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Messages - Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 14, 2022, 04:11:41 PM
A history lesson, then: if there were no Republican schism on June 1, 2004, there would be no sudden "180-degree" turn by King Robert to open the immigration floodgates, after years of very tight control. KR1 would have not felt the urgent need to prevail on Fritz von Buchholtz to immigrate, and to bring all his friends with him. Without the Republican schism, then, no Fritz; no John Woolley; no Manus Hand. And no new opposition that finally politically defeated KR1 in August 2005. No Talossa, as we know it today.

That's what we need to celebrate, as well as Reunision. This is a simple "parity of esteem" issue for the other Talossan cultural tradition. But I have my answer.

I am appreciative of your viewpoint on this issue, Miestra, and thank you for both the history review and the alternative proposal just published which closely mirrors my own. I only speak for myself, in the case, but I support the initial Act creating Reunision Day as a national holiday, as I believe it is an inclusive reflection of reunification as a positive moment in Talossan history. The holiday could be celebrated in diverse ways to accommodate the variety of viewpoints and feelings among Kingdom citizens though.

If there are no suggestions for changes to the Act before the 17th of June I will move it to the CRL.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 13, 2022, 06:13:54 PMOn the other hand, Reunision was the merging of two equals into a united future to help sustain a dream together. Definitely something to celebrate.

As the Baron has eloquently stated, I can say, this is what the bill proposes to celebrate. And is the reason why I was excited to celebrate the first decade of Reunision.
Quote from: Ian Plätschisch on June 11, 2022, 04:42:54 PM

PART B. Fundraiser, Minting, and Other Authorizations

FURTHERMORE, the Minister of Finance, or his appointed deputy shall undertake to create manage and promote a voluntary fundraising campaign,  to the citizens of Talossa and other interested parties over the course of the term. The targeted amount for the campaign shall be ℓ133¤20 ($200). The proceeds of seignorage, sales of stamps, TalossaWare proceeds, and other voluntary contributions shall be included in this total except as provided elsewhere. The expected income for the term is as follows:

    Proceedings of sales (Coins/Stamps/Talossaware) + Donations to the Kingdom: ℓ133¤20 ($200)
    Registration fees for Cosa election: ℓ20 ($30)
    Registration fees for Senäts election: ℓ10 ($15)
    Interest on Talossa's bank accounts: ℓ3¤20 ($5)

Total: +ℓ166¤40 (+$250)

PART C: Investment Policy

FURTHERMORE, His Majesty's Government hereby directs the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue to invest all held funds into a high-interest savings account unless or until otherwise directed or advised by act of the Ziu.

Minister, I've made monthly donations for the past three or four months and have committed to doing so indefinitely so long as financially feasible. Why are these expected monthly donations of $10 each not included in the revenue section?

Withdrawn, I am assuming my donations are included in the campaign designation.
Wittenberg / Re: TSF - Talossan Solidarity Funders
June 11, 2022, 05:02:02 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on May 17, 2022, 09:10:19 AM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on April 14, 2022, 09:19:45 AM
Just made the next monthly donation to the Kingdom's Treasury as a part of the Solidarity Fund. I want to continue to issue the call for those of you who can to jump on the bandwagon.

Just bumping this ahead of the next monthly donation in case anyone is interested in joining.

Meta bumping
Quote from: Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu on June 11, 2022, 11:48:31 AM
Any takers on the TNC seats?

I'm sorry to report no takers unfortunately.
Quote from: GV on June 08, 2022, 11:41:16 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on June 08, 2022, 08:13:12 PM
@GV as Talossa's leading historian it would be wonderful if you'd be willing to create some videos for the channel on important moments in Talossan history. If you have the time and interest then I can help with editing.

I will take you up on that, though I am hardly Talossa's leading historian.  Miestra and Ian A. are the two leading witnesses to 1996-2001 Cybercit Talossa still with us.  Together, Kane, MPF, and I are 'leading' memories of the 2003-2004 period.

As to the Republic of Talossa, Miestra, Ian A, Dieter, and Kane are the best to talk with.

2005-2011 Kingdom Talossa's best memories are John W., Hooligan, Alexandreu.  2004-2005 Talossa are the same group minus AD, but including QC.

Post-Reunision Talossa's best memories are Miestra, John W., AD, and many others, but not me, actually.  I've been in politics for years continuously, but my activity has come and gone, though I was very active from when I first showed up in 2000 through ca. 2008, then again in 2011-2012, and then 2017-2021.

The earliest memory still in Talossa is Gjermund (Max a close second), but to my knowledge, no Old Growthers are still around in any way, shape, or form.  Talossa has been completely passed on to the next generation: all Cybercits.

Understood. I am excited to work with you on this project. And hopefully a few others will join in too.
@GV as Talossa's leading historian it would be wonderful if you'd be willing to create some videos for the channel on important moments in Talossan history. If you have the time and interest then I can help with editing.
Wittenberg / Re: Iac M contact info?
June 08, 2022, 07:25:36 PM
@Iac Marscheir will be in my prayers tonight. I hope he is OK.
Wittenberg / Re: SoS Oit of Commission
June 07, 2022, 05:50:32 PM
Get well soon
The Let's Make This Official Act

Whereas, the Kingdom recognizes the importance of celebrating important dates and events in Talossan history, and

Whereas, Reunision as the re-uniting of kingdom and republican Talossans marks an incredibly important moment in the history of Talossa, and

Whereas, the day in which King John issued the Proclamation of Reunision, April 20, certainly qualifies for elevation from a day of observance to an official national holiday.

Therefore be it resolved that a new subsection is placed at El Lexhatx F 2.4, with any necessary renumbering of following subsections, to read:

Quote20 April. Reunision Day. Commemorating the royal proclamation of Reunision and the end of the Third Schism.

Uréu q'estadra så
Breneir Tzaracomprada (Sen-FL, TNC)
Baron Alexandreu Davinescu (MC-TNC)
Wittenberg / Re: Aßociù da Futbol Talossan
June 06, 2022, 10:23:29 AM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on June 06, 2022, 09:29:38 AM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 06, 2022, 09:23:48 AMClearly, something has gone wrong in the hallowed halls of this ancient organization.  I call for an investigation.  No, I call for prosecution.  No, actually I call for execution.

I am happy to have an apolitical use of this meme. :)

Wow, twice in one thread...
Wittenberg / Re: Aßociù da Futbol Talossan
June 06, 2022, 09:29:38 AM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 06, 2022, 09:23:48 AMClearly, something has gone wrong in the hallowed halls of this ancient organization.  I call for an investigation.  No, I call for prosecution.  No, actually I call for execution.

I am happy to have an apolitical use of this meme. :)
For transparency's sake related to this terpelaziun, I will notify the Ziu and Kingdom-at-large that the Seneschal contacted me on Sunday evening (June 5th 2022) and asked if I knew of any suggestions for the Burgermeister position. Not accounting for the FDT member who had once volunteered, my answer was no.
I thank the Minister for his detailed reply. I inform the Minister, based on the details of his reply, that I will follow up in a month in the next round of terpelaziuns.
Well, that itself is an answer unfortunately. Thank you. I will follow up in a month as a part of the next tranche of terpelaziuns.