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Topics - þerxh Sant-Enogat

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We, members of l'Etats de Cézembre, have decided to honour the memory of our fellow citizen
Ián Tamorán, former Lord Warden,
who recently passed away.

Considering he often expressed the will to visit our beautiful Island,
be it enacted that the beach of Cézembre, located south of the Canton Zone Autorisée, will from now on be refered to as the Tamorán Beach.

Done on July 13th 2024/XLV,
þerxh Sant-Enogat, Sénéchal de Cézembre

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Cézembre / Live view on Cézembre island
June 16, 2024, 04:01:35 AM
With this webcam located on Dinard's main beach, you can keep an eye on your favourite island

I may from times to times wave our red and green flag when walking on the beach, stay tuned 24/7 !

¿Quand partiçiparha un parti 'el Glheþ Talossan'?
According to our constitution Chapter III, and as general elections deadline is 1st of July, the timeline of our élections for the Sénéchal de Cézembre is set as below :

Article 13. A Sénéchal shall be elected, by the citizens of Cezembre, in an election conducted by the Sénéchal or his appointed agent, in the event there is no incumbent Sénéchal or the Sénéchal is inactive for more than a week, the Governor-General or his appointed agent. All citizens of Cézembre have the right to vote and/or be a candidate in this election.
Article 14. Elections as described by article 13 will take, no less and no longer than 3 weeks. Cézembrians must announce their candidacy in the first week of the election (i.e from July 8th 00:00 CéST until July 14th 23:59 CéST) and polls shall open on the first day of the 2nd week (i.e. from July 15th 00:00 CéST) and close on the last day of the third week (i.e. until July 28th 23:59 CéST).
Article 15. Elections, as described in articles 13 and 14 will start no earlier than one week and no later than two weeks after the election deadline of Talossan general elections (ie July 1st) or after a resolution has been approved by a majority of the l'Etats de Cézembre removing the previous Sénéchal or should the Sénéchal, resign, die or be unable to fulfill his duties for any reason.

Contact the Cézembre Island Royal Tourist Office for any information or booking
The Green and Red Party changes its name to "Progressive Alliance" and details its 50-word statement
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I took some good advice from @Baron Alexandreu Davinescu=. Green and Red colours are the one of our beloved flag "el Bicoloreu", but they are also associated with existing parties in bigger Nations.
I therefore announce the new name of the Party : long live the "Progressive Alliance" (in Talossan :  Aliançù Progreßïu), abbreviated as "PROG".

Our 50-word statement proudly remains as followed :

We strive to protect a traditional yet democratic Kingdom.
We want to continue fostering immigration, transparency, inclusivity, and goodwill among citizens.
We promote cross-party collaboration to make our Nation more visible and our government more active.
We are honest and committed.
We also think our Province is the best.

And I would like to detail our promise.

Dear fellow Cézembrean Citizens,
According to the new Constitution of our province, you all have the possibility to claim a seat in our Provincial Assembly "L'Etats".
Please do so below in this thread.
At all times, the list of the appointed Members of l'Etats should be visible on this Wikipedia page.
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WHEREAS a majority of 2/3 of l'Etats voted in favour of a change in the nomination of the Members of l'Etats, stating that any Citizen of Cézembre can at any time claim a seat in our Provincial Assembly, without the need for an election

WHEREAS a majority of 2/3 of l'Etats voted in favour of a change in the election process of the Lord Warden, stating that the Election of our Senator will be organised by the National Chancery

WHEREAS Article 21 of our Constitution requires that these changes are approved by a referendum of the people, attaining the majority of those who vote

I, þerxh Sant-Enogat, Sénéchal of Cézembre, hereby submit the following modified constitution to the Citizens of Cézembre.

Please indicate in the below thread if you vote PER, CONTRA, or ABSTAIN, before Sunday May 26th, noon CET / CéST (@458 Beats]

QuoteChapter I - The State

Article 1. The Sovereign Province of Cézembre is an autonomous and self-governing member of the federal Talossan nation and pledges eternal allegiance to His Royal Majesty, and the Regipäts Talossan.

Article 2. The name of the state is la Provinçù Soveran da Cézembre. In English, it is the Sovereign Province of Cézembre.

