" and abbreviated to "CPIA" in citations.
12.3.2. All final determinations of the General Cort shall be published in an official reporter entitled "General Cort" and abbreviated to "GC" by the Scribe or an individual designated by the Government in the same fashion as described in G.[r 13]. Non-final or interlocutory determinations that impact the rights of a party must also be reported in the GC reporter. All other determinations need not be reported in the GC reported unless so designated by the General Cort. Determinations not contained in the GC reporter shall be styled as General Cort Slip Opinions and must be made publicly available on a State-run website in consecutive order by date with an affixed number with an appropriate pin cite every 200 words, for ease of reference, that shall be listed as follows: Case Name, Year GC Slip Op NUMBER, *Pin (Full Date, Magistrate's surname, M.) (e.g. Doe v Smith, 2020 GC Slip Op 001, *1 [27 February 2020, Smith, M.]).
12.3.3. If the Scribe or the appointed Government Ministry determines any aforementioned volume becomes lengthy, a subsequent volume shall be created with the appropriate cardinal prefixed prior to the reporter.
12.3.4. The Cort pü Inalt may direct the Clerk of the Corts to normalize case captions according to rules it may set forth, which shall then be used in any reporter.
12.3.5. The Cort pü Inalt may publish an official style manual enumerating proper citations for any source, which shall be followed by all parties filing documents with any national Talossan cort.
shall be deleted from the law.

Uréu q'estadra så
Alexandreu Davinescu (MC-TNC)
Wittenberg / [PRÜMĂ] Talossan ID Cards - free!
May 11, 2023, 09:59:42 AM


Talossan ID Cards

Zooks!  Talossan ID cards are ready and available for all interested citizens!  They're high-quality vinyl cards that look slick and will serve for all Talossan purposes.  They conform to all international ID standards set by the ICAO, and they're machine-readable.  Show your card at any participating business for a discount on goods or services!*


In order to obtain your card, you must first pass a test on Talossan government, history, and culture.  All questions are easily answered by looking through the wiki, which you should feel free to use as you take the test.  You will need to provide a photo and a scanned picture of your signature.  If you pass the test with 75% or higher, then you are eligible to apply for a free ID card!

Photo and Signature Requirements
The photo submitted for your ID Card should have a 2:3 ratio of width to height.  The image should be in front of a neutral background, and you should be facing the camera.  Please see the sample card above for an appropriate example.  If you submit a photo which does not meet these requirements, your application will be rejected until you provide an appropriate signature image.

Your signature image should be a clear photo of your Talossan signature on a white background.  If you submit a signature which is written on colored paper or with shadows on it, your application will be rejected until you provide an appropriate signature image.

The Test and Application
A link to the required Civics Test is here.  There is no limit to the number of times you may attempt the quiz; a passing grade is 75%.  You only need to pass the quiz once.

Your information will be kept private during this process, in concord  with our nation's strict privacy laws.  It may take some time for you to receive your card, since they are printed in batches and there may be slight shipping delays.  Estetz patzint - please be patient!

* Malfortunadamint, there are no participating businesses.
Second Incorporative Act

WHEREAS we should make it possible for people to create publicly-verifiable contracts to accommodate our unique style of digital governance, allowing for the creation of private corporations and non-governmental organizations in a way that has an official sheen to it, and

WHEREAS the Register of Talossan Enterprises does not appear to exist and has never even been promoted and I doubt that more than two or three people know it hypothetically exists, so it had its shot over the last two years and hasn't made it,

THEREFORE the tenth subsection of the eighth subsection of the second section of Title D of el Lexhatx, which currently reads as follows:

Quote2.8.10 The Finance Minister shall create a Register of Talossan Enterprises, available to all Talossan citizens. Any Talossan who produces goods and services, whether commercially or as a hobby, may provide a description, no longer than 100 words, of their enterprise together with their contact details, for the purposes of advertisement and information. An enterprise shall be removed from the register at the request of the registrant; or by a determination by the Finance Minister that the enterprise is no longer active, or not of a character with which the Kingdom of Talossa wishes to be associated. Such determinations shall be subject to judicial review.

shall be replaced by the following subsections:

Quote2.8.10 The Finance Minister will make available a system for the public registration of articles of incorporation.  They or their designated representative will ensure that these articles are available for public perusal.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Baron Alexandreu Davinescu
I've been thinking for a while now about our state symbols, and the dignity thereof.  Thus, the Ziu recently changed its arms (although the Cosa and Senats have not yet officially adopted emblazonments of the new blazons).  And that put me in mind of the crown.

As we can see on the state arms, it's a very traditional-looking crown.  It's actually taken from Wikipedia -- it's a slightly modified version of the Heraldic Royal Crown of Spain, as created by legendary Wikipedian "Heralder."

The file can be found here:

This bothers me a bit.  First of all, it's not actually representative of Talossa.  The gems have been recoloured to red and green, but otherwise its symbolism does not reflect our country.  We are not and never have been an empire, so the orb is not appropriate, for example.

Secondly, this isn't historical.  His Majesty doesn't have a crown.  None of our monarchs have had crowns.  We have a very specific chapeau, instead: the traditional Romanian train conductor's hat (actually an oldMilwaukee fire department dress hat).

It seems to me that it would be good to replace the vector image of a "traditional" but actually not traditional crown with the real thing.  And in fact, it might be good to try to find a new old Milwaukee fire department dress hat, for that matter.


Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on May 31, 2022, 01:28:04 PM
The Legal Repair Amendment

WHEREAS currently the entire status of much of our legal system is possibly itself illegal, since the Ziu's ennumerated powers do not include any power to write criminal laws at all, nor to regulate any aspect of the legal system, meaning that most of Titles A & J are very much in doubt if challenged in cort, and

WHEREAS this means that basically none of our criminal laws or rules about the cort system actually work,

THEREFORE the third section of Article VII of the 1997 Organic Law shall be amended to include these additional provisions:

Quote20. Criminal justice designed to protect the personal and property rights of citizens.
21. Administrative matters incidental to the functioning of the justice system.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Baron Alexandreu Davinescu
Posted for approval by the CRL.  It has a different name, but the substance is unchanged from a previous iteration that's ripe for the CRL.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on April 23, 2023, 11:56:21 AMWHEREAS there's no limit on appeals, so no case is ever really closed unless every appeal is exhausted, and

WHEREAS it's wildly unjust for a resolved case to hang over someone's head indefinitely, and

WHEREAS the corts have not established a rule about this[/i]

THEREFORE a new provision shall be inserted as the fifth subsubsection to the first subsection of the third section of Title G of el Lexhatx, reading
QuoteThere is a 90-day statute of limitations on all appeals.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Baron Alexandreu Davinescu (MC-TNC)
Posted for approval by the CRL.  It has a different name, but the substance is unchanged from a previous iteration that's ripe for the CRL.