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Messages - Miestră Schivă, UrN

Glad you asked. I direct the Senator's attention to the Hopper, re: wholesale deletion of an obsolete piece of statute law. I'm also currently in discussions with the Finance Ministry about how the relevant piece of statue law can be simplified, particularly in view of the recent problems finding a Burgermeister, and also the loss of communication that led to a scramble to authorise payment for the national website.
Be that as it may, should my party declare an end to the formal boycott, I'm still going to vote against about 90% of TNC bills - i.e. those which are mean-spirited, ill-thought out, or which I'm just opposed to on principle. I'm sure you're not going to argue that I don't have the right to vote against whatever doesn't appear to me to be a good idea?
WHEREAS one of the ugliest facets of Talossan history has been a xenophobic attitude towards micronations, or other Talossa-like entities;

AND WHEREAS the blanket ban on Talossans being involved in other such entities was removed early in the realm of King John by the current provisions A.9 of El Lexhatx, which restricts sanctions to a "blacklist" of bad micronations;

AND WHEREAS this blacklist has not existed for some time, if it ever did;

AND WHEREAS the incumbent Government has the joint manifesto commitments of simplifying El Lexhatx, and of opening Talossa to the world of micronations;

AND WHEREAS this bill is unlikely to have much practical impact, but acts as a symbol of international friendliness;

BE IT ENACTED by the King, Cosa and Senäts in Ziu assembled that sections A.9 and D.2.6.5 of El Lexhatx are hereby deleted in its entirety.
Quote from: Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù on July 11, 2022, 06:40:57 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 10, 2022, 10:17:26 PM
... but, honestly, aren't we all trying to make each other look bad? To humiliate, embarrass, and infuriate each other?

God I hope not... Gross

What do you think the role of an opposition in a parliamentary democracy should be?
I'm informed by my Deputy that "our first batch is actually at the printer now, so technically that number is currently 0. I anticipate them being done by Tuesday, though."

I must say, just while we're on the topic, that I'm disappointed that neither of the TNC leaders have done the Civics Test.
I suppose I should ask for a ministerial badge for our new Ministry.
Have you wondered, Tric'hard, why you are calling it a "blockade" rather than a boycott? If you think about that for a moment, you might begin to understand why the FreeDems have been forced to take such action.

And no-one ever suggested boycotting your bill precisely because, as you say, you're not a TNC member. You are believing things which aren't true because... someone told you so?
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on July 08, 2022, 09:22:28 AM
I already have an account, what is the process to be able to modify articles?
I tried to change a little thingy a few days ago but I don't have the right permissions.

I think I've given you all the permissions now.
I think there's a point being missed here. The Seneschál has a substantive problem with the TNC's "Senses", in that he doesn't agree that sanctions are useful. I'm not sure I agree with that, but I think both sides have to resile from mutual accusation of "you're only doing this to make us look bad".

... but, honestly, aren't we all trying to make each other look bad? To humiliate, embarrass, and infuriate each other?
Glad you asked. The total number of successful applicants is 11. The ID card mailout process is delegated to Deputy MinSTUFF s:reu Autofíl, so I'd like him to give an update.
Wittenberg / Re: Updates
July 07, 2022, 07:41:58 PM
I should note that I've talked to someone who wanted to have a go at rejigging the front page, which is quite out of date but is written in very fancy markup that I don't have a clue about. I'll keep the nation posted about if and when that happens.
Wittenberg / Re: Updates
July 07, 2022, 07:25:51 PM
Let's put it this way. I agree that the wiki should undergo a serious updation. But I am not in a position to do the work myself (and there is no legal requirement that I do so). I have limited time, energy and "health points" to spend on Talossa, and I am currently spending them in all in different areas that the Seneschal asked me to prioritise.

I am happy, on the other hand, to pull together a team and make a plan to bring the wiki up to date, but I'll need volunteers. But the question has to be raised: do people want the wiki updated, even if it requires them doing some of the work?
Wittenberg / Re: Updates
July 07, 2022, 05:52:50 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on July 07, 2022, 05:16:59 PM
The wiki is owned and managed by the Ministry of STUFF, and it's their responsibility.

Counterpoint: no it's not. The Ministry of Technology maintains the wiki, but content has never been a Government responsibility. That's the whole point of having a wiki - it's maintained through citizen enthusiasm. Lüc da Schir used to do a lot of the most epic work, until he took a break from citizenship. AD himself used to be one of the most active wiki editors... though he seems to have decided that "going on strike" would give him a stick to beat the Government with.

My predecessors in the STUFF role were never in charge of wiki updation. You can call Eðo up and ask him yourself.
Wittenberg / Re: Talossan Time zone?
July 05, 2022, 04:09:06 PM
King Robert briefly declared Talossan Standard Time to be GMT sometime in the 80s. He thought better of it when it proved... impractical for daily activities.

Our mystical connection to Milwaukee sort of requires us to take Milwaukee standard time as the basis. Although maybe we can move it half an hour in either direction, like North Korea did.
VoC - ÜC