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Messages - Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP

Quote from: Danihel Txechescu on May 21, 2023, 11:50:31 PMVery sorry to read you had to go through that. I wish you better times.

I appreciate that, thank you. They are improving, day by day, which is all one can ever really ask for.
Wittenberg / Re: Midjourney's idea of "Talossa."
May 21, 2023, 11:47:28 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on March 14, 2023, 02:41:52 PMI have no idea how it generates its output, but I would guess that it doesn't have any specific associations with the word Talossa, beyond contextually assuming that it is some sort of country or movement.

You likely also get some...bleed-over, so to speak, from the fact that talossa is of course a Finnish word. If the AI looks for internet results from more than just English-language sources, that may have an effect. Perhaps S:reu Dangerfield is in a house in Tampere? :P
To the Talossan people:

There are, I believe, a few matters I must divulge to the public regarding my absence over the past few months, both because several of you have asked for an explanation (some more politely than others), but more importantly because of the position to which I was elected as well as the one I had occupied in the previous Government. A position of public trust demands transparency, and as a result of the "transparency deficit" I have run up, allow me to attempt to settle my debt, so to speak.

I know that, at several points in the past, I have made reference to the existence of a Doamnă Autófil. She and I were married in August of 2018, and had been together in some form or another for five years before that. However, we have also been living apart for most of our marriage, largely due to work -- while I still live in Wisconsin, several months after our wedding she was able to finally find a job in her field, with the caveat that it was in Missouri. While this arrangement worked out well for some time -- frequent weekend visits, as well as being reunited from March to October 2020 during the pandemic -- the end result of this story is that last August she informed me that her love for me has died "a long, slow death" and that she no longer wished to be together.

As one can likely imagine, this is not a particularly easy thing to hear from the person with whom one intended to spend their life. I know that quite a few of you among the community's more active members are yourselves married, and I would be concerned if you were to greet such an event in your own life with a nonchalant attitude. What happened next...I guess you could say that I basically shut down. Went through the motions. "Existed", more than "lived", an emotionally catatonic state. A lot of soul-searching, coupled with quite a bit of self-medicating, some of it through healthier methods than others. At a few points, nearly coupled the erasure of a D:na Autófil with the erasure of S:reu Autófil, if I'm going to be painfully open about it. But the light at the end of the tunnel comes, and the sun rises again, and the time has come to attempt to pick up the pieces of the life I once lived, a life that includes an adopted homeland of Green and Red.

I do not tell you some of these more dramatic parts in an attempt to garner pity, but rather because I believe a brutally conspicuous absence deserves a brutally honest explanation, coupled with a brutally sincere apology. And to that end, I know there were quite a few people I frustrated whether in the then-Government, the Opposition, or just the citizenry -- and even the ones I didn't frustrate, I was your Distain too, and so my only request is that you try to forgive me for coping with my personal goings-on in the only way I could really muster. I do not seek excusal, so much as understanding.

Correction: I have a second request. Should you ever find yourself burdened, and you need an ear, seek me out. I know what that pit is like and just how deep it can go, and if I can help even one other person to avoid it, then I would do all I can towards that end.

Should there be other questions I can answer, please do not hesitate to reach out and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

In Amistà, Imrè

Mic'haglh Autófil, MC EiP
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on March 22, 2023, 12:34:39 PMUc, perhaps you'd be interested in joining the Coletx?  You're a very active Talossan and I'm sure we'd all love to have you.

There is no official version of the symbols and flag at this time.  The Ziu has adopted recommended blazons for the arms and flags, but not official image files.  I'd suggest it would be most proper for the Tui to select appropriate images that match those blazons.  As it happens, @Mic'haglh Autófil, MC EiP created some earlier, higher up in the thread. We could contact him to see if we can get the vector versions, perhaps?


Let me know if these have attached correctly? It certainly looks like it on my end, but you never know.


Edit: I see we've chosen to swap the color order between the two?
RZ11 - Për
RZ12 - Con
RZ13 - Aus
RZ14 - Aus
RZ15 - Për
RZ16 - Për
RZ17 - Për
RZ18 - Për
VoC - Üc
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on April 24, 2023, 04:29:47 PM@Mic'haglh Autófil, MC EiP, it is with regret that @Alexandreu Prominè has lost his seats in the 58th Cosa due to non-voting. As a result, you have 7 seats to be allocated for the upcoming 3rd Clark. Should the seats not be allocated, the Cosa will consist of 193 seats instead of the usual 200 seats.

Please allocate the remaining seats as soon as possible, but at least one day prior to the start of the 3rd Clark.

Sir Txec dal Nordselvă,
Secretár d'Estat

S:reu SOS, I understand these seats will not take effect until the fourth Clark, but I would ask that they be assigned to myself going forward.
RZ5 - Per
RZ6 - Per
RZ7 - Aus
RZ8 - Per
RZ9 - Per
RZ10 - Aus

VoC - Non
Full Party Name: Parti da Reformaziun

Party Initials: PdR

50-Word Statement: "The PdR Continues to advocate for rational responses to political issues facing the nation, and for reforms that make for a more equal society in which Talossans can participate. The difference between government before our involvement and with our involvement show that we will push for results for you."

Party Leader: Mic'haglh Autofil

Candidate list:
  • Mic'haglh Autofil
  • Alexandreu Promine

Party Platform URL: Click Here for the Goods!

