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Topics - þerxh Sant-Enogat

Azul !

Éu téu atentat överstar ünä airignhă da Carlüs Baudelairescu..  ¡ Estetz piestadour !

La verziun urixhinal : Les Chats (The Cats) by Charles Baudelaire

Many thanks in advance for all your corrections !

Els cätsilor

Els calignheirs ardientéux es els scoleirs aspierdéux
Ament ocså, en las sïăs årstið maiorcit,
Els cätsilor mac'htici es amebles, la fiirtà dal casă,
Qi, come lors, sint sfredülösen es sint secureux.

Amíci dal siensă es del plaschair,
Os quairent à silençù es Þoror dal auscürità ;
Erebus tenedra apüntat lors come sieux armißairs da brüs
Schi os povadrent alivrar lor pridă àð esclavatx.

Quand qe os restent pensind, os preindent els atitüds novais
Dals grülts sfinxhăs porec'htourmint in las profünditaes dals solitans
Qi semblent dormeschar in ünă reivă infinival ;

Lors clüns frütösen sint pien da matxentici s.chinteiăs,
Dels pocs oreschti, ünä fină c'haulă ocså,
Iluminent vägmint lors pupís müsticais.

RAK / DRAFT - the chitterling sausage appointment
May 12, 2023, 04:05:08 PM
I humbly propose the following for discussion before vote or adoption by acclamation :


WHEREAS Cézembre - famous for its title of best province of Talossa - is distant from motherland GTA but close to the heart of all citizens knowledgeable of Talossan history;

Wheras it should be part of all spiritual path for Talossan citizens to visit Cézembre once in a life, duty known in Talossan as « Euro Haxh »;

Whereas it should be an honour but also a duty for all Talossan Citizens lucky enough to live near our beloved Island to welcome and guide co-citizens who travel their way to there;

Whereas the "Galette à l'Andouille et au Camembert" is a Cézembre regional culinary speciality that all educated citizen should have tried once (as such, a delicious brittonic buckwheat pancake with chitterling sausage slices and melted camembert);

Be it resolved that :

Firstly, « The Royal Tourist Office of the Island od Cézembre », known officially in El Glheþ as "L'Óifisch Rexhital del Tourismeu dal Insulā da Cézembre", is created, and is given the mission to promote tourism to Cézembre by advertising the numerous qualities of the island and its coastal surroundings, whether historical, geographical, culinary or fiscal (OP being doubtful on the last one);

Secondly, the position of Director, known as « El Zirecteir del Óifisch Rexhital del Tourismeu dal Insulā da Cézembre", is created, and his mission defined as to welcome and guide Talossan visitors onto Cézembre and around, namely in the cities of Saint-Malo and Dinard, provided this Director is not empeached by his professional duties (i.e. better select French school holidays to be sure of his presence on-shore) or by personal important issues;

Thirdly,  is hereby appointed, þerxh Sant-Enogat as such Director, given with the first title of "Zirecteir del Óifisch Rexhital del Tourismeu dal Insulā da Cézembre", on the main bribery-like reason he has sworn to offer on his own monies a "Galette à l'Andouille et au Camembert" to the first 20 talossan citizens who will take the "Euro Haxh" under his office (alternative galette vegan-fillings possible).

(Thanks to Marcel for the Talossan words and please pardon my French)
Estimats membreux del Coletx d'Armeux Rexhital,
What is my name? Þerxh Sant-Enogat, newly immigrated in our beloved Kingdom, in the province of Cézembre.
What is my request?
If it so please the Squirrel King of Arms, I request the assistance of the College in designing and obtaining arms for myself and my lawful heirs
What is my favourite colour ? Red ! Eeuur, no.. Green !
I would indeed greatly appreciate to be guided to transform my initial ideas into Arms I would be proud to present.