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Messages - Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB

Just a thought...maybe call it "State Opening of the Ziu" - that would encompass both houses and the Monarch. They don't call it a State Opening of the Commons in the UK but a State Opening of Parliament.
Maricopa / Re: Appointment to the Order of Maricopa
October 19, 2020, 08:32:17 PM
It is well deserved my friend. Welcome to the order and the highest honor Maricopa can bestow!
Could we get times for this? Thanks.
Maricopa / Appointment to the Order of Maricopa
October 19, 2020, 09:43:21 AM

The Office of the Premieir of Maricopa

Appointment to The Order of the Sovereign Province of Maricopa/Urderi dal Provinçù Soveran da Maricopa

On the recommendation of the Premieir of Maricopa and the appointment by the Cunstaval of Maricopa, the Honorable Ma la Mha Count Thord;

WHEREAS Over the course of recent history in Maricopa, one prominent citizen has dedicated his time and service to the Province and the Kingdom;


For his dedicated service to the Province as Premieir,

@Txoteu Davinescù O.SPM (U.PSM) is hereby enrolled;

Done under my hand and seal, on this the 19th of October in the year 2020, of the reign of our gracious King John the eleventh and his regent @Sir Alexandreu Davinescu, and of the Kingdom of Talossa the 41st.

Txec Róibeard dal Nordselva, Premieir dal Provinçù Soveran da Maricopa
Wittenberg / Re: Regency
October 18, 2020, 09:48:13 PM
Quote from: Þon Txoteu É. Davinescu on October 18, 2020, 04:46:26 PM
The lack of a Cunstaval is why I never made appointments during my terms.


When I wrote the law creating The Order I never imagined we'd go so long without a Cunstaval. Nevertheless I will proceed with my plans and hope the regent will act in the role.
Wittenberg / Re: Regency
October 18, 2020, 11:40:19 AM
As Preimier of Maricopa, I am intending on asking the Cunstaval (who is absent as you well know) to invest some Maricopans into The Order of the Sovereign Province of Maricopa. I can make the recommendations but I cannot confer the titles. The Cunstaval is the President of the Order.
Thank you S:reu Regent. Just to be clear though, I think giving someone the better part of 3 months is giving a lot of grace but I'll drop it for now in the hopes you will do what you say.
Wittenberg / Re: D&D
October 15, 2020, 03:22:30 PM
Quote from: NRB on October 15, 2020, 03:01:48 PM
Only the penitent man will pass.

and also..."but in the latin, Jehovah is spelled with an I!"
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on October 15, 2020, 02:27:13 PM
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on October 15, 2020, 02:15:47 PM
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on October 15, 2020, 01:14:05 PM
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on October 15, 2020, 12:32:09 PM
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on October 15, 2020, 11:06:18 AM
His Majesty has not been incommunicado -- this very matter was discussed with the Government three and a half weeks ago.  As the Seneschal has confirmed, His Majesty has generally been quick to reply when she consults him.

I would like to know if King John has not been incommunicado, why he never responded to multiple emails from his own Secretary of State. That is why I started that other thread, out of sheer frustration that the king doesn't respond to members of the Royal Household. Perhaps you could ask him S:reu Regent since it seems you have ready access to the king.
Well, he appointed a regent because he wanted some assistance with things building up, so presumably my appointment itself is your answer :)  Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

No I'm sorry but that really isn't the answer. Letting things build up is one thing, not responding to numerous emails and never acknowledging legitimate issues bothers me. I am glad he appointed a regent to do the things he didn't really want to do or whatever the reason is, I just wish he hadn't gone MIA for over 70 days when it would have taken five minutes to pop on to Witt and let us all know he was ok but just really busy.
Well, it's kind of a crazy time for a lot of people. There's a global pandemic and almost everyone is struggling to accommodate themselves to a drastically different world, and some people have health issues or their loved ones do. I can't speak to the specifics of His Majesty's situation, but the guy stepped up to do the job 15 years ago in a time of crisis and has found it mostly a thankless task. Please, let's give him the same grace that we would give anyone in the same situation. You are annoyed that he missed your emails or didn't have a chance to reply to them, and I respect that and apologize for that. But he has acted to help fix things and move things forward, so let's join together and do that. What are the issues still outstanding that need attention?

Trust me S:reu Regent I know all about the global pandemic. I've spent the past 7-8 months teaching remotely and hardly ever leaving my home. I'm not disrespecting the king or misunderstanding any possible situations. I also intimately understand thankless jobs so that is not an area I raise either. I simply wanted a reply to emails. I didn't send them because I wanted to bother or trouble the king. I sent them in the hopes he could help with a few things that needed to be done or addressed.

For example, Maricopa has a Cunstaval who hasn't been seen or heard from in over a year (last post on OldWitt was September 2019). Our cunstaval doesn't even have an account on this version of Witt. I asked the king to please replace him with an active citizen and preferably someone from Maricopa. Other provinces face the same problem. I checked, the Regent has all the powers of the king. You could do this. The king could have done this. Some provinces cannot even operate without one. That is what is outstanding and needs to be done.
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on October 15, 2020, 01:14:05 PM
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on October 15, 2020, 12:32:09 PM
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on October 15, 2020, 11:06:18 AM
His Majesty has not been incommunicado -- this very matter was discussed with the Government three and a half weeks ago.  As the Seneschal has confirmed, His Majesty has generally been quick to reply when she consults him.

I would like to know if King John has not been incommunicado, why he never responded to multiple emails from his own Secretary of State. That is why I started that other thread, out of sheer frustration that the king doesn't respond to members of the Royal Household. Perhaps you could ask him S:reu Regent since it seems you have ready access to the king.
Well, he appointed a regent because he wanted some assistance with things building up, so presumably my appointment itself is your answer :)  Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

No I'm sorry but that really isn't the answer. Letting things build up is one thing, not responding to numerous emails and never acknowledging legitimate issues bothers me. I am glad he appointed a regent to do the things he didn't really want to do or whatever the reason is, I just wish he hadn't gone MIA for over 70 days when it would have taken five minutes to pop on to Witt and let us all know he was ok but just really busy.
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on October 15, 2020, 11:06:18 AM
His Majesty has not been incommunicado -- this very matter was discussed with the Government three and a half weeks ago.  As the Seneschal has confirmed, His Majesty has generally been quick to reply when she consults him.

I would like to know if King John has not been incommunicado, why he never responded to multiple emails from his own Secretary of State. That is why I started that other thread, out of sheer frustration that the king doesn't respond to members of the Royal Household. Perhaps you could ask him S:reu Regent since it seems you have ready access to the king.
Wittenberg / Re: Regency
October 14, 2020, 01:29:18 PM
Thank you!
Wittenberg / Re: Regency
October 14, 2020, 12:54:29 PM
We need SoS and Scribe official appointments. I've asked the King to replace the Governor of Maricopa to an active citizen also.
Wittenberg / Re: Voting Closes - 55th Cosa 1st Clark
October 12, 2020, 12:26:55 PM
This is a calendar reminder not a post.
Wittenberg / Re: Voting Opens - 55th Cosa 1st Clark
October 12, 2020, 12:26:41 PM
This is a calendar reminder not a post.