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Messages - Breneir Tzaracomprada

Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
December 19, 2020, 06:02:26 AM
Resolution 2020-10

Constitutional Amendment on Article VI, Section 2 (Resolutions of the Nimlet)

Whereas, it is common for the right to introduce legislation to be restricted to actual members of that legislative body, and

Therefore, Article IV, Section 2 of the Florencian constitution which currently reads:

QuoteSection 2. Resolutions of the Nimlet.
All legislative measures of Florencia having the effect of statute or bearing the force of the law shall be made and passed by the Nimlet only in the form of a resolution. The right to introduce a resolution of the Nimlet shall be reserved exclusively to the Constable and to the members of the House of Shepherds, and all such resolutions shall be introduced solely in the House of Shepherds for their consideration.

is amended to read:

QuoteSection 2. Resolutions of the Nimlet.
All legislative measures of Florencia having the effect of statute or bearing the force of the law shall be made and passed by the Nimlet only in the form of a resolution. The right to introduce a resolution of the Nimlet shall be reserved exclusively to members of the House of Shepherds, and all such resolutions shall be introduced solely in the House of Shepherds for their consideration.

The period of review will close at 9:00AM TST on December 27th, 2020.

Submitted by Breneir Itravilatx
Governor of Florencia
Member, House of Shepherds
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
December 05, 2020, 09:13:48 AM
I vote PER on Resolution 2020-09.
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
December 05, 2020, 09:11:24 AM
The period of review has now closed on Resolution 2020-09.
We now move forward to voting.
Voting will close at 9:00AM TST on December 20th, 2020.
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
November 27, 2020, 07:26:37 PM
Resolution 2020-09

WHEREAS, there is a constant need for the updating of Florencia's information on the Kingdom's official website and TalossaWIKI, and

WHEREAS, there are some Florencians who may not frequent Wittenberg—or the above-mentioned sites—as much as others necessitating the need for alternative forms of informing them on provincial activities.

THEREFORE the Governor or someone appointed by the Governor shall be responsible for drafting and disseminating an Annual Government Gazette consisting of the following information via email in cooperation with the Chancery:
1) all provincial legislation approved in the session immediately preceding (and of the current session) the Gazette's publishing, and
2) a list of all members and their party affiliation in the House of Shepherds, and
3) a list of current provincial officials (Governor, Senator, and Constable).

The period of review will close at 9:00AM TST on December 5th, 2020.

Submitted by Breneir Itravilatx
Governor of Florencia
Member, House of Shepherds
I apologize if I am not submitting this in the correct place but, as the Governor of Florencia, I wanted to send warm congratulations to the newly elected Sénéchal of Cézembre, Sir X. Pol Briga @xpb

Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
November 19, 2020, 11:25:20 AM
Voting has now closed on Resolution 2020-08. It has passed with 8 votes in favor, 0 votes in opposition, 2 abstentions.

Pursuant to Article IV, Section 6 of the Florencian Constitution I, Breneir Itravilatx, Governor of Florencia, do hereby place my signature for Resolution 2020-08 as duly approved by a vote of the current session of the House of Shepherds.

I send this Resolution for consideration to our Regent since the office of Constable is currently vacant. @Sir Alexandreu Davinescu please advise on your consideration of this Resolution. The deadline for Constable Consideration is 9:00am TST, December 4, 2020. Should the Constable fail to issue an Approval or Veto of the Resolution it will be considered approved.

Breneir Itravilatx
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
November 07, 2020, 09:04:08 AM
Voting has now closed on Resolution 2020-07. It has passed with 10 votes in favor, 0 votes in opposition.

Pursuant to Article IV, Section 6 of the Florencian Constitution I, Breneir Itravilatx, Governor of Florencia, do hereby place my signature for Resolution 2020-07 as duly approved by a vote of the current session of the House of Shepherds.

I send this Resolution for consideration to our Regent since the office of Constable is currently vacant. @Sir Alexandreu Davinescu please advise on your consideration of this Resolution. The deadline for Constable Consideration is 9:00am TST, November 22, 2020. Should the Constable fail to issue an Approval or Veto of the Resolution it will be considered approved.

Breneir Itravilatx
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
November 05, 2020, 05:40:06 PM
Quote from: Açafat del Val on November 05, 2020, 04:48:06 PM
I think you may have made a typo, sir. You voted on 2020-07 twice. You probably meant to vote PER on 2020-08?

I'd like to be a pedant and finagle with the wording of 2020-08, more so that it conforms with the same style/voice of other areas, but it's probably fine all the same.

