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Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on June 03, 2024, 05:33:44 PM@Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB -- S:reu Secretar, I did want to ensure you did not miss the PdR's registration above. The OP does not list it, despite last being updated earlier today, so I am doing as you requested and "notifying you ASAP".

Thread updated.
Wittenberg / Re: [PdR] Partì da Reformaziun...
Last post by Baron Alexandreu Davinescu - June 04, 2024, 09:48:43 AM
Considering how we make dramatic, sweeping changes almost every single year, it does not seem correct to me to say that the Senate chokes off reforms.

It also seems like switching to a unicameral system risks concentrating power even more significantly in the hands of just one or two people.  That's already a problem, since the crown has almost no political power at all and can't provide a counterweight -- eliminating one of the last remaining checks in our system seems unwise.
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on June 03, 2024, 05:33:44 PM@Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB -- S:reu Secretar, I did want to ensure you did not miss the PdR's registration above. The OP does not list it, despite last being updated earlier today, so I am doing as you requested and "notifying you ASAP".

Yes thank you. It was added to the database but I apparently haven't added it to this thread. I will do so as soon as I can.
l'Etats / Re: Citizens of Cézembre : cla...
Last post by xpb - June 03, 2024, 07:25:12 PM
Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on May 29, 2024, 02:56:15 PM
Quote from: þerxh Sant-Enogat on May 29, 2024, 01:46:20 PM@Ian da Bitour @anglatzara  @Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN @Barclamïu da Miéletz @Knobloch @Alexandreu Mitxeu Hårleu Furxheir @Ián Tamorán S.H. @owenedwards
You can claim at any moment your seat in l'Etats to shape a bright future for our beloved province. Why not now ?
Liberté, égalité, hilarité!
I was an idiot for voting per on this. Well I have done it anyway.

Okay so, I don't want to be involved in politics, at least for now.
No worries - if you're interested sometime in the future, just put in a claim.
Wittenberg / Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Pre...
Last post by Miestră Schivă, UrN - June 03, 2024, 05:38:12 PM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on April 11, 2024, 03:36:25 PM3. Information regarding referenda statements (King + existing parties)
In addition, parties that currently hold cosa seats may provide a statement of up to 50 words for each referendum either in favour or against the bill.

... I just realised that this means that the Free Democrats' statements will be the only statements on the ballot!!! Unless Dien wants to chime in.
@Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB -- S:reu Secretar, I did want to ensure you did not miss the PdR's registration above. The OP does not list it, despite last being updated earlier today, so I am doing as you requested and "notifying you ASAP".
Wittenberg / Re: [Cantzelerïă/Chancery] Pre...
Last post by Miestră Schivă, UrN - June 03, 2024, 05:08:24 PM
Free Democrat statements on referendums

RZ 6: Vote PER/YES. The Cunstavais (Constables, representatives of the King in each province) have long been mostly inactive and not replaced. This amendment means they will need to be reappointed every three years, or alternatively the King may leave the office vacant and perform their functions directly.

RZ 22: Vote PER/YES. FreeDems have long pushed for the inactive King John's abdication, and he has now promised this will happen once a provision to appoint a successor is chosen. This proposal, while not perfect, will ensure that the new King will have broad support from the Ziu and the people.
Partì da Reformaziun
Quálse'Cosă Eda 'n Altreu

One of the PdR's main objectives during the 60th Cosă is to implement a major reform to the Cosă itself: instead of being elected by party-list proportional representation, we will propose to transition to a Cosă elected by Mixed-Member Proportional Representation.

  • "What the heck is that?", you ask? It's a system that combines proportional representation and regional districts, in order to ensure that smaller provinces' citizens cannot be drowned out on the national stage while still maintaining a proportionate legislature that accurately reflects the electorate.
  • "Doesn't the current structure of the Ziu do that already?" - Yes, but it does so in a way that is: (a) needlessly clunky for Talossa's size, (b) chokes other potential reforms (especially those concerning provincial mergers) in gridlock, and (c) requires too many people; Senators are eight individuals that are unable to help "share the load" of Cosă seats, and we have seen several recent Cosăs where multiple MCs are holding the maximum number of seats permitted.
  • "Wouldn't this over-represent provinces, if the Senäts also represents them equally?" - it would, though the goal is to implement an MMP Cosă as the first step to transitioning to a unicameral Ziu overall.
  • "How does all this work, anyway?" - Basically, provincial seats are won using a given method (ranked-choice voting is a likely front-runner), and the remaining seats are divided among parties to approximate a proportional result, taking the provincial seats into account.
Wittenberg / Re: [PRÜMĂ] Talossan ID Cards ...
Last post by Barclamïu da Miéletz - June 03, 2024, 10:30:20 AM
@Baron Alexandreu Davinescu Sorry for being somewhat impatient, but, any progress on the shipping?
Wittenberg / Re: [PRÜMĂ] Talossan ID Cards ...
Last post by naseerahmed - June 03, 2024, 10:28:22 AM
Please forward for me too I took the test a while ago