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Messages - Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

Thank you, Your Majesty. I am really grateful for your continued confidence. It became apparent to me over the course of the regency that the whole institution was an enormous responsibility. You have to pay attention but also have to be very measured about your participation. I hope I can help you out at least a little bit, as a sort of secretary or something similar.
Wittenberg / Re: Resignhaziun
April 20, 2021, 11:26:20 AM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on April 20, 2021, 11:10:21 AM
Oh, John's coming back, is he? I'm honestly surprised, but I suppose he knew he couldn't defeat the Historic Compromise "by proxy". I hope you've done a proper handover with the honours ceremony etc.

Well done on a competent term doing the necessary job. I admit to being pleasantly surprised by the lack of pointless conflict.
Thank you, D:na Seneschal, for your gracious and kind words.
Wittenberg / Resignhaziun
April 20, 2021, 06:42:04 AM


With the advent of some excellent news, I hereby resign as regent to His Majesty, King John.  I have done my best in His Majesty's service these six months, and I have been honoured by the opportunity.

              —  Sir Alexandreu
If the crown relaunched this program in a different form, would there be interest?  His Majesty has the power to confer awards as a general matter, as well as arms, so perhaps a sort of armorial ID card might be in order?  It would be cool to not only have a photo but also a coat of arms on the card, after all.  And since I'm the one who did it last time, I have high confidence I could do it again.
Cézembre / Sacreu es Unviolaval
April 15, 2021, 12:34:23 PM

Sacreu es Unviolaval

Speaking on behalf of His Majesty, King John, I wish to first say that the great love and passion of the citizenry of Cézembre should be a model for all of the nation.  Even as opinions sharply differ and new ideas are introduced, everyone is committed in their love of country.

I think I should speak up in a few regards, however.  First, I urge that Cézembre's efforts to differentiate itself should never extend to secession in any form.  The Organic Law said of our sacred lands that, "Aceasta teritoria isch sacreu es unviolaval. Ça non serà cedada, reduçada eda smesada."  In English: This territory is sacred and inviolable. It shall not be ceded, reduced or broken up.  We are one state.  I believe I can say without qualification that His Majesty would never countenance any laws or actions which contradicted that sacred unity.  I further believe that His Majesty would decline a separate provincial title of royalty which was independent of the Talossan throne.  His Majesty is Regeu da Cézembre because he is Regeu dal Talossa.

That said, I know His Majesty favors efforts by citizens of Cézembre to affirm their support for the monarchy.  If that is the will of the province, then I speak for His Majesty to urge only that this goal be focused on ways in which the monarchy can be strengthened and supported within the bounds of our national traditions.  The Royal College of Arms needs assistance -- who among you will step forward and offer to help?  Or assist the other provinces with some of your marvelous innovations -- surely there are some in Vuode or Maritiimi-Maxhestic who might wish to claim their own homestead, much as you have done here?

Cézembre has been an active and diverse province for my entire time in Talossa.  I have no doubts that this will continue, for it is a mighty place.

              —  Sir Alexandreu, Rexhaint d'Ian Regeu da Cézembre
Directing judges to invent crimes as needed is easier than legislating, but it seems unwise and unethical.  A citizen of a country should be able to know what is a crime and what is not.
Thank you for your message.  At this time, I intend to veto the bill on behalf of His Majesty.  This seems to be my clear duty as regent, since the proposed bill would immediately remove the sovereign from the throne.  I have communicated the situation to His Majesty, however, and he may direct as he pleases.

Please be aware that my name doesn't have any accent marks in it, for future reference.
Wittenberg / Re: [CULTURE]: Talossan Analog Art Show
April 14, 2021, 10:13:07 PM
My daughter is excited by the news, and I will contact you with the shipping information immediately.  Thank you for taking the effort to revive this and see it through.
Wittenberg / Re: Ceremony of Investiture
April 05, 2021, 11:09:00 AM
Quote from: GV on April 05, 2021, 10:13:03 AM
The investiture should only be held under a full moon during Milwaukee's SummerFest.  Talossan tradition demands this.
I can't do that, since the date range is set by statute and out of my control. But I do see one change I can make that I should have realized earlier, so I'm rescheduling the ceremony for a day earlier. No deadlines will change, but this means I'll be able to at least hold the ceremony on one of the traditional days.
Wittenberg / Re: Ceremony of Investiture
April 04, 2021, 09:33:34 PM
Quote from: Þon Txoteu É. Davinescu, O.SPM on April 04, 2021, 09:17:55 PM
Additionally, I want to make clear that my point is... the investiture is not at the permission of the Sovereign, it's the Government acting through their Majesty. The Sovereign doesn't, without a very damn good reason, have the right to block any investiture.
...okay?  I don't think I said anything to remotely suggest I would "block any investiture;" I think I pretty much said the opposite, in fact!  And if you were requesting that I not number the ceremony, why be so aggressive about it in response to a happy announcement of service?  But okay...  so why don't you want the ceremonies numbered?  I suppose they can be referred to in the future by just the date, but that seems awkward and strange.  They're not annual or on any specific dates, so I didn't see any other immediately obvious option.
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on April 04, 2021, 07:27:40 PM
I'll add this to my list of things to do this week. I've been focusing recently on the upcoming election.
That very much seems like a priority!  I just have an obvious special fondness for the Zuavs and I am eager to see them back in action, and would like to help however I can.
Well, I don't want to railroad the decision.  I just thought it was a shame that nothing ever happened with this and wanted to revive the effort.  But if there's no other strong feelings about what we should do (maybe let's wait a bit to see if anyone else chimes in?) then I'll be happy to help.
Wittenberg / Re: [CULTURE]: Talossan Analog Art Show
April 04, 2021, 07:28:29 PM
Is there anyone with access to the materials from this contest who could wrap it up?  You could access the account as Seneschal and forward it to whoever was put in charge.  The contest was started in December and it would be great to see something happen to it.  If people put work into their submissions (Txosuè wrote a poem, it sounds like!), seems shabby to just let it wither on the vine.
It's been a couple of months -- maybe we could just try to revive this national discussion, instead of waiting on the Cabinet?  For myself, I very much like the grove of trees idea, which is a very nice sentiment.
Just resurrecting this -- would be good to get some new applicants and get this going again!