Article 3. The sacred and irremovable territory of the Sovereign Province of Cézembre shall consist of the cantons of the Zone Autorisée and the the Zone Interdite.

Article 4. The capital of the Province is Kingsland, that portion of the Zone Interdite liberated by King Robert I.

Article 5. The sole historic and national language of the entire Talossan people, and therefore of the Cézembrian Province, is the Talossan language (El Glheþ Talossan). The Cézembrian government shall also recognise English and French as useful working second languages, and may adopt tertiary working languages by law.

Article 6. Provincial flag shall be blazoned as follows: Sable four bars argent, on a canton argent eleven ermine-spots sable four, three, and four.

Chapter II- L'Etats de Cézembre

Article 7. Legislative power in the Sovereign Province of Cézembre is invested in l'Etats de Cézembre. l'Etats shall consist of a variable number of seats, assigned based upon request by citizens of Cézembre. Seats in l'Etats de Cézembre can only be requested by citizens of Cézembre. Citizens may represent more than one seat by proxy, but no more than two additional proxy seats. One seat cannot be divided among nor assigned to more than one citizen.

Article 8. There are no elections to l'Etats, as it is an ongoing body of representatives within Cézembre.  The Sénéchal (or the Governor Général in case the Sénéchal has been absent for more than one week) shall receive written requests for seats in l'Etats by citizens.  After confirmation of credentials of citizenship, those making a request shall be provided a seat in l'Etats.  In turn, the citizen that is seated may extend a proxy for their seat to another seated citizen within l'Etats who does not yet have two proxies held.  A proxy extended must be accepted by a seated member in writing, who shall have full control of that seat until such time the citizen extending the proxy retracts the assignment.  Should a person issuing a proxy to a seat later renounce or be removed from citizenship, the proxy is automatically retracted.

Article 9. The number of seats in l'Etats may not exceed the population of the Province of Cézembre. There will be no vacant seats in the assembly, as they either held by active members, or extended to active members by proxy.  Citizens retain the right of association with any organization that they choose, but their votes from seats in l'Etats de Cézembre are held in their name either by right or by proxy, and are not held by parties, associations, consortiums, corporations, or other organizations.

Article 10. L'Etats shall have power to pass any bill into law by a simple majority vote of its Voting Members. Le Sénéchal shall send out a notification of voting period, of at least seven days. Each member shall have a prescribed amount of time in which to cast his vote (by email, telephone or forum post) before voting closes

Chapter III- Le Sénéchal

Article 11. Le Sénéchal shall be the elected leader of Cezembre. Le Sénéchal shall have the power to issue proclamations which have the force of law. These proclamations may be appealed or amended as regular laws. These proclamations may not act as acts of attainders or any activity prohibited by the Organic Law (with regards to Prime Dictats). These proclamations must be counter-signed by the Governor-General (or the King, in case of, by lack of appointment or by long-term absence, a Governor-General).

Article 12. The Sénéchal may appoint a deputy Sénéchal. The deputy may act in name of the Sénéchal when instructed by the Sénéchal to do so or whenever the Sénéchal is absent for a long period, in which case all duties of the Sénéchal will be temporarily taken over by the deputy.

Article 13. A Sénéchal shall be elected, by the citizens of Cezembre, in an election conducted by the Sénéchal or his appointed agent, in the event there is no incumbent Sénéchal or the Sénéchal is inactive for more than a week, the Governor-General or his appointed agent. All citizens of Cézembre have the right to vote and/or be a candidate in this election.

Article 14. Elections as described by article 13 will take, no less and no longer than 3 weeks. Cézembrians must announce their candidacy in the first week of the election and polls shall open on the first day of the 2nd week and close on the last day of the third week.

Article 15. Elections, as described in articles 13 and 14 will start no earlier than one week and no later than two weeks after the election deadline of Talossan general elections or after a resolution has been approved by a majority of the l'Etats de Cézembre removing the previous Sénéchal or should the Sénéchal, resign, die or be unable to fulfill his duties for any reason."

Chapter IV- The Governor-General

Article 16. The Governor-General is the representative of the King of Talossa, and as such, shall have veto power over all laws of l'Etats. This veto may be overturned by a two third vote of l'Etats. The Governor-General is appointed by the King pursuant to the Organic Law.