Edit -- Statement on RZ19: "This amendment streamlines the process by which the Seneschal is chosen, and uses the same method already in place which is used to select the Tuischac'h. This commonsense reform is worth supporting."
Wittenberg / Re: 57PD08: Humble Potato Day
December 11, 2022, 03:21:12 PM
A few nights ago I made myself a sort of Thanksgiving-lite meal, mostly to have a reason to try making a port-wine reduction because the bottle I bought wasn't quite as good as some of the others I've had (the 10-year-aged stuff is too bitey, I like the smoothness of the regular tawny).

That being said, it comes out wonderfully as a gravy to use on, among other things, mashed potatoes, so I think I may have to make those wonderful spuds the star of my plate of leftovers tonight for dinner...

Maybe I should include the sauce as a recipe for TBoC Vol. III...

Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on December 08, 2022, 12:31:57 PMOkay, cool!  I'll do that, then.  I was thinking about doing one on Japanese mon next, their equivalent to heraldry that has functioned roughly like a badge.

I'm quite interested in mon myself, if you would be interested in collaborating on a post on the topic!
Benito / Re: [Chancery] Senate Election in Benito
December 11, 2022, 02:45:50 PM
Mr. Secretary,

You are correct; on behalf of the province I would formally request that the Chancery conduct the Senate election on behalf of Benito.
Wittenberg / Re: [BHAID] Donation Drive
December 11, 2022, 02:43:42 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 11, 2022, 01:39:14 PMMinister Autofil, will the Government be taking action to contribute directly to the fundraising similar to the PD for a donation concerning the Russo-Ukrainian War? Or is the BHAID itself only acting as an organizer of individual charitable donations?

I had thought once the recipient was selected that the BHAID, as an agent of the Government, would be making a direct contribution rather than raising money from individual citizens.

This was the Ukraine PD from February 2022:

Quote from: Þon Txoteu É. Davinescu, O.SPM on February 27, 2022, 08:14:28 PMWHEREAS there is an ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, and

WHEREAS many Talossans are
expressing a desire to assist in some way, and

WHEREAS The Government believes the financial position of the Kingdom allows us to make a contribution

THEREFORE I authorize the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue to disburse $100 to the Ukraine Crisis Fund of the International Red Cross.

Gen. Txoteu Davinescu, O.SPM
Seneschal of Talossa

At the moment, the answer to your question would be the latter, as I do not see anything in the budget as passed for charitable donations. Should the Seneschal wish to issue a PD in support of this campaign, I think we would all consider it a blessing, but I must defer to his authority on that front for now.
Wittenberg / [BHAID] Donation Drive
December 11, 2022, 12:51:14 PM
Good afternoon, Talossans!

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to announce the commencement of a charitable campaign to support Milwaukee Habitat of Humanity! (

I may not live in Milwaukee, but I do live in Wisconsin, and I can assure you, it gets plenty cold here, especially this time of year. As of writing, it's barely above freezing, and this is an unseasonably warm day. January and February will not be any kinder to those who are lacking suitable shelter. This is our chance to give to a community that our shared nation has its roots in, a place that, whether or not you may realize it, has helped shape the Talossa that exists today.

Donations can be submitted via PayPal to the Royal Bank and Post ( When submitting, please include a note clarifying that this is a donation for BHAID, so as to make our good Burgermeister's workload easier.

This campaign will continue until (and including) Sunday, January 8, 2023. I would be absolutely thrilled if we could collect at least $100, but I also know that we as a community can do much better than that. (For my own part, I'm starting with a $15 donation, so feel free to one-up me! This is one of those times it feels nothing but wonderful to be outdone.)
Wittenberg / Re: Age of Empires II
December 11, 2022, 11:51:28 AM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on December 09, 2022, 09:40:18 AMI never played Age of Empires but did play another game in the genre called Alpha Centauri. I remember playing this game so much that it actually found purchase in my dreams. Always played as the United Nations of course.

I remember seeing the trailer for this, it was one of the extras on the disc for SimCity 3000, along with trailers for The Sims (the original game), Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, and a few others.
Wittenberg / La C'hronică 12.22
December 06, 2022, 02:18:57 AM

Zecemvar XLIII / December 2022

Dandelion reform approved; Primary Intelligence Group abolished; more:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs running donation campaign to Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity:

King John announces investiture of several new knights and Seneschal's Medal recipients; re-activation of several dormant orders:

Writ of Dissolution from King dissolves Cosa in preparation for new elections:

The first Living Cosa in 19 years was held on November 20:

A reminder to update your info:

The info/signup thread has been opened:

"This Month in Talossan History" series continues with December:

Ministry of Culture to give Trivia Night another go on December 11:

Carlüs Vilaçafat named Poet Laureate, succeeding Óïn Ursüm:

No citizens were naturalized during November (Paarth Thakur has had a Citizenship Petition filed in his name, but this is not concluded as of press time).

New applications for Talossan citizenship were received from Markus Rachensberger, Philipp Opperman, Paarth Thakur, Orlando Alas, Remy Fenster, Charyle Calvert, Kevin Gallagher, Bayan Peikari, Kenyon Strother, Donald Muniz, Ralph Hansen, Scott Nabors, Kenneth Makuakāne, Arten Panasiuk, Hilton Chesterfield II, Sandra Orr, and David Wasserman (wow!):


La C'hronică is the monthly news summary provided by the Ministry of Stuff, for the enlightenment and interest of Talossan citizens and all other interested parties.