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Messages - King Txec

Wittenberg / Re: Immigration Law Problems!
September 10, 2020, 09:19:31 PM
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on September 10, 2020, 05:09:20 PM
But they should also edit the Organic Law page to remove the phrase "and editing this to make my point again since no one's fixed this yet" from the preamble, which I added a couple of months ago when I was trying to draw attention

This is a dirty trick and completely counter-productive. Shame on you.
Wittenberg / Re: Immigration Law Problems!
September 10, 2020, 04:49:17 PM
Thanks. I may have sounded snippy so I apologize. I did reach out to the A-X on your advice.
Wittenberg / Re: Immigration Law Problems!
September 10, 2020, 04:39:01 PM
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on September 10, 2020, 03:44:14 PM
- This is a dramatically big decision for the Chancery, and it seems like it would be wise to get the A-X to weigh in and look at the potential precedent being set in terms of the definition of "voluntarily" for the purposes of the law.

I don't think it is a dramatic decision given the law at hand. I don't see where it says the Chancery has to consult the Attorney General. It says the SoS SHALL reactivate not seek advice from the A-X. However, I did open this decision up to debate by giving it 24 hours instead of simply acting.

QuoteEl.Lex E.14.1. The Secretary of State shall reactivate the citizenship of the individual upon confirming that the individual can be contacted at the same e-mail address previously on file with the Chancery, or otherwise verifying to the Secretary of State's satisfaction the identity of the applicant as a former citizen.
Wittenberg / Re: Immigration Law Problems!
September 10, 2020, 10:17:17 AM
My apologies if my original post embarrassed anyone. That was not my intent. I posted to see if anyone remembered what happened when El Lex and the OrgLaw were changed. It is my interpretation as Secretary of State that Teagan did not renounce voluntarily and was deemed to have renounced by missing 3 elections to which the king did issue a pardon when initially notified of this issue.

Unless there are objections or legal arguments raised to the contrary, it is my intention to reinstate the citizenship of Teagan Elizabeth Rehard in 24 hours time. I also intend on working with the Cosa this term to clean up this section of immigration law to reflect the 2017 OrgLaw and potentially avoid any confusion in the future.
Wittenberg / Immigration Law Problems!
September 09, 2020, 05:28:48 PM
So, with our most recent prospective citizen, I started looking into immigration law and there are some serious problems. First, El. Lex. literally references a portion of the Organic Law that does not exist.

QuoteTo wit: E.14. An individual whose citizenship has been terminated solely by effect of Article XVIII, Section 10 of the Organic Law may apply to the Chancery for reinstatement of citizenship by providing the contact information required by section E.2. (47RZ46)
(emphasis mine).

There is no Article XVIII Section 10. I presume this was an article under the old Organic Law but since I can neither find it nor is that section even in force, what follows in El.Lex. not only makes no sense but it is also most likely unenforceable.

I would be happy to work on a revision to this portion of the law if I had a way of seeing what was being referenced in Article XVIII. Until then, some of our immigration law is murky and as it stands, I can't act legally on this portion as Secretary of State.

Note: it also doesn't help that 47RZ46 isn't even in the Wiki so I had to dig through the database to find it.

Does anyone remember what it was that @C. M. Siervicül  was trying to fix with this law?
It is now possible to see who has voted on the Seneschal election.
That part is still in process. We wanted to get the form up in time.
The form seems to be working now. Thanks all for your patience.
There may be a glitch in the database preventing some MC's from voting. We are looking into that. Sorry (this is a whole new process).

Voting is now OPEN for the election of the Seneschal for the 55th Cosa. MC's may vote on the database at

The election will close on September 21 and then the Cosa will go into a month of recess while the new Seneschal forms a government.
Maricopa / Re: Electing a Premier
August 31, 2020, 10:01:44 PM
Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on August 24, 2020, 01:29:27 PM
I cast my vote for myself for the office of Premier.

So I guess since I'm the only person who voted, I'm the new Premier of Maricopa.
Wittenberg / Re: Unintended consequences
August 31, 2020, 09:31:16 AM
It certainly has been a bit quieter except for one or two small kerfuffles here and there. Clark Zero starts tomorrow and I'm ironing out the kinks with MPF so it runs smooth. Of course, being the first time this has happened I'm sure it won't be completely snag free but fingers crossed!
Greetings newly seated members of the Cosa for the 55th Cosa.

According to my records, this is a list of all the current MC's and the number of seats granted:


@Miestră Schivă 17 seats
@Munditenens Tresplet 17
@Martì-Páir Furxhéir 17
@Txoteu Davinescù 16
@Cresti da Ion Nouacastră-Läxhirescu 16
@Antalgha Xhenerös Somelieir 16


@Iason Taiwos 14
@Ián S.G. Txaglh 14


@Breneir Itravilatx  19
@C. M. Siervicül 18
@Jordan Placie 18
@Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù 18

Below is the applicable section of the Organic Law pertaining to the election of the Seneschal.

Organic Law Article VI
Section 5 The election of a Seneschál shall be the sole and exclusive business of the first Clark of every newly seated Ziu, but neither a member of the Senäts nor the King may vote on the matter. The Senäts may undertake during such Clark any of their business for which the consent of the Cosâ or the King be not requisite. (54RZ23)

The method of election of a Seneschál shall be Ranked Choice Voting. Each member of the Cosâ shall have as many votes in the election as the seats which he hold in the Cosâ, but shall cast his votes as one bloc and have no divided conscience. The candidates for each such election shall be only the recognized and commonly known leader of each political party which shall have earned representation in the Cosâ at the most recent general election. (54RZ23)

No member of the Cosâ may abstain in the election of a Seneschál, and shall rank on his ballot at least two distinct preferences, which itself shall be made public. (54RZ23)

Whichever candidate shall have earned a majority of the votes in his election, as according to the method of Ranked Choice Voting, shall be appointed subsequently and forthwith by the King to serve as Seneschál, and the results of the election shall be published at large in the Clark. (54RZ23)

Starting on September 1 and running until September 21 at 7:30 PM TST, you will be able to cast your votes. Only members of the Cosa may vote on this. There will be no Vote of Confidence. Further instructions will be posted soon.


Dr. Txec dal Nordselvă,
Secretary of State
Quote from: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu on August 25, 2020, 09:39:03 PM
Personally, I'd prefer the Chancery always run the election.

That makes things easier for sure.
Quote from: Ian Plätschisch on August 25, 2020, 08:42:06 PM
I've modified the Senate Election Reform Act again, but it never discussed the Assembly Call to begin with. Here is another act to ensure that the Assembly Call is always issued on time:


CBLA.C.1.1, which currently reads:
QuoteC.1.1. The Assembly Call is publicly issued by the Maximally Magnificent Majordomo during every national election. The Call shall be issued no earlier than ten days before, and no later than, the national Balloting Day, and is closed at the same time as the national elections on the Election Deadline.
Is amended to read:
QuoteC.1.1. The Assembly Call is publicly issued by the Maximally Magnificent Majordomo during every national election. The Call shall be issued no earlier than ten days before, and no later than, the national Balloting Day, and is closed at the same time as the national elections on the Election Deadline. If the Maximally Magnificent Majordomo does not issue the Assembly Call by the national Balloting Day, any citizen of Maritiimi-Maxhestic may open it.

Txec <—— new guy still figuring things out lol.