Chapter V- The Lord Warden

Article 17. Cézembre's delegate to the Senäts shall be known within the Province as the Lord Warden or Lady Warden, as preferred by the Senator. The Sénéchal de Cézembre will request the National Chancery in writing and in good time to conduct the Senator election in accordance with National Law.

Chapter VI- Distribution of Power

Article 18. So that no conflict of interest may occur, and no hostile attempt to take over the province may succeed, no citizen may simultaneously hold the post of Sénéchal or Lord Warden alongside the post of Governor-General without a resolution of l'Etats expressly permitting this combination. The posts of Sénéchal and Lord Warden may be held simultaneously.

Chapter VII- Justice

Article 19. The Cort pü Inalt shall have original jurisdiction to try all cases arising under Cézembrian law.

Article 20. The Cort pü Inalt shall have full jurisdiction to rule on all legal matters within the province, supplemented by whatever inferior courts shall be determined by national statute.

Chapter VIII- Amendments

Article 21. This Constitution may be altered by a resolution of two third or more of l'Etats, which must be passed into approval by a referendum of the people, attaining the majority of those who vote, and proclaimed by the Governor-General.

Chapter IX- Ratification

Article 22. We, the people of Cezembre, do hereby endorse this constitution for the government of our great Province and do therefore ordain it to be the highest law of our land!


The following Prospective Immigrants accounts are not present anymore in the Witt Members list, the last 2 still being under assessment process for Immigration :
@Ceonre (Canberk Akhanli)
@Syackel (Sam Yackel)

Would anyone know what happenned ?
Dear Members of l'Etats de Cézembre,
as proposed in this thread, I present hereby for vote the following bill
According to Article 10 of our Constitution, please vote below this post, before Sunday 12 May, noon CET / CéST (@458 beats)
If a majority of the voters are in favour, the modified Cézembre Administration Guide will be submitted to referendum.

Whereas Senators are involved in the affairs of the whole Kingdom and not only those of their Province

Whereas there is no real interest in having elections for the Senäts organized at local level

Whereas simplicity can sometimes be the best route to efficiency

Therefore, be it enacted by L'Etats de Cézembre the following changes in the Cézembre Administration Guide, by replacing :

QuoteChapter V- The Lord Warden
Article 17.
Cézembre's delegate to the Senäts shall be known within the Province as the Lord Warden. He/she will be elected whenever this is required by the Organic Law, in an election conducted by the Sénéchal or his appointed agent, in accordance with provincial statutes. If no provincial statutes regarding the election of a Lord Warden exist, or if the provisions of provincial law regarding the election of a Lord Warden cannot be implemented for practical reasons,or if provincial statutes regarding the election of a Lord are in conflict with this Constitution or the Organic Law, the Sénéchal or his appointed agent will request the National Chancery in writing and in good time to conduct the election in accordance with National Law.

by the following :

QuoteChapter V- The Lord Warden or Lady Warden
Article 17.
Cézembre's delegate to the Senäts shall be known within the Province as the Lord Warden or Lady Warden, as preferred by the Senator. The Sénéchal de Cézembre will request the National Chancery in writing and in good time to conduct the Senator election in accordance with National Law.
Dear Members of l'Etats
I present hereby for vote the following bill proposed by @xpb.
According to Article 10 of our Constitution, please vote below this post, before Sunday 12 May, noon CET / CéST (@458 beats)
If a majority of the voters are in favour, the modified Cézembre Administration Guide will be submitted to referendum

Whereas some citizens have expressed the will to allow all citizens from our Province to participate in the democratic life of our assembly l'Etats (discussion)

Whereas the size of l'Etats may not be in accordance with the population of our province, with sometimes more seats that citizens

Whereas simplicity is in general the best route to efficiency

Therefore, be it enacted by L'Etats de Cézembre the following changes in the Cézembre Administration Guide, by replacing :

