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Messages - Iac Marscheir

Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on June 15, 2024, 08:32:15 PMIt looks like Therxh did edit his post [...]
Acest num in la speliçaziun sloþ alternatïu isch "Tgerxh".

[That name in the lazy alternative orthography is "Tgerxh".]
I would argue for aucünă on two bases:

1. Its closest natlang counterpart, aucun in French, has a feminine form.

2. aucün --> aucünă is analogous to ün --> ünă.
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: [SIGN] New member
January 05, 2023, 02:45:01 PM
PER, parç qe penséu qe "årstiðen" isch pü cumpeténs, es ocså parç qe ça tent el mismeu pläts es la mismă meþodă d'articülaziun qe 'n altră fonimă qi uça <en> per formar el plural.

(PER, because I think "årstiðen" looks cooler, and also because it has the same place and method of articulation as another -en-plural phoneme.)
Wittenberg / Re: Identity Cards
March 18, 2022, 10:13:23 AM
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil on March 18, 2022, 03:21:45 AM
What does everyone think of this as an obverse side? It's not as colorful as S:reu Txechescu's, to be sure, but it's intended to be pretty legible and I totally didn't spend way too long tinkering on the gradient transparency for the flag to get it just right, I swear

Off the top of my head, the only thing I'd change is "Däts da Talossanità" to "Däts da Veitaziun" and reversing the gradient of the flag lol. I appreciate that the Talossan headings come first. :D
Éu sint ocså avalaval à profrar dals glheþinaziuns. Téu asigürescu 'n númerul da glheþinaziuns à AD per l'útzil del governmaintsch, es créu q'o put atestar över lor qualità.

(I am available to offer Talossan translations, too. I've provided a number of Talossan translations to AD for the government's use, and I believe he can attest to their quality.)
Açeitéu la nominaziun del Parti Tafialistà per la posiziun da Seneschal. Estadréu þonourat à perservar.

(I accept the nomination of the Tafialist Party for the position of Seneschal. I would be honored to serve.)
Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial on June 04, 2021, 05:15:59 AM
Whoa, this is gonna take forever... I'll see what I can do though.

Set up a wiki page and edit it?
Jesus fucking Christ...

Here's a version with the paragraphs split up.
Cosă - Parti Tafialistà (PT)

55RZ5: PER
55RZ22: PER
55RZ23: PER

Senäts: Breneir Itravilatx
Quote from: xpb on January 26, 2021, 01:08:44 PM
While used in a different context, as recently as 22 January 2021 France TV has used the term Queendom
"Queendom" is a term that appears to exist solely in English, with the exception of an outdated French term "reinaume" for which there is not a way to make a Talossan equivalent.

Hypothetically, but not realistically or desirably, "Queendom of Talossa" would be something like Rexheiçăpäts Talossan. However, Talossan nouns don't work like that.
C'e'n glheþinaziun del text på la páxhina principal Talossa se siteu. Schi ingenviens tent dals recomendăs, na me.

(Here is a translation of the front page of Talossa's website. If anyone has recommendations, tell me.)
Vü qe dels uçeirs tiennent så mült latitüd, c'e verschain ünă idéă bună da zonar el linc àls perziuns qi non sint citaxhiéns.

(Given that users have so much latitude, it's probably a good idea to not give the link to people who aren't citizens.)