I vote PER on 2020-07, and abstain on 2020-08.

Indeed I did. I have corrected the typo. Thanks.
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
November 04, 2020, 04:31:29 PM
I vote PER on Resolution 2020-08.
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
November 04, 2020, 01:57:37 PM
The period of review has now closed on Resolution 2020-08.
We now move forward to voting.
Voting will close at 9:00AM TST on November 19th, 2020.
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
November 01, 2020, 06:19:48 PM
I vote PER on Resolution 2020-07.
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
October 30, 2020, 01:24:47 PM
Voting has now closed on Resolution 2020-06. It has passed with 8 votes in favor, 0 votes in opposition, 2 abstentions.

Pursuant to Article IV, Section 6 of the Florencian Constitution I, Breneir Itravilatx, Governor of Florencia, do hereby place my signature for Resolution 2020-06 as duly approved by a vote of the current session of the House of Shepherds.

I send this Resolution for consideration to our Regent since the office of Constable is currently vacant. @Sir Alexandreu Davinescu please advise on your consideration of this Resolution. The deadline for Constable Consideration is 9:00am TST, November 14, 2020. Should the Constable fail to issue an Approval or Veto of the Resolution it will be considered approved.

Breneir Itravilatx
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
October 27, 2020, 04:28:20 PM
Resolution 2020-08

Constitutional Amendment on Article IV, Section 3

WHEREAS, there is no mechanism in the Constitution to end voting before the designated deadline even if all shepherds have voted.

THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the House of Shepherds hereby amends Article IV, Section 3 of the Florencian Constitution as follows:

QuoteSection 3. Deadlines for Final Votes in the House of Shepherds.

Whosoever may introduce a resolution to be considered by the House of Shepherds, shall establish at the same time a deadline by which all final votes thereon shall be made.
The deadline for the final votes on a resolution of the Nimlet, as established by its author or primary sponsor, shall be not later than the scheduled termination of the session of the same Nimlet, nor earlier than the fourteenth calendar day following the end of the period of review.

is amended to read:

QuoteSection 3. Deadlines for Final Votes in the House of Shepherds.

Whosoever may introduce a resolution to be considered by the House of Shepherds, shall establish at the same time a deadline by which all final votes thereon shall be made.
The deadline for the final votes on a resolution of the Nimlet, as established by its author or primary sponsor, shall be not later than the scheduled termination of the session of the same Nimlet, nor earlier than the fourteenth calendar day following the end of the period of review. Should all members of the House of Shepherds cast votes before the end of the designated voting deadline then the Governor or another member of the House of Shepherds may request the early termination of the voting period. If there is no objection within a twenty-four (24) hour period then the request shall be considered approved and the voting period is terminated early.

The period of review will close at 9:00AM TST on November 4th, 2020.

Submitted by Breneir Itravilatx
Governor of Florencia
Member, House of Shepherds
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
October 25, 2020, 04:34:03 AM
Voting has now closed on Resolution 2020-05. It has passed with 10 votes in favor, 0 votes in opposition.

Pursuant to Article IV, Section 6 of the Florencian Constitution I, Breneir Itravilatx, Governor of Florencia, do hereby place my signature for Resolution 2020-05 as duly approved by a vote of the current session of the House of Shepherds.

I send this Resolution for consideration to our Constable. Seeing that the office of Constable is currently vacant, @Sir Alexandreu Davinescu, please advise on your consideration of this Resolution. The deadline for Constable Consideration is 9:00am TST, November 9, 2020. Should the Constable or other responsible authority fail to issue an Approval or Veto the Resolution it will be considered approved.

Breneir Itravilatx
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session (Sep 2020-Ongoing)
October 23, 2020, 01:06:18 PM
Resolution 2020-07

WHEREAS, during presentation and start of voting on Resolution 2020-03 a good point was made by Shepherd and Senator del Val, and
WHEREAS, that point concerned not restricting the awarding of the new provincial honors to only one day of the year, and
WHEREAS, there was no option to amend the provincial honors resolution at the time of its presentation to the House of Shepherds.

THEREFORE, be it resolved, that Resolution 2020-03 is amended-

where it reads:

QuoteRecipients shall be announced in a joint statement by the Constable and Governor, as a part of Florencia Day celebrations.

to read as follows:

QuoteRecipients shall be announced in a joint statement by the Constable and Governor.

Voting will close at 9:00AM TST on November 7th, 2020.

Submitted by Breneir Itravilatx
Governor of Florencia
Member, House of Shepherds