QuoteChapter II- L'Etats de Cézembre

Article 7. Legislative power in the Sovereign Province of Cézembre is invested in l'Etats de Cézembre. l'Etats shall consist of no more and no less than twenty (20) seats.
Seats in l'Etats de Cézembre can only be assigned to citizens of Cézembre. Citizens may hold more than one seat, but no more than six. One seat cannot be divided among nor assigned to more than one citizen.
Article 8. The chancery is requested to conduct elections to l'Etats. Elections to l'Etats shall be conducted at the same time as elections to the Cosâ and in accordance with the national election laws and rules. The Sénéchal (or the Governor-General in case the Sénéchal has been absent for more than one week) may request the chancery not to conduct those elections in no less than one week before balloting day. If the Sénéchal (or Governor-General) makes such a request, the Sénéchal (or the Governor-General) shall conduct the elections in accordance with provincial election laws and rules.
Article 9. After elections to l'Etats, each party will receive 20 numbers, which will be produced by dividing the number of votes the party received by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. The 20 highest numbers will be referred to as high quotients. In case the 20th highest number has the same value as the 21th highest number all numbers with the same value will not be considered high quotients. This will result in vacant seats in the assembly.
Each party will receive a number of seats, equal to the number of high quotients it received. Each party may divide its seats amongst Cézembrian citizens as it sees fit. If a member dies or resigns or is impeached by a motion receiving a 2/3rds vote of the L'Etats, the seats shall return to the party that assigned the seats.
Article 10. L'Etats shall have power to pass any bill into law by a simple majority vote of its Voting Members. Le Sénéchal shall send out a notification of voting period, of at least seven days. Each member shall have a prescribed amount of time in which to cast his vote (by email, telephone or forum post) before voting closes

by the following :

QuoteChapter II- L'Etats de Cézembre

Article 7. Legislative power in the Sovereign Province of Cézembre is invested in l'Etats de Cézembre. l'Etats shall consist of a variable number of seats, assigned based upon request by citizens of Cézembre. Seats in l'Etats de Cézembre can only be requested by citizens of Cézembre. Citizens may represent more than one seat by proxy, but no more than two additional proxy seats. One seat cannot be divided among nor assigned to more than one citizen.

Article 8. There are no elections to l'Etats, as it is an ongoing body of representatives within Cézembre.  The Sénéchal (or the Governor Général in case the Sénéchal has been absent for more than one week) shall receive written requests for seats in l'Etats by citizens.  After confirmation of credentials of citizenship, those making a request shall be provided a seat in l'Etats.  In turn, the citizen that is seated may extend a proxy for their seat to another seated citizen within l'Etats who does not yet have two proxies held.  A proxy extended must be accepted by a seated member in writing, who shall have full control of that seat until such time the citizen extending the proxy retracts the assignment.  Should a person issuing a proxy to a seat later renounce or be removed from citizenship, the proxy is automatically retracted.

Article 9. The number of seats in l'Etats may not exceed the population of the Province of Cézembre. There will be no vacant seats in the assembly, as they either held by active members, or extended to active members by proxy.  Citizens retain the right of association with any organization that they choose, but their votes from seats in l'Etats de Cézembre are held in their name either by right or by proxy, and are not held by parties, associations, consortiums, corporations, or other organizations.

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La C'hronică  – March/April 2024

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Political News

  • Lots of discussion about the succession of King John
    Let's give the mike to an external observer :
    Copilot, can you write a summary of the recent discussions about the succession of the king from, in around 100 words?
    Copilot :
    Recent discussions on have centered around the succession of the King of Talossa. The debate involves a proposed amendment that would establish a Council of Regency in the event of the King's demise, abdication, or removal. Participants have discussed various aspects of the amendment, including the possibility of electing a successor or reforming the monarchy to grant it more power. The community is actively engaged in refining the proposal, with suggestions such as a "sunset clause" to ensure timely succession and prevent the need for further amendments
    Well, not bad for an AI, but... to understand this important issue, you'd better read the discussions below :
    The Vacant Throne (We Really Mean Business Now) Amendment
    The Active Monarch Assurance Amendment
    and of course read this Message from the King

Government News

  • The Talossan Travellers Network is growing !
    Four more citizens have offered to try to arrange an appointment with Talossan travellers who visit their home town. We now have 12 good reasons to visit the world, at least for now 7 countries on 2 continents!
    discover and enrich our network here !

Provincial News

  • A new name for Benito ?
    "Belacostă" seems to be a proposal reaching a wide consensus... Once voted at the national level, prepare to update all references to "The province so nice, they named it thrice !"
    name change discussion here

  • Cézembre Anthem under construction
    Barclamiù made many interesting proposals to create an Anthem for the nicest and friendliest province of Talossa
    lots of discussions about lyrics and music !

