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This holiday is passing by with a whisper sadly.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on Today at 04:28:19 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on Today at 03:43:39 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on Today at 03:37:58 PMDoes this mean that the OPEN party endorses the performance in office of the outgoing Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs? And his attitude to Terpelaziuns?

I really want to know more about the history between you and Mximo.

That's not an answer, but I'm happy to give some information. Here is some background.

The only other thing I can add is that he was once an MC for the ZRT (Republican predecessors of the Free Democrats); if I remember right, what happened is at the end of that Cosă term I called for volunteers for the next Party list, Mximo didn't respond for whatever reason, and, well, I didn't pursue the issue very hard for reasons detailed in the above link. You'd better believe he didn't take that well.

In general Mximo has a record of doing 180-degree political turns based on perceived personal slights, which seems to be a theme these days.

Now. I know that you've been a big fan of the power of Terpelaziuns to hold Ministers to account; and that you're not a big fan of inactive ministers, or Ministers who rudely dismiss polite questions; so I'll repeat my initial question.

I will repeat my answer from the Political Discussion thread, Miestra, since you've asked the question previously. Questions to or about Mximo seem to be a current theme of yours. The fact that there was not more progress on LOSS was regrettable. Whether he was rude to you is something you should hash out with him directly.
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on Today at 03:43:39 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on Today at 03:37:58 PMDoes this mean that the OPEN party endorses the performance in office of the outgoing Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs? And his attitude to Terpelaziuns?

I really want to know more about the history between you and Mximo.

That's not an answer, but I'm happy to give some information. Here is some background.

The only other thing I can add is that he was once an MC for the ZRT (Republican predecessors of the Free Democrats); if I remember right, what happened is at the end of that Cosă term I called for volunteers for the next Party list, Mximo didn't respond for whatever reason, and, well, I didn't pursue the issue very hard for reasons detailed in the above link. You'd better believe he didn't take that well.

In general Mximo has a record of doing 180-degree political turns based on perceived personal slights, which seems to be a theme these days.

Now. I know that you've been a big fan of the power of Terpelaziuns to hold Ministers to account; and that you're not a big fan of inactive ministers, or Ministers who rudely dismiss polite questions; so I'll repeat my initial question.
Ah, I am happy to see the PdR is back. @Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP
Party name: Partì da Reformaziun
     Initials: PdR

50 word statement: "The PdR stands for a more democratic Talossa and a more manageable government structure. For a Mixed-Member Proportional Cosa, provincial merger advocacy, catchment area reform, respectable politics, and a republican future for Talossa, vote PdR!
Mac'htici Idéăs, Mac'htici Resultaes – Powerful Ideas, Powerful Results"

Party Leader: Mic'haglh Autófil

Candidate list (incomplete):
  • Mic'haglh Autófil

Party platform URL
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on Today at 03:37:58 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on Yesterday at 12:30:55 PMYayyy, delighted to have you, Mximo! Welcome!

Does this mean that the OPEN party endorses the performance in office of the outgoing Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs? And his attitude to Terpelaziuns?

I really want to know more about the history between you and Mximo.
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on Yesterday at 12:30:55 PMYayyy, delighted to have you, Mximo! Welcome!

Does this mean that the OPEN party endorses the performance in office of the outgoing Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs? And his attitude to Terpelaziuns?
Wittenberg / TNC board
Last post by Baron Alexandreu Davinescu - Today at 01:55:27 PM
@Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB , the TNC has folded up shop at this point.  Please remove the moderators of the public and private forums, and remove access for everyone to the private forum.  I don't know what to suggest about the public forum -- maybe archive it to avoid clutter?
Fora Talossa / 60th GE Party Discussion
Last post by Breneir Tzaracomprada - Today at 12:29:08 PM
Are there any plans or is there any interest in another discussion between representatives of the parties for the 60th GE? Might be good to continue the trend.

Considering my own conflict it could be posted on Fora Talossa but not hosted or edited by me of course.

@Miestră Schivă, UrN
@þerxh Sant-Enogat
@Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN
1 June 2024:
A Commitment to Open & Transparent Institutions: I am the author of the Second Talossan Government Transparency Act which mandated the archiving and eventual publication of internal cabinet discussions. And I opposed the establishment of a private Organic Law (and Chancery Reform) Committee by the then leaders of the TNC and FreeDems because it was designed, in my view, to stifle the Ziu's legislative activity. When I did participate and proposed the Nonpartisan SOS Act this suspicion would unfortunately be proven correct.

Here's the thing: Norms are not applicable only to those we dislike. And we should be confident enough in our positions and in Talossan democracy to use the institutions we have worked so hard to build.