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Messages - Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

Seems like a no!  Perhaps @Mic'haglh Autófil, MC EiP would like to take this on, instead -- S:reu Long Fellow, how about it?

-Dean of the Coletx
Feel free to pop a few extra Cosa seats on me while you're at it, if you have some laying around and nowhere to put them.
Not a huge problem, but I thought I'd let you know.
Something weird seems to be going on with the Database.  The VoC is blank for the 3rd Clark, and already listed for the 4th Clark -- and the numbers are different from the above, so it looks like it isn't just showing the wrong month for that.
Wittenberg / Re: [STUFF] New Talossaware Store
May 24, 2023, 08:02:21 AM
The first month of sales was pretty brisk, according to a report we just got -- $10 USD in revenue for the Kingdom from TalossaWare proceeds thus far!
Done! A few other people are in the process -- I think we'll have seven applicants in the first batch?  Would be good to get an even ten, to save money, but that's okay.
Congratulations Naseer! There is no finer day in our country than when we are joined by someone new who has discovered that they are Talossan in their heart.

And also I have to say that I am just delighted at how much more our national language is being used, and so much of that comes down to the thoughtful and diligent efforts of people like Txec.
And I approve it too, so that's a majority. Thank you.
Presented for approval:

Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on May 08, 2023, 11:33:15 AM
Second Incorporative Act

WHEREAS we should make it possible for people to create publicly-verifiable contracts to accommodate our unique style of digital governance, allowing for the creation of private corporations and non-governmental organizations in a way that has an official sheen to it, and

WHEREAS the Register of Talossan Enterprises does not appear to exist and has never even been promoted and I doubt that more than two or three people know it hypothetically exists, so it had its shot over the last two years and hasn't made it,

THEREFORE the tenth subsection of the eighth subsection of the second section of Title D of el Lexhatx, which currently reads as follows:

Quote2.8.10 The Finance Minister shall create a Register of Talossan Enterprises, available to all Talossan citizens. Any Talossan who produces goods and services, whether commercially or as a hobby, may provide a description, no longer than 100 words, of their enterprise together with their contact details, for the purposes of advertisement and information. An enterprise shall be removed from the register at the request of the registrant; or by a determination by the Finance Minister that the enterprise is no longer active, or not of a character with which the Kingdom of Talossa wishes to be associated. Such determinations shall be subject to judicial review.

shall be replaced by the following subsections:

Quote2.8.10 The Finance Minister will make available a system for the public registration of articles of incorporation.  They or their designated representative will ensure that these articles are available for public perusal.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Baron Alexandreu Davinescu
This is so bizarre and fun. Count me in! I'll donate tonight.
We were sad to see you gone and we're happy to see you back. Welcome back and let us know if there's anything we can do for you to help!
Wittenberg / Re: Apparent disappearance of vote
May 20, 2023, 01:44:23 PM
As a senator, I don't believe you participate in the Vote of Confidence.

So you voted but the post was lost? I didn't think we were experiencing any more technical issues like that. Do you think it was your account or an issue with the whole forum?
I would very much like to join, but unfortunately I will be coaching t-ball for my kids at that time this morning. I will try to get on later and see if you guys are still doing it. I love the idea!