Culture News

Immigration News

During March XLV we received 5 immigration applications from all parts of the world :
  • Aleksei Kucheriavyi, from Ukraine
  • Andrew Crespi, from the USA
  • Pablo Dapena Lopez, from Spain
  • Makensie Sundquist, from USA
  • Sam Yackel, from the USA
And we welcome 3 new citizens :
  • Zilect Uómbat Firă, since 11 March
  • Catrină Buc'haran since19 March
  • Pol dal Timă Lupulescu since 25 March
During April XLV we also received 5 immigration applications :
  • Canberk Akhanli, from Turkey
  • Enrico Mastracchio, from the USA
  • Bruno Valdez (familiar name...), from Mexico
  • Alicia Leeka Pratx, from France
  • Chelsea Inthavong, from the USA
And the return of Vitxalmour Axhairsegol on Wittenberg!

WHEREAS it has been more than a fortnight since @Bråneu Excelsio started to post again on Wittenberg, following his re-introduction to the citizens of the Kingdom by our beloved Minister of Immigration, and

WHEREAS he has, this time again, demonstrated an active, genuine, and continuing interest in Talossan life, culture, and

WHEREAS he really desires regaining citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa, and

WHEREAS by all indications and by experience it appears that he would be a loyal and dedicated citizen, and a credit to this nation if he obtains the grant of citizenship he requests, and

WHEREAS he will certainly spice up (with caffein) and enrich again our Talossan culture,

THEREFORE I, þerxh Sant-Enogat, a citizen in good standing of the province of Cézembre and of the Kingdom of Talossa, do by the present petition the Secretary of State @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to issue a grant of citizenship to Prospective Citizen Bråneu Excelsio, as specified by law.
Cézembre / Just been offered this novel
April 08, 2024, 11:39:46 AM

I will tell you if Talossa is mentioned


WHEREAS the position of Distain (in english "Deputy Prime Minister") is an extremely active position in the government, taking action for the Prime Minister in any number of the various cabinet ministries, and assisting the various ministers in completion of assigned projects.

WHEREAS the badge for the position of Distain is a very nice one, but gives some ideas for other ones

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Distain Badge

THEREFORE I , þerxh Sant-Enogat, Seneschal of the Kingdom of Talossa, issue the following Prime Dictate under the provisions of Organic Law VI.4:

The position of TRISTAIN is hereby created (in English "Deputy Deputy Prime Minister"), with the mission to assist the DISTAIN in every action he will undertake

The badge for the Tristain position is designed as followed: a hand, palm fronting, with three fingers raised, on a green field over a red field disc

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Tristain Badge

Important precision: even if it may seem logical, the position of SENESCHAL is not – I repeat, is not - renamed STAIN, and the related badge for the position is not updated to figure a hand, palm fronting, with one finger raised.

The official motto for the Tristain office is "El qi me crea isch ûn calucjeu del Avrïu"

þerxh Sant-Enogat

WHEREAS it has been more than a fortnight since Makenzie ( @makenziesundquist ) first posted on Wittenberg, following her introduction to the citizens of the Kingdom by officers of the Immigration Ministry, and

WHEREAS she has, in that time, demonstrated an active, genuine, and continuing interest in Talossan life, culture, (and because she loves Milwaukee) and

WHEREAS she desires citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa, and

WHEREAS by all indications it appears that she would be a loyal and dedicated citizen, and a credit to this nation if she obtains the grant of citizenship she requests, and

WHEREAS she will certainly spice up and enrich our Talossan culture,

THEREFORE I, þerxh Sant-Enogat, a citizen in good standing of the province of Cézembre and of the Kingdom of Talossa, do by the present petition the Secretary of State @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to issue a grant of citizenship to Prospective Citizen Makenzie Sundquist, as specified by law.
WHEREAS it has been more than a fortnight since Catrină Buc'haran ( @Kate ) first posted on Wittenberg, following her introduction to the citizens of the Kingdom by officers of the Immigration Ministry, and

WHEREAS she has, in that time, demonstrated an active, genuine, and continuing interest in Talossan life, culture, and adopted a new Talossan name, and

WHEREAS she really desires citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa (as reminded to MinImm directly by private message), and

