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Messages - Françal I. Lux

El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: 6th Clark of the 56th Cosa
February 03, 2022, 12:18:31 PM
Per on both bills
Yes on VoC

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Wittenberg / Re: Ministry of Culture Reconvenes SIGN
January 27, 2022, 10:30:17 PM
That seems to be our main issue here. We all seem to have extensive knowledge of the technical parts of the language, but struggle with how we're going to teach it to people. I hope I can combine my vocabulary primer on Memrise with your Grammar outline, and we'll see if that helps!

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El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: 5th Clark of the 56th Cosa
January 16, 2022, 05:04:17 PM
Për on all bills
Üc on VoC

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Wittenberg / Ministry of Culture Reconvenes SIGN
January 06, 2022, 03:18:53 PM
As newly appointed Culture Minister, I would like to personally invite all language heads in Talossa to discuss our ever increasing need for BASIC language learning materials for those interested in learning our national tongue.

As we are pressed for time before the end of this Term and we are all busy with other responsibilities, I would like to set just 1 goal for  CultMin before the next election: COMPLETE the updated Vocabulary Primer on Memrise and offer it to all citizens so that we may use more Talossan in our day to day parlance on here.

I am able to do all the nitty-gritty parts of making the course, I would just like some volunteers for the audio portion of the course.

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Maricopa / Re: Senator failed to vote
January 01, 2022, 02:14:58 PM
This pugnacious character is representing the people of Maricopa? How about you carry out your sworn duties to the Senate and your constituents or resign? If life's too damn terrible then resign. If life's too busy then resign. Don't sit on your ass and gaslight the citizen of Maricopa. I'd say shame on you but clearly you prefer the spotlight shinning on that turgid personality of yours.

What kind of stupid, knuckle-dragging answer is "it's none of your business"? YOU are an elected member of the Senate sent there by your constituents of this province. YOU work for your constituents and YOU. Answer when asked. You're lucky we don't have a recall system in this Province or I'd have your punk ass thrown out to the curb.

Don't talk to your constituents like they're trash, you elitist prick, this isn't an episode of House of Cards. You wanna run your office with ill-courtesy and contempt? Bring it on, I've eviscerated worse shit-kickers than you.

I'm tired of mouth-breathing rubes lauding over their status in this kingdom and then running away especially NOW when all hands on deck is needed.

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El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: 4th Clark of the 56th Cosa
December 10, 2021, 11:50:06 AM
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on December 10, 2021, 09:58:29 AM
Quote from: Françal I. Lux on December 08, 2021, 02:33:01 PM
RZ8: për

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Are you abstaining on the VoC?
VoC: Yes

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Wittenberg / [Archived] La C’hronica 10.21
December 08, 2021, 02:48:08 PM
RZ3 - The Talossan Criminal Law Reform Bill #2 PASSED 145-0-0 COSA/7-0-0 SENATE
This law targets offences perpetrated by individuals who bring Talossa into disrepute. It contains amendments to current statutes specifically addressing how prosecution is undertaken and how the Talossan Criminal Justice System would act in situations relevant to such matters mentioned.
RZ4- The Legislative Process Improvement Bill #1 PASSED 131-0-14 COSA/5-2-0 SENATE The law-making process is amended. Any citizen may now draft any bill and
submit it to the Hopper for consideration. The legislative process must now pass through several voting cycles and committees (with the notable creation of a legislative advisory committee) in order to improve the quality and scope of bills being presented and passed in the Ziu.
RZ5 - The 56th Cosa Budget PASSED 134-11-0 COSA/7-0-0 SENATE
For a comprehensive breakdown of this term's budget, click here.
RZ6 - The Big Fat Chocolate-Covered Waste of Time Bill PASSED 80-31-34 COSA/6-1-0 SENATE The Council of Governors, a defunct committee initially created in order to
bolster inter-provincial cooperation, has been officially abolished.
Wittenberg / [Archived] La C’hronica 9.21
December 08, 2021, 02:39:21 PM
The 56th Cosa resumes its regular obligations after a month in recess. Several notable events took place during this break, however, including:
SPEECH FROM THE THRONE, 56th COSA where the king officially opened this latest term of the Cosa and extended warm congratulations to the incoming Senechal and his Cabinet. The king also laid out the planned agenda for the current term which range in issues from legal reform to citizen initiatives aimed at encouraging more participation immigration to Talossa.
STATE OPENING OF THE ZIU where the incoming Senechal gave his first official speech to the Ziu and outlined his vision and agenda for the current term.
(link to watch the entire speech)
Several bills are already submitted for the 2nd Clark of the term, these include:
56th COSA BUDGET has been submitted and includes monetary allocations for the Ministries of STUFF and FINANCE.
THE TALOSSAN CRIMINAL LAW REFORM BILL #2 which, amongst other things, explicitly defines and seeks to establish regimes of prosecution concerning certain illegal acts perpetrated by Talossan citizens and the sorts of punishments these acts would warrant.
THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT BILL #1 which seeks to further improve the quality of bills being presented to the legislature as well as make more efficient and comprehensive the law-making process in order to finetune bills before it's presented to be clarked.
THE GREAT BIG CHOCOLATE-COVERED WASTE OF TIME BILL which puts into question the relevance of the Council of Governors and its function as it stands currently. Amendments might be presented before the end of the Clark, so stay tuned.
Wittenberg / [Archived] La C’hronica 8.21
December 08, 2021, 02:35:04 PM
56RZ1 (Talossa Shall Choose its King Act) FAILS with 90P/77C/33A
    After months of negotiation and a contentious election, the planned reform for the powers and duties of the monarchy fails to garner enough votes. It is uncertain if the government will pursue further action on this issue.

