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Messages - Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB

With our apologies, in looking over the RTCoA board, I realized we never asked the King to grant these arms. I've petitioned His Majesty to grant them at the next day of honours on 26 December.
Well folks, it seems that we've passed a law in Maricopa for the first time since 2014. Nice job!

As Premieir, I declare this bill enacted.
As I am currently unable to send emails via the database to non-voters on the Clark, I'm going to tag them here:

@C.d.I. Nouacastra-Läxhirescu, MSC
@Sir Lüc
@Munditenens Tresplet
@Þon Txoteu É. Davinescu, O.SPM
@Glüc da Dhi S.H.
@Iason Taiwos

The Clark ends in five days. Thank you.
My goodness @Baron Alexandreu Davinescu , I'm VERY sorry to hear about your mother and grandmother! That will be quite a shock to your emotional state and you are very much in my prayers. Having also suffered the loss of a mother and all living grandparents, I can empathize. I also know that with time their memories will become a major part of your psyche despite the fact that the grief never entirely dissipates. Cherish the moments you shared with them and allow yourself the time to grieve. It is a process and I hope you have loved ones around that can be of comfort. I know when my mom died 15 years ago, my dear wife Chelli was a major help as I moved through it. Please worry about yourself and your loved ones and know that we will be just fine handling things on our end.
Florencia / Re: Nimlet Session XXI (Nov 2023-Present)
November 14, 2023, 06:17:17 PM
Done. Should @mximo also be a moderator? He already was when I added you.
Yes, voting this way is perfectly legal.
Maricopa / Re: Maricopa Landmarks
November 08, 2023, 10:37:17 AM
It might, I'm not sure.
Maricopa / Maricopa Landmarks
November 07, 2023, 02:24:25 PM
So we've been asked to identify a landmark that lies within our borders. I'm thinking for sure the stadium for the Maricopa Brewers would be one example. Other ideas? Maybe it's time we designate a capital building as well!
Vuode / Re: Nominating a Premier
November 06, 2023, 04:50:52 PM
Quote from: Bentxami Puntmasleu on November 06, 2023, 04:14:24 PMI Bentxamì Puntmasleu do swear to uphold the Constitution and Laws of United Provinces of Vuode and Dandenburg, and to faithfully execute its laws and edicts.

Congratulations to the new Premier of Vuode!
Vuode / Re: Nominating a Premier
November 06, 2023, 12:58:08 PM
It falls to me as Cunstaval of Vuode to swear in the Premier. As it appears that Bentxami Puntmasleu has been elected as the Premier of Vuode, it is my pleasure to invite S:reu Puntmasleu to take this wholly made-up oath to begin his term of office:

I _____ (name) do swear to uphold the Constitution and Laws of United Provinces of Vuode and Dandenburg, and to faithfully execute its laws and edicts.

Are you ready to take the Oath S:reu Puntmasleu?
El Müstair del Funal/The Hopper Archive / Hopper Archive
November 06, 2023, 12:11:17 PM
I've moved all items in the hopper older than May 2023 to a new Hopper Archive (a sub-board of the Hopper). This is more of a clerical/organizational thing than actually removing items from the Hopper. Any item in the archive can still be revived by creating a new entry in the Hopper.

The archive also includes all previously Clarked bills for historical context as well. I will be doing the same thing with the CRL board in order to clean it up a bit.
Maricopa / Breaking the Tie
November 02, 2023, 06:11:55 PM
As ordered by the Cort, I am directed to break the tie to resolve the recent Senate election.

I propose the following tie-breaker. First, I will use a virtual spinning wheel on the site to determine a winner. Each candidate will be on the wheel 3 times, in alphabetical order. The winner will be named Senator:

I will post a screenshot showing the results. This seems like the most fair way to do it. What are your thoughts @Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat and @Þon Txoteu É. Davinescu, O.SPM? If you agree, please indicate that in this thread.

El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: State Opening planning
November 01, 2023, 03:39:33 PM
I remember when the new Seneschal had to telephone the King and recite the oath in Talossan. When it was my turn, I had a now disgraced former Secretary of State help me by writing the oath out phonetically so I could speak Talossan and swear on a copy of The Loom of Language. I miss some of those more quirky rituals we used to have.
As a side note: because the Seneschal was appointed so late, the First Clark lists the wrong Seneschal. This could not be avoided as I needed to create the Clark several days ago to be able to accept new bills. My apologies to the new Seneschal.
The November 2023 Clark is now here.

Or here: (this is the printer friendly version)

In PDF Form (which was made from the print_clark.php page):

or can vote online here:

Or in this thread, until the 21st of the month, at 19h30 TST.

Senators are allowed to create a single thread in the Senate chamber to post all of the Senate Votes that are not cast in this thread. Any votes not posted either using the form above, the current thread or the Senate thread might be ignored and void. Please do not vote by email or private messages.

When you vote, do not indicate any conditions which may make it sound like this vote isn't final: you can always change your vote later.

Please do not vote by email: We've had problems with email votes being caught in the spam filter.

All nominated Cosa Members and Senators have been emailed.

Secretár d'Estat/Secretary of State