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Messages - Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 23, 2024, 05:35:21 PM169 Cosa seats and 4 Senators have voted to allow this bill to be Clarked without need of the CRL process, as provided by El Lexhatx H.2.1.3, and I would like the SoS @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to confirm that this is the case.

Yes, this bill is ready to be Clarked as well.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 23, 2024, 05:27:51 PM169 Cosa seats and 4 Senators have voted to allow this bill to be Clarked without need of the CRL process, as provided by El Lexhatx H.2.1.3, and I would like the SoS @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to confirm that this is the case.

That does appear to be the case.
Welcome to the Zouaves Private Puntmasleu.

/s/ Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, El Capitán da l'Altahál
Welcome to the Zouaves Private da Miéletz.

/s/ Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, El Capitán da l'Altahál
I believe I've moved your three bills. I take Sundays off so did not see any requests. I also don't usually move bills to the CRL so I may have missed your requests.
It is my pleasure to open call for bills of the August 2024 Clark.

Eventually, the clark can be viewed in real time here: (for the votes)

and here: (for the bills )

It is NOT too late to submit bills, of course, as you have OFFICIALLY until the morning of the 31st of this month, provided your bills have been in the Hopper before end of business day the 21st, of course. I will make the Clark on July 1st's morning and bills submitted up to a few hours before that will probably also be taken.

PLEASE note that in order to support a bill, you need to:

1 ) Be a Senator, the Secretary of State or the King
2 ) Have been nominated as a Cosa Member for the upcoming Clark BEFORE the 21st,

To vote on the Clark, you will once again have 2 options:

1 ) You will be able to vote in the Clark thread (which will be created later on the 1st of July), as usual. I will enter your votes in the DB.

2 ) You will be able to vote directly in the database, using your user number and DB password (which you can retrieve at: using the PSC of the election) or by login via Facebook (which retrieve manual activation on my part).

Secretár d'Estat/Secretary of State
@GV this is a reminder to please pay your Senate fee if you wish to be seated in the 60th Cosa. If you have already paid, I will need some form of confirmation.
Maricopa / Re: Electing a Premieir - 60th Cosa
July 18, 2024, 01:45:42 PM
With no other candidate presented, @Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat is elected Premieir of Maricopa.

Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on July 17, 2024, 04:48:31 PM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on July 17, 2024, 02:49:11 PMIt has been 10 days since this petition was presented to the Chancery. The prospective citizen has not responded to the Oath of Citizenship nor made contact of any kind. As such, this petition shall not be considered and her immigration process is now terminated. The prospective citizen may undergo the immigration process again if she wishes to gain full citizenship.

Secretár d'Estat/Secretary of State
Would it make sense to lock this topic?

No. I very rarely lock topics. Also, there is no need to strikethrough your petition or change the title of the thread.
It has been 10 days since this petition was presented to the Chancery. The prospective citizen has not responded to the Oath of Citizenship nor made contact of any kind. As such, this petition shall not be considered and her immigration process is now terminated. The prospective citizen may undergo the immigration process again if she wishes to gain full citizenship.

Secretár d'Estat/Secretary of State
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 16, 2024, 03:48:35 PMThis is extremely bizarre. Felipe Esteves has indeed submitted a citizenship application, but Immigration had not activated his account. How was he able to post?!?

I'm wondering about it also. I don't see any setting that would allow a non-activated account to post. In any event, I've lifted the temporary posting ban as we now know who this is at least.
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 16, 2024, 10:35:25 AM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on July 16, 2024, 10:07:58 AM
Quote from: þerxh Sant-Enogat on July 16, 2024, 05:00:42 AMWho are you @Felipe Esteves - and why do you post the above ? you do not seem to have been through the immigration process ...

I don't recognize this user and he is not a citizen. I have implemented a posting ban until we figure out who this is.

We need to be changing the Witt status of new applicants to Prospective Citizen.

It's likely not all board permissions have been set yet. I'm working on that now.

EDIT: The new ImmMin is doing things correctly. Everyone who has been introduced in the Immigration Forum is marked correctly. This one user has no introduction thread so is an outlier.
Quote from: þerxh Sant-Enogat on July 16, 2024, 05:00:42 AMWho are you @Felipe Esteves - and why do you post the above ? you do not seem to have been through the immigration process ...

I don't recognize this user and he is not a citizen. I have implemented a posting ban until we figure out who this is.
Quote from: Sir Lüc on July 15, 2024, 07:04:25 AMMay I plead that any applicant be serious in restoring the Royal Society to its former glory, such as by reviewing membership rolls, revoking the ridiculous postnominals motion and exploring the possibility of offering courses - any kind of courses! - again?

I would be offering this comment as a member of the Royal Society, except all my membership enquiries over the years went unanswered - which is ironic considering academic research is currently my real life job.

Maybe you should apply then.
Having received at least 118 votes thus far, þerxh Sant-Enogat is duly elected Tuischac'h.

Secretár d'Estat/Secretary of State