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Messages - Miestră Schivă, UrN

Wittenberg / Re: "Compromise"
May 16, 2021, 03:44:48 AM
Quote from: Eðo Grischun on May 15, 2021, 11:36:04 PM
You've already been told that the raising of issues surrounding Honours was in response to the King acting wide.  The government instructed the Monarch to issue a National Honour and he didn't do it, instead he choose to issue a Dynastic Honour.  I'm still of the opinion the King broke the law on this.

Also, don't forget: raising the stink of corruption by giving a Hereditary Peerage to his crony who did his job for him while he sulked.
Wittenberg / Re: "Compromise"
May 15, 2021, 09:32:57 PM
Quote from: Ian Plätschisch on May 15, 2021, 08:07:40 AM
Er, no. An amendment to completely abolish the Monarchy could not have passed the Ziu.

This is right. Everyone forgets this. The Compromise was the only thing that could have got 2/3 of the outgoing Cosă and at the same time respect the (narrowest of narrow) verdict of the referendum for an Elected Head of State. Senator Plätschisch pretty much wrote the National Convocation bit himself.

Intransigent, no-compromise, monarchists are pretty loud on Witt, but if they'd mobilised just a little bit better in the referendum, they wouldn't be facing this predicament.
Wittenberg / Re: "Compromise"
May 15, 2021, 09:10:04 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on May 15, 2021, 06:15:02 PM
Are you saying that if your party leader Clarks a bill which would rename the king to "chief executive" or "noble leader" or "president," that you would vote "contra" on her bill?  Or that you would vote "contra" on a bill which altered the king's purview over appointments?

Apologise to Txoteu for insinuating that he's not really FreeDems leader, right away. (Or misgendering Txoteu, either way.)
I still think we should go back to the days when all prospectives had to read a brief history of Talossa; and take a multiple-choice open-book quiz on its contents, before they could be accepted for citizenship.
Wittenberg / Re: "Compromise"
May 14, 2021, 08:35:16 PM
The argument that "if you have any criticisms of how the King does his job, ever, you're a Republican" is turning a lot of people into Republicans
Wittenberg / Re: "Compromise"
May 14, 2021, 05:10:53 PM
That's right, keep talking about the FreeDems as if we were the only party that mattered; that's how we get an absolute majority this time
Hope everyone got this this morning!


Azul, estimada/estimat citaxhien del Regipäts Talossan!

Greetings, dear citizen of the Kingdom of Talossa. It is once again General Election season in Talossa, and I am contacting you to ask for your vote for the candidates of the FREE DEMOCRATS OF TALOSSA.

The Free Democrats have led Talossa's government for the last three successful terms. You can read a summary of what we've accomplished and what we're yet to do in my farewell speech to the Cosă:

After this election I will be stepping aside as Seneschál. The new leader of the Free Democrats, Txoteu Davinescu, is an experienced legislator and Cabinet minister, and has my full support to become your new Seneschál (Prime Minister).

You can read our entire programme and our candidates for the Cosă and Senäts here: If you are in Atatürk province, please vote for Martì-Pair Furxhéir; in Cézembre province, please vote for Ián Tamoran.

This is the first of two campaign emails where I explain the two vital reasons why the Free Democrats need your vote in this election. The most vital one is: we are very close to reaching a historic compromise between republicanism and monarchy in Talossa.
What is the Historic Compromise?

In accordance with our last manifesto, the Government which we led held a ranked-choice referendum on constitutional options. A very slim majority (34 to 32) preferred an elected head of state to the status quo. These results showed how narrowly our "ImagiNation" is divided on the very basic issue of the Monarchy.

After consultation with the monarchist opposition, the outgoing Cosa passed a Historic Compromise (the "Talossa Shall Choose Its King" amendment) - that Talossa will remain a Kingdom, but that the King will need to renew their mandate every 7 years. See the full text at

Not surprisingly, the existing King vetoed this compromise. This, after being absent for almost all of this Cosă term – and naming a deeply divisive monarchist politician as Regent in his absence. The combination of apathy, obstructionism and entitlement shown by this King has led many Monarchists to supporting the idea of a Compromise. If we are to have a King, it needs to be a better one than we've got.

Of the eight parties running in this election, four of them have pledged to support this compromise: the Free Democrats, the New Peculiar Way, the Talossan National Congress and the Parti Tafialistà. You can see a Joint Statement at These four parties will need a 2/3 majority in the new Cosă to enact the Compromise over the King's veto.