56RZ2 (The Talossan Criminal Law Reform Bill #1) PASSES with 167P/16C/17A
Several key reforms to the Talossan law codes have been enacted with the passing of this bill. Namely, the assimilation of certain statutes previously adopted wholesale from Wisconsin law into native Talossan law. This reform package targets key statutes regarding classes of misdemeanours and felonies such as unlawful usage of official Government and Royal seals and emblems and damages caused by any individual to public records and archives.

After a series of delays, the government is poised to begin the official opening of the Ziu. The matter of who will take on the role of Leader of the Opposition is still being sorted out by relevant parties. A video of the event will be created for the national archive and will be provided as soon as it is available.

Following the passage of the first part of a series of law code reforms, this 2nd bill will specifically target offences perpetrated by individuals who bring Talossa into disrepute. It contains amendments to current statutes specifically addressing how the Ministry of Justice and the Talossan Criminal Justice System would act in situations relevant to such matters mentioned.

Two reform packages have been proposed that would address current standards of legislation in an attempt to make more efficient how bills are taken on and debated.
    Proposal 1 (A Two-Reading System) would require all bills to be reviewed and approved by el Comità da Redacziun Legislatïu (Legislative Advisory Committee of Talossa aka CRL) before it is presented for a vote in the general body of the Ziu.
    Proposal 2 (Separate Cosă and Senäts Debates) would decisively separate the two chambers of the Ziu as it pertains to debating, amending and voting on bills. It would also allow for the two chambers to potentially create their own procedures regarding how they would carry on this task.

The Ministry of Interior is encouraging all citizens to participate in the revival of the TalossAssitant Programme in an attempt to generate more activity and interactions within the Immigration subforum. Several volunteers have spoken up and will be assigned to prospective citizens on demand.
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: 4th Clark of the 56th Cosa
December 08, 2021, 02:33:01 PM
RZ8: për

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I'd like to announce the appointment of Ian Plätschisch as Deputy Secretary for Immigration.

These are trying times and the government believes an office as critical as Immigration should have a dedicated public servant at its helm. Sen. Plätschisch has proven himself a good administrator and will do well in this new position.

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Thank you for question!

Aside from restarting La C'hronica, the IntMin is currently working on an information packet to be dispensed to new Talossan citizens. That being said, the state of immigration has been a cause of concern for some time now. It is imperative that we gain more citizens in the very near future if we are to continue as a nation and to this end the Interior ministry is in need of assistance. We would like to collaborate with the foreign ministry for the rest of the term to tackle the low volume of immigration to Talossa as Interior's purview only extends to prospective citizens already signed up to become citizens.

Lastly, I'm still in the process of finding a good, reputable 3rd party source to acquire gear and other memorabilia in relation to TalossaWare, but I am frankly more focused on immigration as it is the most pressing issue this ministry, this government I would say, is currently dealing with.

I appreciate the questions and I'm grateful to have the opportunity to elaborate on the IntMin's currently activity.

F. I. Lux
Minister of Interior
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: 56th Cosa - 3rd Clark
November 02, 2021, 02:28:08 PM
Üc - VoC
Për - "fake" bill

F. I. Lux
Minister of Interior
You've done a great job and will be sorely missed!

F. I. Lux
Minister of Interior
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on October 17, 2021, 03:56:22 PM
On to the final and perhaps most controversial bill of the Clark.

The Council of Governors does nothing at the moment. The Interior Minister is required by law to name a Governor-General and nothing else happens. Some MZs have put together quite good arguments for the Council to be maintained in some other format. But I consulted with the Interior Minister and he supported a total deletion. So here we are.
I believe we need to downsize the government to a more managable size and prioritize the institutions critical to the day-to-day running of the country. There are so very few of us left, it's honestly a pipe dream to keep these sorts of institutions alive. Now, if a day comes where we become more active, I have no problem reviving this council again. 

F. I. Lux
Minister of Interior