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Messages - Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

La Cosă/The Cosa / A Honourable Apologies
April 01, 2021, 06:10:12 PM
As speaker I have neglected my duties these last month's and I wish to apologize humbly to the chamber. I recently got discharged from hospital after some surgery so thankfully I can get more involved now.
Quote from: Munditenens Tresplet on January 06, 2021, 05:58:21 PM
Honorable Túischac'h,

I apologize if this is not the most appropriate thread for this.

I move that the Cosâ condemn the violent and undemocratic actions of individuals who stormed the United States Capitol earlier today, and that we affirm our commitment to democracy and the peaceful transitions of power worldwide. Further, that we observe a moment of silence for the individuals who lost their lives as a result of the violence.

(Edited motion to reflect multiple casualties.)

The honarable members have my apologies for my tardiness. I have only read this recently, I feel that there is definitely a strength of feeling within the chamber for a vote on the matter in house, or a cross party document to be written up in condemnation of this assault on democracy. This all being said, if we feelit is too late, I apologize.
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: January 2021 Clark
January 18, 2021, 09:41:44 PM
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on January 16, 2021, 02:06:53 PM
With only a handful of days left in the clark, turnout from MC's is quite low. The following MC's and Senators have not voted. I have sent multiple email reminders as well.

@Breneir Itravilatx
@C. M. Siervicül
@Iason Taiwos
@Jordan Placie[/b]
@Martì-Páir Furxhéir
@Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù
@Béneditsch Ardpresteir
@Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h

I believe I voted yesterday. But I think I forgot VOC which I vote UC
Per on all amendments and proposals
Wittenberg / Re: [CULTURE]: Talossan Analog Art Show
January 05, 2021, 09:16:50 PM
Are you accepting poetry?
Honarable members, please come to order.
May the voting and discussion commence on this the third Clark of the 55th Cosa. Standard rules apply, I also wish for party representatives to make a statement to the house as to voting if they so wish.
Oui, PER les deux
Wittenberg / Re: Call for Community Jurists
December 26, 2020, 05:38:53 PM
I too am interested
Merci Mr Sencahal for his hard work in the production of this material :)
As of the passing it is now a required for we of the committee greenlight bills to be Clarked.
Myself (as speaker), the Mencai and the attorney general will make it known here our opinions as to the clarking of such bills.

I would request this post is pinned to ease.
Quote from: GV on December 20, 2020, 04:31:10 PM

You assume the inherent goodness of every single monarch Talossa will ever have.  Ben went bad.  Dobberpuhl was not fit for purpose.  Florence was not the right personality, though she was much-loved. 

And your saying that goodness can only come from elected officials? Ever heard of the USA, land of the free, home of the brave? Ever heard of Donald trump who has presideded over the worse Pandemic in modern times and has killed thousands upon thousands. Nixon was corrupt and rasict and put in place mass incarceration of people of colour, hoover presided over the wall Street crash, James Buchanan basically started the civil war. And that's just the USA. Need I go on?

You cannot claim that elected heads of state are inherently more vertious when history is littered with horrendous ones
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VoC: Üc
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: December 2020 Clark
December 20, 2020, 02:32:56 PM
Quote from: Þon Txoteu É. Davinescu, O.SPM on December 02, 2020, 08:32:44 PM
Editorial note... the Title I Revision is not properly noted to me, Txoteu Davinescu

Thanks (there's so many of us damn Txoteus running around!)

Gen. Davinescu, MoD, MC

Was going to say xD didnt know I had been promoted xD
Quote from: Iason Taiwos on December 15, 2020, 04:57:55 PM
Am I missing the thread for the second clark? Will my vote count if I post it here? I vote:
RZ13: Per
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VoC: Üc

My humblest apologies, will do better next time

Please vote on this thread or via the other channels for thee time being :)
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