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Messages - Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB

Quote from: Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu on October 06, 2023, 09:13:00 AMSince this appears to be resolved, I will direct the newly-elected Senators to the Senats board, where a call for nominations for Lord President (Mençei) has been made.

We await the tie-breaker from Maricopa before the newly elected Senator can be seated.
Maricopa / Breaking the Tie
October 06, 2023, 09:33:38 AM
It falls to the Premieir of Maricopa, @Danihel Txechescu, to break the tie that exists between Carlus Vilacafat and Txotue Davinescu for the position of Senator of Maricopa.

Please advise at your earliest convenience so that the new Senator may be duly seated.

Secretár d'Estat/Secretary of State
I've been acting in my role on the Privy Council and advising the king of the need to work on the issue. I only brought up Vuode for starters, but it also appears that Florencia is in need also.

If there was any law on the matter, I would think the best course would be some rule on inactivity, perhaps similar to judges to prevent the problem we now have.
The Chancery has had time to thoroughly examine all the ballots and apply El.Lex.B.14 to them. Accordingly, upon certification by the Electoral Commission, a tie will exist between Carlus Vilacafat and Txotue Davinescu. Both candidates received 5 first preference votes on the third round of voting. Both candidates also had one valid second preference assigned to them. A fourth round is not possible because the outcome would be exactly the same as the third round.

Summary: Carlus Vilacafat and Txotue Davinescu tied in the Maricopa Senate Election. The Premieir of Maricopa, Danihel Txechescu will be called upon to break the tie.
Wittenberg / Re: Cunstavals
October 03, 2023, 09:35:20 PM
I spoke with the King and he is going to be appointing a new Cunstaval for Vuode.
Wittenberg / Re: Cunstavals
October 03, 2023, 04:38:33 PM
Quote from: Munditenens Tresplet on October 03, 2023, 04:23:29 PMIs this just a ploy to exile the Royal Governor to Antarctica?

Absolutely not! Who could have told you something so scandalous? :-)
Wittenberg / Cunstavals
October 03, 2023, 04:07:25 PM
I received a PM from a concerned citizen in Vuode about the Cunstaval issue. I looked at the Wiki and most of them are inactive citizens who vote but don't participate in Talossa regularly.

I contacted the King about the Vuode issue as a favor to the concerned citizen (haven't heard back yet) but I think it's time that we look at replacing the Cunstaval's with active, long-standing, respected citizens. Personally I think the Cunstaval for a province should live in that province, but that's my opinion.

What do we think?
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on October 03, 2023, 12:17:45 PM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on October 03, 2023, 12:11:01 PMHe completed the oath this morning. I will be issuing a writ later today when I have a few extra minutes.

Oh awesome! Thanks Txec, I was worried he would miss it.

He almost did miss it.
TANDI QE Sergio Flumignan tent compiaçat toct i resquiraziuns lexhitais per l'aðmiçiun àl Regipäts Talossan, es tent comvimçat la naziun es noi da sieu intereçù in la citaxhienità Talossan (la Mhiglhor Cosă Qe L'Erxhent Non Put Comprar), da sieu intenziun es desireu à partiçipar in noastră vidă naziunal, es da sieu leialtà àl Coronă, noi sint rat es þonourat àð aðmiçar perventüră Sergio Flumignan àl statüs exaltat del 569-l:t CITAXHIÉN VEITAT/VEITADĂ DEL REGIPÄTS TALOSSAN, es dal provinçù Fiova, cün toct i drepts, privilexhuns, es deveirs qi sint iherinds à ça.

Fäts par va mha in la nómină del Regeu Ian es sub sieu Saxhel Rexhital li 3. Listopäts in l'anneu dal eră comun 2023, in el 14-l:t anneu del röin da noastra soveran cortös Regeu Ian, es el 44-l:t dal independençù da Talossa.

Secretár d'Estat

WHEREAS Sérgio F has completed all the legal requirements for admission to the Kingdom of Talossa, and has satisfied the nation and us of his interest in Talossan citizenship (the Best Thing Money Can't Buy), of his intention and desire to participate in our national life, and of his loyalty to the Crown, we are pleased and honoured hereby to admit Sérgio F to the exalted status of the 569th NATURALISED CITIZEN OF THE KINGDOM OF TALOSSA, and of the province of Fiova , with all the rights, privileges, and duties thereunto appertaining.

Done by my hand in the name of King John and under his Royal Seal this 03rd day of October in the year of the common era 2023, in the 14th year of the reign of our gracious sovereign King John, and of the independence of Talossa the 44th.

Secretary of State
He completed the oath this morning. I will be issuing a writ later today when I have a few extra minutes.
Quote from: mximo on October 02, 2023, 09:57:07 PMSection 5. Enforcement

5.1 The Secretary of State shall be responsible for the enforcement of this Act.

5.2 For all other regulations pertaining to the senatorial elections not explicitly stated within this Act, the Secretary of State and the Electoral commission shall be the sole authority responsible for interpretation, enforcement, and any necessary amendments.

Sorry but a provincial government cannot force action upon the Secretary of State or the Electoral Commission. We do not enforce provincial laws. That is up to the provincial leadership.

If you want to enact this bill, my suggestion is that Florencia conduct its own elections as the Chancery only acts based on organic Law and El Lex.
Quote from: Sir Lüc on October 02, 2023, 02:06:27 PMEly just regained her citizenship though, I assume the two year countdown would be reset (but I don't immediately remember what precedents look like).

I haven't revoked her citizenship yet, so a simple email to me would resolve this for another Cosa term. This really applies to anyone on the list.
Wittenberg / Re: [PRÜMĂ] Talossan ID Cards - free!
October 02, 2023, 03:24:39 PM
I posted elsewhere I believe, but I received my card last week.
I'm seeking an advisory opinion from the CpI as there are three possible interpretations and I don't want to get this wrong.
I hate to be indecisive but something isn't sitting right with me here. I'm going to seek an advisory opinion from the CpI.