WHEREAS by all indications it appears that she would be a loyal and dedicated citizen, and a credit to this nation if she obtains the grant of citizenship she requests, and

WHEREAS she will certainly spice up and enrich our Talossan culture,

THEREFORE I, þerxh Sant-Enogat, a citizen in good standing of the province of Cézembre and of the Kingdom of Talossa, do by the present petition the Secretary of State @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to issue a grant of citizenship to Prospective Citizen Catrină Buc'haran, as specified by law.
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La C'hronică  – February 2024

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Government News

  • Final composition of the Cabinet
    The Seneschal announced on 23 February the (hopefully) final version of his Cabinet for the 59th Cosa
    Wittenberg announcement and composition of the Cabinet

  • Rekindling the Flame: Embracing the League of Secessionist States !
    The Minister of Foreign Affairs made a proposition that not only ignites the spirit of our nation but also fosters a renewed sense of unity among secessionist entities worldwide. It is time for Talossa to lead once more by championing the revival of the League of Secessionist States !
    The consultation period is open from February 18, 2024 to March 18, 2024
    Read the manifesto and give your ideas here !

  • New external communication from Ministry of Stuff in January
    In February, MinSTUFF published several messages on Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, LinkedIn and Reddit:
    • On 15 February, an invitation to discover our fascinating political and judiciary institutions on LinkedIn for instance
    MinSTUFF welcome all new ideas for external communication !

Provincial News

Culture News

  • 3rd El Pretz Per Tomas Poetry Contest
    Submissions have been received from 3 authors (one of them may have received some help from ChatGPT)
    discover some submissions here

  • Who will win the Talossan Chess Tournament 2024 ?
    10 players have registered to Talossan chess tournament 2024.  The first round (out of 5) was played in February, everyone still has a chance to win !
    follow the matches and encourage the competitors here !

  • A new and very niche activity has taken Talossa by storm
    License plates are being designed continuously as we speak, for all Talossan provinces and all styles of plates. Our new citizen Barclamïu will guide you in this highly technical passion.
    Discover this new kind of art here and also here and also also here

Immigration News

During February XLV we received 5 immigration applications from all parts of the world :
  • Arnaud Valenti, from France
  • Sean Graham Able, from Hong Kong
  • Ekaterina Bukharina, from Russia
  • Brooke Kamishlian, from the USA
  • Muhammad Muhammad, from Nigeria
And we welcome one new citizen : Damian Adams @Dumzadams, since 10 February
Wittenberg / Citizenship Petition for Arnaud Valenti
March 10, 2024, 05:23:49 AM
WHEREAS it has been more than a fortnight since Arnaud Valenti  ( @diabloman84 ) first posted on Wittenberg, following his introduction to the citizens of the Kingdom by officers of the Immigration Ministry, and

WHEREAS he has, in that time, demonstrated an active, genuine, and continuing interest in Talossan life, culture, and

WHEREAS he desires citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa, and

WHEREAS by all indications it appears that he would be a loyal and dedicated citizen, and a credit to this nation if he obtains the grant of citizenship he requests, and

WHEREAS he will certainly spice up and enrich our Talossan culture, and grow the French speaking community,

THEREFORE I, þerxh Sant-Enogat, a citizen in good standing of the province of Cézembre and of the Kingdom of Talossa, do by the present petition the Secretary of State @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to issue a grant of citizenship to Prospective Citizen Arnaud Valenti, as specified by law.
WHEREAS it has been more than a fortnight since Zilect Uómbat Firă  ( @DWombatP )  , formerly known as Darryl W Perry, first posted on Wittenberg, following his introduction to the citizens of the Kingdom by officers of the Immigration Ministry, and

WHEREAS he has, in that time, demonstrated an active, genuine, and continuing interest in Talossan life, culture, and

WHEREAS he desires citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa, and

WHEREAS by all indications it appears that he would be a loyal and dedicated citizen, and a credit to this nation if he obtains the grant of citizenship he requests, and

WHEREAS he will certainly spice up and enrich our Talossan culture,

THEREFORE I, þerxh Sant-Enogat, a citizen in good standing of the province of Cézembre and of the Kingdom of Talossa, do by the present petition the Secretary of State @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB to issue a grant of citizenship to Prospective Citizen Zilect Uómbat Firă, as specified by law.