This might be our last chance to end the Constitutional debate with honour on both sides. We need YOUR VOTE FOR THE FREE DEMOCRATS to get the biggest possible endorsement of the Historic Compromise.

In our second email, I will talk about the other most important reason why the Free Democrats need your vote: to enact our programme to increase immigration, and to get existing citizens more active. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know at (email redacted)

Restéu voastra,

Miestra Antônia Schiva

Prime Minister of Talossa / Seneschal dàl Regipäts Talossan

Party Secretary of the Free Democrats of Talossa / Secretár del Parti dels Democrätsen Livereschti da Talossa
The database does not seem to register that @Françal I. Lux was added to the FreeDems list

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on April 27, 2021, 04:54:10 PM

* Full Party name: Free Democrats of Talossa
* Party Initials: FreeDems
* 50 word statement: The Free Democrats want to lead Talossa's government for a fourth successful term. We need to not just recruit new citizens, but find ways to get existing citizens involved again. We want a Historic Compromise between monarchy and republicanism, and to grow the Talossan-speaking population. Txoteu Davinescu for Seneschál!
* Party Leader(s): @Txoteu Davinescu
* Candidate list (incomplete):
(* also standing for the Senäts)

* Party platform URL:
Wittenberg / Re: Eid Mubarak!
May 13, 2021, 03:16:40 PM
و سلام.

Pray for al-Quds/Jerusalem.
Can I draw the SoS's attention to the fact that the NPW have a candidate list now?

Quote from: Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu on April 29, 2021, 10:23:44 AM
* Full Party name: New Peculiar Way
* Party Initials: NPW
* 50 word statement: A Peculiar dawn is breaking.  A recognition that we are not as we could be.  A recognition that we could be more than a miniature imitation of macronations.  We have already jettisoned Wisconsin law.  Let us jettison other things we do not need and replace them with that which is uniquely Talossan.

* Party Leader(s): @Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu
* Candidate list
      @Iason Taiwos
Wittenberg / Re: Two things about this forum
May 12, 2021, 09:11:46 PM
Quote from: Viteu on May 12, 2021, 08:15:08 PM
Because I'm in an oddly good mood:


Wittenberg / Re: Two things about this forum
May 12, 2021, 05:53:31 PM
The basic "US-international" keyboard on Windows, allows me to do all those characters with no problem, except for A-breve. The Linux-xfce US-international keyboard includes the A-breve. Luckily, A-breve isn't strictly necessary in modern Talossan.
Nominations will remain open until whatever deadline the Chancery imposes for preparing the ballot. Nominations have closed to save work for the Chancery.
I am going to stand as a candidate for the Praisidïeu, as I am entitled to seeing as there has been only 1 other nomination.

Our new Elections and Referendums Law states as follows (Title III, section 4.2):

Quotethe Secretary of State wishes to declare themselves a candidate for the election, then they shall either -

    appoint one or more Deputies as provided in Title I.2, and shall delegate all their functions under this Act for the remainder of that election to such Deputies; or:
    make a report to the Praisidïeu and the General Assembly explaining why it is in the best interests of Fiova for them to be a candidate, and explain the steps that they will take to maintain confidence in the fairness of the election.
        The Praisidïeu or the General Assembly shall be entitled to reject this report and thereby disqualify the Secretary of State from being a candidate, and/or receiving any "write-in" votes, at any time before balloting day.

My report is as follows:

1) it is in the best interests of Fiova for there to be at least two people who take responsibility for the future of the province, if we don't want the last 3 years of apathy and nothing to continue.
2) since the actual voting will be entirely conducted by the Chancery, and the counting conducted by an automatic system, I don't see that there is much I could do to "rig" the election. Nevertheless, if anyone objects to this before Balloting Day, I will withdraw my name from official consideration.

My 50 word statement is as follows:

QuoteSince I'm just taking up space on the ballot, I'm going to fill up the rest of my 50 words with the names of Blue Öyster Cult songs. Imaginos, Don't Fear The Reaper, Godzilla, Dominance and Submission, Veteran of the Psychic Wars, Florida Man, Great Sun Jester, Career of Evil...
Eh, if you want to be the Goofy party this time, you'll have to turn it up several notches to beat the KLüP